A tribute to precious Birgitta- le'hitra'ot axar kax, Am Israel chai!

                                                                  BIRGITTA NILSSON 1947-2018

       Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been great, with blessed
       memories with people you love. And I hope 10 days from now, you will celebrate a wonderful
       Christmas filled with joy and Gods presence and blessings. If you haven't received Jesus as a
       Saviour, Lord, friend and brother, I think it would be wonderful time to do it now. The reason
       you even read this, is because he has sent you to visit my blog. Whoever you are, Jesus a ka                Yeshua, loves you very much and longs to have you in his loving arms so he can save your soul
       and use you to fill heaven with more people, who you can later on spend eternity with later on.
       He has a special plan for each and anyone of us, that includes you. Just go to him, he is already
       waiting! You won't regret it.  His love is supernatural and powerful a soul warming experience.

Today I will write a little about our, mine and my Churchs beloved sister in Christ, Birgitta Nilsson. She left this world, quickly as a lightning, at her battle field in Norrmalms torg, where God had sent
her to preach the gospel and to prophecy and warn people, including politicians, of what will happen
if they don't repent from their sins, and turn back to Jesus. She was a warm, caring, humoristic, happy and always smiling person, a true Christian and a friend of Israel. She used to have a big Israel flag at her meetings in Stockholm, have Israel dance dress, and even lead one of the Israel dance teams. She has meant so much for so many people. And I know that I will miss her a lot too. And her voice! God gave her a loud and clear voice, a gift of prophecy and the boldness and strength she needed to stand physically alone with a microphone, and music material she used that she even used to sing along with Paul Wilbur and other known worship leaders, when she was lead with the holy spirit to do so.
She urged people to repent and turn back to Jesus, she read and quoted the Bible, and she sang hymns. And many Swedish politicians fled her, when they saw her outside their meeting place calling them to turn to Jesus, singing and speaking prophecies.

Several times I myself heard her, hundreds of metres away when visiting the Old city in Stockholm. And I used to pass by her and show her thumbs up, and pray for her on a distance, which she told me later on she appreciated. Even thought I am a bit shy and don't usually like to be seen or heard to much in public, I have once felt God guide me to stand beside her and read loud psalm 1 and psalm 2.
That memory I will forever cherish. That and to see her dance at Israel prayer meetings in different churches, her face always shining up when she saw me and she said: Hallelujah sister!! and usually something like: Jesus is coming! She also sent me and other friends of her, prayer requests because she was really involved in what was happening in the world.

I admired her boldness, and thank Jesus for sending her to our lives. She was and always will be one of my heroes, and I will do what I can to live as close to Jesus and his will as she did, blessing and praying for Israel, she knew the importance! before she met Jesus, she was involved in the leftist anti Israel movement, a knowledge that was good to have later on when she testified about her past, how she used to think and what a powerful experience meeting Jesus was in her heart and life.
I can honestly say, that if a Christian is not a friend of Israel, she or he is not being obedient to the word of God. And cannot be fully under God's blessing. Even thought many Israeli people, think that Hitler was a Christian, and that Jesus is only for the gentiles and not for them, and that what Catholic church did hundreds of years ago, represents the entire Christianity today.
I know, I know, I really know that they are wrong, and that Jesus/Yeshua is one of the most famous Jews in history. And Birgitta knew that too! 

Everytime I bless Israel, I feel in my heart and spirit that Jesus is happy. And he has several times said to me how much he loves Israel and longs  to see more of his people coming back to him.
It might look strange to Israelis themselves, when people like me attend Holocaust memory services at synagogues, pro Israel rallies etc. But I am doing this because Yeshua has given me the love for Israel and wants Israel to know how much he loves them, and I feel spiritually at peace among my Israeli brethren.  I come from a mixed background myself, having both Jewish DNA and gentile DNA( mostly from Europe but even from Native Americans and Egypt) I can feel myself being at home when standing together with them singing Hatikva.
Birgitta was close enough to Jesus/Yeshua to realize how important it was to stand by Israels side. And how loudly she protested quoting the Bible, when the Swedish government did something that damaged Israel!  I thank Jesus for the time I got to know her, and I will miss her smile and warm heart. I am now going to quote Birgittas, mine and many others favourite song, He is the mighty one of Israel. You can find it on Youtube too, together with dussins of other songs, including Messianic, like Paul Wilburs, Barry & Betya Seagals and Joshua Aarons worship songs. 

He's the Mighty One of Israel
Mighty One of Israel
His voice shall be heard, the power of His Word
The Mighty One of Israel

The eyes of the blind shall be opened and they'll see
The ear of the deaf shall hear
The lame man shall jump and shall leap as a harp
The tongue of a dumb shall sing.
He is the Mighty One of Israel, He's the Mighty one of Israel, His voice shall be heard, 
the power of his Word, The mighty one of Israel!

And now to the finale, I will quote the Bible. In The book of Amos, God made a promise
to bring Israel back home. The Jewish people. Amos 9:14: And I will bring my people Israel back from exile( gentile countries). They will rebuild the ruined cities and live in them. They will plant Vineyards and drink their wine, they will make gardens and eat their fruit".
Here God says clearly, that Israel is called his people too, he is and always will be the Mighty one of Israel, but since he has sent the Messiah for the salvation of the entire human race, he also wants them to come to him through Yeshua. Israel will always be God's covenant people, and the way I sense in my sprit,  it when looking at fellow Jews who are not messianic, is that they are half way there, they just need to accept Yeshua and then they are in God's will totally. Just like gentiles and us who are both Jews and gentiles.
Either way, it is important for us who have already received Yeshua in our hearts, to obey God's word and let God use us to draw them to him.  That I have felt strongly God say in my heart and spirit and life.
John 11: 25-26: Jesus said to Martha:
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
My answer to Jesus question is absolutely yes! what about you? I hope you have already
said yes or will do it soon, he really loves you!

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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