Some of us who are Christians have been called to be watchmen
Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you are all well and have been having a blessed week, and that your weekend will be blessed too. If you haven't already done it, I hope you have decided to take Jesus already reached hand and accepted him as your Lord and savior, you see the entire humanity( of adults) will someday face Jesus as either savior or a judge. Its up to you which one you will meet. Heaven is a holy place, and nobody who haven't said yes to Jesus( or havemnt submitted to walk in obedience to his word at earth and therefore still being in the dark) no matter it is before or after death( sometimes people can be given a second chance) can take the light and glory heaven is filled with, when millions of people sing worship songs about the love and mercy of Jesus. If you want a taste of it, listen to the song Holy holy holy are you Lord, that Terry MacAlmon sings, its on youtube. Or the song you deserve the glory, or holy spirit thou are welcome to this place by the same singer or another singer with a large audience.
I have to blog through this blog for a while, because my previous one has logging in problems and no matter how many times i click I want to change my password I never get the confirmation link. Typical problem we only in our world of technology and internet face!
Now to todays topic, and it is about being a watchman.
In the Bible, this week I have read about the calling of being a watchman,and I will write about it and combining it to Jesus words about being the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
God gave to the prophet Ezekiel these words.
You can read it yourself in Ezekiel 33:7-9. when God spoke to the prophet Ezekiel and said:
Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel, so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.
When I say to the wicked " You wicked person, you will surely die"and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin though you yourself will be saved."

When I read about Ezekiel today, and being a watchman, I got this aha experience, spiritual mark of some kind, that made me feel connected to that calling. You see, God has asked me to share his will about repentance of a sinful lifestyle even among people in my own family, and it have not been easy, but I cannot and will not disobey when God says to me do this or that, say this or that it is according to my will. I have learned this sometimes the hard way, disobedience to God opens the doors to darkness that it might take you years to be delivered from once you realize you are on the wrong path and want to and will repent of walking on the wrong path. God can only protect you with his blood in areas you are submitted to his will. And his will is clear and not sugar coated in the Bible.Living in sin, no matter it is sexual fornication, adultery( spiritual or physical, spiritual is when something or someone else takes all your time and then you say you don't have time to seek God, or when you play with other religions like Yoga, New Age, occult practices like seancés or fortune telling visitations or card readings) or carrying bitterness towards someone else and refusing to forgive for some examples, is against God's will because he loves you! No matter what the sinful lifestyle is, it is not God's will you or me for that matter keep living in it.
He understands our weaknesses, he knows we will keep on falling from time to time, but there is a difference between falling to sin and to choose to live in it. God can also help you when something is in your way of repenting, no matter it is fear, financial problems or anything else. Just go to him!
If you are called to be a watchman, there will be times God will ask you to warn people that are in the wrong path, it could be your family members, your friends, or sometimes even people you don't know personally like politicians. It might make them furious, angry or sad. They and or their followers might make you look like the most evil soul in universe, or not respond to your warning at all. But it might make them realize they need to repent too, and one time or another they might even think hey that person who sounded crazy before, she or he was right! and turn back to Jesus, it is good to combine prayers together with warnings if you have been called to be a watchman.
And the thing is, you never know who is who, and the one who first got angry might even repent later on. So when God asks you to warn someone of something, that is when you need to come out from your comfort zone and ignore fear of man and simply obey God. I know it is not easy, some might even distance themselves from you or break up friendship relationships, but if you are a Christian, God and his will should be nr 1 in your life, because in the end, something good comes out of it. That person will know you loved him or her enough to dare to speak the truth and warn when God asked you to warn. They also know God loved them so much they sent you to them to be the watchman and warn. They will not thank you, if yo see them live in sin and you ignore it, refuse to pray for them or something equally bad if not worse, and that is to encourage their sinful lifestyle and as a Christian knowing what the bible says, still walk in disobedience and make it look like God accepts sin, when he payed a big price on the cross so you could be freed from it and its bondage by sending his son to carry the cross and be crucified and on top of that feel the weight of the sin of entire humanity, including all curses, all sicknesses, everything that came with the fall of men, everything so you wouldn't have to. Thats how much he loves you! So how can any born again Christian walk and clap hands in pride parades, partake in pro choice rallies or anything that is strongly against God's will in the Bible? its still a mystery to me. If that is not encouraging to sin then what is?
That doesn't mean I support angry words of hatred and judgement against the sinners, where the Christians confront the sinners with anger, evil words and spitting on their faces or even stoning, everything should be done with love and compassion, just like Jesus. Jesus loves everyone! and knows about the weaknesses of the entire human race, and the hardships many people have faced that live in the dark. And he can heal them and set them free!
Jesus also said in Matthew 5:13: You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people`s feet.
One of the functions of the salt, is to prevent decay, I believe Jesus meant( amongs other things) we as Christians are meant to prevent moral decay by being the salt of the earth among unbelievers. It might sting the ones who live in sin, and make you persecuted and even jailed like the prophet and baptist John. But as a Christian that is what you are called to do, no matter what other calling God has placed in your heart. By the way, God might ask anyone of his children to warn anyone, watchman or not, and thats why it is important to simply decide to be obedient. If you are insecure in some situations, or perhaps need a fellow believer to be with you when you warn someone on the wrong path because you feel like God wants you too, I am sure you can ask God to send you someone to walk by your side, besides himself of course. You can ask your church to pray for you too before you go and warn. Sometimes you can be given a friend to walk with you, and sometimes you might not have that time because some of the warnings are so urgent you need to do that there where you are right now, with no time to preparation or planning. If the reaction from the sinner is negative, God can comfort you and fill you with his spirit when you turn to him afterwards. I recommend Worship music of Terry MacAlmon, Ray Boltz, Michael W Smith, Twila Paris, Amy Grant and the amazing group Selah.
Thats all for tonight! take care and God bless
I have to blog through this blog for a while, because my previous one has logging in problems and no matter how many times i click I want to change my password I never get the confirmation link. Typical problem we only in our world of technology and internet face!
Now to todays topic, and it is about being a watchman.
In the Bible, this week I have read about the calling of being a watchman,and I will write about it and combining it to Jesus words about being the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
God gave to the prophet Ezekiel these words.
You can read it yourself in Ezekiel 33:7-9. when God spoke to the prophet Ezekiel and said:
Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel, so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.
When I say to the wicked " You wicked person, you will surely die"and you do not speak out to dissuade them from their ways, that wicked person will die for their sin, and I will hold you accountable for their blood. But if you do warn the wicked person to turn from their ways and they do not do so, they will die for their sin though you yourself will be saved."

When I read about Ezekiel today, and being a watchman, I got this aha experience, spiritual mark of some kind, that made me feel connected to that calling. You see, God has asked me to share his will about repentance of a sinful lifestyle even among people in my own family, and it have not been easy, but I cannot and will not disobey when God says to me do this or that, say this or that it is according to my will. I have learned this sometimes the hard way, disobedience to God opens the doors to darkness that it might take you years to be delivered from once you realize you are on the wrong path and want to and will repent of walking on the wrong path. God can only protect you with his blood in areas you are submitted to his will. And his will is clear and not sugar coated in the Bible.Living in sin, no matter it is sexual fornication, adultery( spiritual or physical, spiritual is when something or someone else takes all your time and then you say you don't have time to seek God, or when you play with other religions like Yoga, New Age, occult practices like seancés or fortune telling visitations or card readings) or carrying bitterness towards someone else and refusing to forgive for some examples, is against God's will because he loves you! No matter what the sinful lifestyle is, it is not God's will you or me for that matter keep living in it.
He understands our weaknesses, he knows we will keep on falling from time to time, but there is a difference between falling to sin and to choose to live in it. God can also help you when something is in your way of repenting, no matter it is fear, financial problems or anything else. Just go to him!
If you are called to be a watchman, there will be times God will ask you to warn people that are in the wrong path, it could be your family members, your friends, or sometimes even people you don't know personally like politicians. It might make them furious, angry or sad. They and or their followers might make you look like the most evil soul in universe, or not respond to your warning at all. But it might make them realize they need to repent too, and one time or another they might even think hey that person who sounded crazy before, she or he was right! and turn back to Jesus, it is good to combine prayers together with warnings if you have been called to be a watchman.
And the thing is, you never know who is who, and the one who first got angry might even repent later on. So when God asks you to warn someone of something, that is when you need to come out from your comfort zone and ignore fear of man and simply obey God. I know it is not easy, some might even distance themselves from you or break up friendship relationships, but if you are a Christian, God and his will should be nr 1 in your life, because in the end, something good comes out of it. That person will know you loved him or her enough to dare to speak the truth and warn when God asked you to warn. They also know God loved them so much they sent you to them to be the watchman and warn. They will not thank you, if yo see them live in sin and you ignore it, refuse to pray for them or something equally bad if not worse, and that is to encourage their sinful lifestyle and as a Christian knowing what the bible says, still walk in disobedience and make it look like God accepts sin, when he payed a big price on the cross so you could be freed from it and its bondage by sending his son to carry the cross and be crucified and on top of that feel the weight of the sin of entire humanity, including all curses, all sicknesses, everything that came with the fall of men, everything so you wouldn't have to. Thats how much he loves you! So how can any born again Christian walk and clap hands in pride parades, partake in pro choice rallies or anything that is strongly against God's will in the Bible? its still a mystery to me. If that is not encouraging to sin then what is?
That doesn't mean I support angry words of hatred and judgement against the sinners, where the Christians confront the sinners with anger, evil words and spitting on their faces or even stoning, everything should be done with love and compassion, just like Jesus. Jesus loves everyone! and knows about the weaknesses of the entire human race, and the hardships many people have faced that live in the dark. And he can heal them and set them free!
Jesus also said in Matthew 5:13: You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? it is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people`s feet.
One of the functions of the salt, is to prevent decay, I believe Jesus meant( amongs other things) we as Christians are meant to prevent moral decay by being the salt of the earth among unbelievers. It might sting the ones who live in sin, and make you persecuted and even jailed like the prophet and baptist John. But as a Christian that is what you are called to do, no matter what other calling God has placed in your heart. By the way, God might ask anyone of his children to warn anyone, watchman or not, and thats why it is important to simply decide to be obedient. If you are insecure in some situations, or perhaps need a fellow believer to be with you when you warn someone on the wrong path because you feel like God wants you too, I am sure you can ask God to send you someone to walk by your side, besides himself of course. You can ask your church to pray for you too before you go and warn. Sometimes you can be given a friend to walk with you, and sometimes you might not have that time because some of the warnings are so urgent you need to do that there where you are right now, with no time to preparation or planning. If the reaction from the sinner is negative, God can comfort you and fill you with his spirit when you turn to him afterwards. I recommend Worship music of Terry MacAlmon, Ray Boltz, Michael W Smith, Twila Paris, Amy Grant and the amazing group Selah.
Thats all for tonight! take care and God bless
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