Why I support freedom of conscience

Shalom to all my blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed and your weekend will be happy to, with good memories to take with you to the rest of your own journey of life. If you haven't received Jesus in your heart as a savior and Lord, and with that your best friend, who is never tired of listening to you, and who loves you and cares of you and even answers you so you can have a personal relationship with him. If you haven' accepted him in your heart yet, I hope you will soon. He wants you in his kingdom, and you need him, we where never meant to be separated here or in eternity forever, after all we are created in God's image to live in a relationship with him.

Now to the blog topic of today, the freedom of conscience. Conscience is something that is within all human beings, deep in their hearts, the one reminder of God all humans have in the beginning. What is it that makes us feel bad when we do something wrong? like lashing out on our family members or friends, or download movies/series without paying for it, or buying alcohol to someone too young to do it themselves? or when we break something we know someone else values and try to hide it so they won't know it was us? Or simply ignore  when hearing someone calling for help, knowing later on that the person died after being stabbed and nobody i the neighborhood did anything to help him? Or when instead of going to the preschool to take your toddler home 4 pm you stay in the cafeteria and have a piece of cheesecake? Or when you as a christian say you don't have time to pray but still have 3 hours to watch soaps after work?

That still voice that reminds you that you did something you shouldn't. That invisible but still sensible and strong negative emotion you feel in your heart? Let me tell you, sir or madame, that is your conscience! A living reminder inside you of God's existence, no matter you want to speak or think about it as such or not. Now, imagine you live in a nation, where you have to do something that you really don't want to do, that feels bad, that gives you nightmares and gives you a lot of stress and stomach ache when thinking about. Something that is worse than forcing a vegan to work in a slaughterhouse, a muslim to eat pig or force a leftist politician to join a right wing fascist demonstration? I am talking about of course, is taking the life of another human being. What we call "Pro choice" and involvement in the abortion industry. You see, here in Sweden, we don't have freedom of conscience.That means thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people have to go the work, regardless how they feel about it, and perform abortions, otherwise they might loose their jobs. I know there are people in there, who feel deep in every inch of their heart that killing an unborn child is wrong.

 People who see the late abortions babies gasp for air, who have to throw the tiny little babies to the trash bins, and who remember for ever the expressions of their faces and have nightmares about it. People who have to comfort the crying women and girls, who also feel bad about what they have done. People who themselves perhaps are barren and would do anything to have a child, and everyday feel forced to kill perfectly healthy babies, because it is part " of the job". That "has to be done". But who come home crying afterwards, asking God to forgive them. And they don't dare to make a fuss about it, because they know people who have spoken against it have been fired and publicly humiliated by angry so called "feminists".So they suffer in silence. 

But God sees them! he hears them! all of them! The people opposing conscience freedom,the unborn children that are murdered through abortion everyday and their cries, the cries of the women and girls who go through the abortion procedure, and the cries of the medical staff who don't want to perform abortions but feel forced. He calls the pro choice people who stand behind decisions that oppose conscience freedom to repent,come back to him,  and apologize and stop doing it,the same with the medical staff who have chosen fear the loosing of income before the fear of loosing their souls, and the  men, boys, girls and women who don't see abortions a big problem because the baby is unwanted there for the "fetus should be get rid off". Jesus can forgive you, save you, and heal you. You simply have to go to him and confess your sins and accept him as your Lord. And the so called "fetus" is a human being, with an eternal soul, who awaits for his or hers family in heaven and wants to spend eternity with his or hers family. I don't believe and never will believe in forcing others to do anything, and nor does God. He has given us free will.

The way I see it, forcing someone to perform abortions, is similar to what happened in the holocaust where soldiers felt "forced" to follow orders and kill the jews. Both the one who demands the order to be done, and the one who decides to follow the order, do have a responsibility, in front of God and will be held accountable one day. But Jesus he wants to forgive them and heal them, the people who have suffered because of it.  God sees abortion as murder, murder of the most innocent person there is, an unborn child. This is what God says in The Bible about the prophet Jeremiah, in Jeremiah 1:5: before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, before you where born, I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations". You see, God knows us all long before he sents us to the earth, and he is the one who formes us in our mothers wombs. Prophet Jeremiah was only one example. How many prophets might now be in heaven instead of this earth to spread the light and words of God? think about it. Not only prophets, also soldiers in the army, doctors, teachers, firemen/women, sisters, brothers, who could have become mothers, daughters, fathers and sons, spouses or/and best friends? In the ten commandments God also has said: Thou shall not kill"so doing just that is murder and a sin. But it can be forgiven. There is a danger in both forcing people to act against their conscience and ignoring your own, because conscience can be hardened. Conscience is a gift from God, but if you oppose it too long, it will no longer cry out after repentance because it is hardened, after that you no longer will be able to tell right from wrong because you no longer feel remorse for anything. And that is spiritually dangerous! it means you are in a huge risk for loosing your soul, if you haven't already.  So let us treat our conscience as the gift as it is, cherish it, take care of it,  speak up for it! and listen to it! or the last part of God's voice is lost together with your soul. Thats all for tonight, take care and God bless/ Tanja 


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