The importance of fasting

Shalom to all my beloved blog followers! I decided to use this blog this time, because my previous one constantly denies me access for reasons unknown to me, often the site says it is wrong password even thought the same one has worked for months with no problems, and when I try to get another one the site refuses to send my email link where I can confirm my new password. So adios my patience has met its limits with you! I have to keep in mind that I am suppose to have a clean tongue and mind when I get this angry, so pretend that I am wishing the administration sweet cakes and roses and flowers if that makes you feel better.

Now to todays blog theme. I am going to write about is something many Christians don't seem to realize the importance of, and that is the importance of fasting combined with prayer.

I have visited many churches during my first 34 years of life, and very often after the church meeting when we drink coffee and eat together, I and the others have been surrounded with all sorts of cakes, buns, sugar filled drinks and cookies, sometimes even bowls with candy. And I don't think I ever have heard a preaching in a church here in Sweden, about the importance of fasting, ever, and I am 34! I have read about it in the Bible, and heard Derek Prince speak about it and read about it in some american authors christian books.
But it is very important! God never wanted us to overeat, and just fill the church benches every Sunday and forget what we learned as soon as the last song is sung, and stop seeking God when we come home. He really wants to spend time with us, and wants us to seek his face and spend time with him! many people complain they don't have time! but the same people tell in social media how much time they spend watching movies and favorite series,which makes me wonder,  are they really telling the truth? all people do have time, including us Christians, it is up to us whether we put God first or the TV, Facebook or Instagram, movies or computer games. I am not perfect, sometimes even I get stuck on Instagram for several minutes and God reminds me that it is time to put away the phone, but at least I try, at morning the first moments of my awake time I spend with him. If we don't take care of our relationship with Jesus now, we might be the ones who fall asleep in spirit and be left behind when the rapture comes. I can't imagine a more embarrassing or heartbreaking situation,  you and everyone who knows you are Christian, suddenly realizing that your heart was not right with God after all! no matter it is lack of repentance and obedience, or a spirit fallen asleep not hearing God's voice saying I am coming, it will not be easy to the left behind people, but I am happy they still can be saved, only their price will be high since the world will be morally a monster.

The times I have fasted, it has been a struggle, it is like there was someone who magically called the "tempt her with sweets" bell, and suddenly people come with more sweets to church and ask if I want one, everyone around me eat Ice cream when I leave the house at summer time, and I get no support from anywhere. And the flesh puts up a bitch fight at top of all. But with the grace of God, this far I have succeeded the fasting and prayer goals I had, and it has helped me spiritually and physically. During the last fast I lost 3 kg just like that.
And it makes it easier to hear God's voice and sense his will, together with the powerful impact in the spiritual realm I someday long God showing me and others who have fasted.

I can strongly recommend it! It has helped me spiritually and physically and it has made an impact to the spiritual world. And I am not alone!
Jesus himself spoke about fasting, and also the importance to remember why you are fasting, the issues of your heart, you should never fast because you want others to see you and admire you, or think you are better than them, more holy godly and humble.

This Jesus says about fasting: Matthew 6:16-18 :When you fast ,do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.  But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face,  so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Jesus took it for granted that his children would fast, and wanted us to know that if we fast with the right intention, to glorify God, not ourselves, God will reward us.

We can also read about Queen Esther and the importance of fasting in her life. When the evil Haman got his will and persuaded King Achasveyrosh to call his soldiers to kill all jews, because Mordechai the  jew and a relative of Esther, didn't bow down to Haman, a might man and a friend to the king, she told Mordechai to tell all the other jews to be without food and drink for 3 days night or day, and fast for her, and she would do that too with her servants, afterwards she would go to the king and try to stop the mass slaughter of the entire jewish population. Going to the king without being called, could be a death sentence, but Esther decided to take that risk. And it saved the entire jewish people from being killed. If the jewish people would have been killed, we would not have a nation of Israel today, and all the blessings it has brought us together with the jews,in science, health, defence and many other areas. And Jesus would not even exist as a saviour! no wonder the devil wanted Israel to be destroyed, but God had another plan and it worked. Just read about it in this link:

Only by reading what happened in the old testament, you might get a clue how powerful and importance fasting is! I believe there was several Christians who prayed and fasted before Israels birth 1948 and at the war 1967. It really works! Here you can also read about scientific health benefits:

But since God wanted me to write about fasting this evening, I believe there are quite a few other Christians who read my blog post, and he wanted me to remind us of its importance.
Do we want Europe to become Islamic? do we want only 2 % of the French population to go to heaven?( I have read that only 2% of French people are Christians) I am afraid Sweden is not far from that situation. Do we want the world to look the way it does? or do we want a better world?
These are questions we should ask ourselves, before we say no to fasting and prayer.
If the fasting of Queen Esther and her people saved their entire nation, how much could it not do to ours? just think about it. It doesn't have to be 40 days like Jesus, even a day every week or perhaps a couple of days on regular basis, is very helpful. Start with 8 hours, next time you can take a day and later on two or three days. It isn't easy, but it is worth the fight! 
thats all for tonight, take care and God bless


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