Christmas is empty without Christ

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, once again I had problems with the login system with my original blog, so here I am again.
November has been this far more gray than usual, my friend I knew from the time we where 16, passed away last weekend and got Angel escort to heaven, where she is with Jesus, her grandfathers, maternal grandmother, one of her cousins and other relatives and friends, I bet she has met my family members and friends too by now. The world will not be the same without her, since I knew she had stage 4 cancer,and God reminded me of the fact that he was going to take her home, weeks before he did that, I have been crying a lot and I know there will be different times in the future when the tears in my heart appear when I think about her, no matter if I show them publicly or not. She was my fighting hero, the last time I saw her 3 days before she left, I said you are my hero and my fighter! I love you! and cya!! putting my thumb up and she said: Thank you! and put her thumb up to me to before I left.
I am so happy I got to say those words to her. I will remember them forever.

But God wants me to live a little longer than my friend(even one year is short when comparing to eternity), why I have to keep fighting the good fight the time I still have left. Rest in peace Sandra! I will see you again!!
Now I will move on to what I also felt was important to write about, that means Christmas and Christ. Sweden is very secular, and it is more easy to find clothes with Santa Claus, Christmas elf*s, even angels and reindeer's than anything that even looks like Jesus, Mary, Joseph or the crib where they put baby Jesus after his birth.
And in some European countries, they even say : Happy Holiday! instead of "Merry Christmas" in the name of political correctness and diversity.
There is a "anti Christ" game going on in the secular world. But I will not be joining that game. For me it is important to remember who we celebrate at Christmas, it is not our biological family's, it is not mammon, shopping malls,friends,the Vodka bottle, or food or Santa Claus.  Christmas was originally celebrated to remember the birth of Jesus Christ. And it will loose its heart, its deepest meaning if you remove him at the time of the year when we have for a long time, celebrated his birth. And it wounds him deeply when many people leave him out.How would you feel when it was your birthday and millions of people wouldn't even look at you, or even think about you?

One of the most wonderful Christmases of my life, I have luckily even taped over 10 years ago, when me my parents and 3 siblings sang Christian Christmas songs together at Christmas eve. I felt the presence and joy of Jesus when I look at that movie, and the rest of my life I will never feel a Christmas being complete if we don't remember Jesus. Last Christmas I celebrated Christmas for the first time, in a relatives family where they didn't include Jesus, and I felt spiritually how empty it was, even thought we had otherwise good time together.And I made up my mind, I will always have at least one day of them, when I remember, include and thank Jesus, even if my relatives might want to have a secular one another day. I made that promise to Jesus, and I will keep it.
And I will keep on praying for my country and other countries, where many have not given Jesus the first seat in their hearts, or the second or the third. He loves you all so much!
In Luke 2:9-14 you can read what happened to a couple of Shepherds who where waiting for their Messiah: An angel of the Lord appeared to them , and the Glory of The Lord shone around them, and they where terrified. But the angel said to them: Do not be afraid.I bring you good news that will cause great joy to the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, The Lord. This will be a sign to you,; You will find a baby rapped in cloths and lying in a manger. Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying:Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on  earth peace to those on whom his favor rests"

Thats all for tonight, I wish you a blessed weekend! I hope you accept Jesus as your savior and Lord soon, if you haven't already. He is waiting for you already, with open arms and he loves you.
Blessings/ Tanja


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