Sweden before the war

Shalom! to all my beloved blog readers, I hope your week has been blessed with happy memories to bring with you to future generations. I have been fighting an ear infection, as an addition to the virus infection I had last week, but I am finally getting better. I have decided to never eat pork again, even thought I grew up with it, I was raised as a Christian gentile not knowing about my jewish roots until 2012, when my father took a DNA test and to check out if there was a  genetic reason my family was so Israel friendly and felt connection to Israel as a nation.

Its fascinating how easy it is to find out about your genetic codes these days. I think its only as matter of time when I get financial resources to check if there is Ashkenazi blood in my mothers DNA too. 

Either way, I feel spiritually connected to my jewish brethren, I strongly felt it when we sang "Yerushalaim Shel Zahar" in Israel 70 years celebration in a Synagogue in Stockholm. And when I look at pictures from Israel, I feel sad and moves emotionally and can't explain why.  There is a spiritual presence of God in Israel that doesn't exist in other countries, no wonder Devil hates it.

Israel has, by the way, suffered throught many wars and terror attacks throught the years, and unfortunately Swedish mostly leftist media have blamed Israel for the conflict. They have been very unfair and I am ashamed how antisemitic they have been, when jewish settlers and their children die, or busses with innocents have blown up in the air, or like recently a jewish soldier got a piece of marble casted towards his head from a roof in the third floor building, from a so called "peaceful palestinian protestor" and died of course. When this happens, Swedish media refuses to say anything about it, or protest against this horrible terrorism. 

I however, among many others, bless Israel, pray for Israel, and plan to keep supporting them financially when I have better resources.

Now I will quickly write about the topic. Sweden before the war. I suppose my previous blog posts have not gone not noticed,(mostly from bloggo.nu who keep on pushing my nerves not letting me publish my blogs for all kinds of reasons) where I wrote about Sweden before the Terror Attack and perhaps a year later Sweden after the terror attack. I believe Sweden is under God's judgement, and  therefore it will experience war in not so distant future. We even have been sent these booklets where you can read how to prepare if a disaster or war strikes. That should be warnings to think about a little.

But those Judgement bowls Sweden will experience, doesn't mean Sweden is going to be destroyed, it only means 4 things.

1. Jesus prophecies from the Bible are being fullfilled

2. Jesus is unhappy with how Sweden has taken his protection for granted, and as a majority has Sweden even turned their backs against him, mocking him and his children, and his words, and the contempt millions of Swedes who also have voted for leftist anti Israel political leaders, have shown to him and his words. He is also unhappy with the over 1 million abortions that has happened in Sweden.

Sweden will see what will happen now that part of his protection is removed. You can't spit on Jesus face and expect him to protect your nation forever.

3.Sweden is a proud nation that needs to be humbled. Far to many have been thinking and saying: I don't need or wan't Jesus. I am my own Lord etc. There is no God that sees me or will hold me accountable! when I die I simply stop existing. I do what I WANT! That is pride in its fullness. But Since Jesus loves this nation so much, and hears thousands of christians prayers everyday, he will not let this nation be destroyed, only humbled throught tough love. Even in Biblical times, God needed let Israel go throught tough times, after they have turned their backs against him. They needed to be humbled too, and we are no different there. I can hardly recognize this country as my home any longer, the moral downfall has been so hard.

4. The return of Jesus is coming closer. That is written in his words too. Just open The New Testament.

But there is still time now, and will be even after the war, to turn back to Jesus and ask him to forgive you and receive him as your Lord. They simply are repentence judgements, jugdements that calls for repentence.

Sometimes even God has to show tough love.

This is what Jesus says in the Bible. Matthew 24:7-8: Nation will rise against Nation,and Kingdom against Kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birthpains. ( It means it is the beginning of the end, in the end after tough times Jesus will return to earth as King.)

Its also written in  2: Chronicles 7:14: If my people,who are called by my name,will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land"

Thats all for tonight, take care and God bless


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