
Visar inlägg från juni, 2018

Sweden before the war

Shalom! to all my beloved blog readers, I hope your week has been blessed with happy memories to bring with you to future generations. I have been fighting an ear infection, as an addition to the virus infection I had last week, but I am finally getting better. I have decided to never eat pork again, even thought I grew up with it, I was raised as a Christian gentile not knowing about my jewish roots until 2012, when my father took a DNA test and to check out if there was a  genetic reason my family was so Israel friendly and felt connection to Israel as a nation. Its fascinating how easy it is to find out about your genetic codes these days. I think its only as matter of time when I get financial resources to check if there is Ashkenazi blood in my mothers DNA too.  Either way, I feel spiritually connected to my jewish brethren, I strongly felt it when we sang "Yerushalaim Shel Zahar" in Israel 70 years celebration in a Synagogue in Stockholm. And when I look at pictures