Merry Christmas! When God the father sent Jesus to the earth, he thought of you!

                                                       Its Merry Christmas! Not Happy Holiday!

 Shalom to all my beloved blog followers. Since it is a day before Christmas eve, 
I thought I would like to tell you a little bit about the heart of Christmas, called
Jesus Christ/Yeshua Messiah. The reason for the season indeed. I know many
people especially in Sweden associate Christmas with Santa Claus, his little helpers,
the Grinch, ginger breads and Christmas presents plus all the yummy food like a lot
of read meat, sweets and differents sorts of fishes, pastries combined with jingle bells
from the radio. But that is not at all why we used to celebrate Christmas in the beginning.

The real reason for the season is the wonderful fact, that Jesus, God the Son, was sent to earth to become the saviour of the entire human race. So a very long time ago, God the father decided that now was the time for the Biblical prophecies to be fullfilled, and to send Jesus to the earth to save us. You see, the Heavenly Father, Jesus his son and the holy spirit all love you so much!
And deep inside you and all humans on the earth, is the spiritual void that longs for relationship
with your creator and saviour. A part that longs for undeserved love, someone who loves you even if you fall in to all kind of stupid sins that you regret afterwards, someone who wants you in his life so you can have a relationship here on earth and together forever in heaven later on after death.

Some who seek Jesus, not knowing that it is him they seek, might have many superficial relationship with other people, always finding faults in the other parts and keep on breaking up and moving on the next relationship. Some might be involved in worldly popular spiritual journeys, like Yoga, mindfulness, buddhism, new age and or other occult practices like tarot readings, medium gatherings where they "contact the dead" for advice.( In reality it is evil spirits of darkness disguised as the people who have passed away). And some believe they can find God/Jesus in false religions like Islam or mormonism.
But in the long run, it is not good enough! there is something or perhaps I should say someone missing. And that someone is Jesus.

He is the only one who loves you no matter what you do, and it doesn't stay there, he also wants to live in you heart, fill you with his love, guide you and help you grow in spiritual maturity. And use you to reach others so heaven can be filled. You can't earn your salvation,  no matter how good you are, it is only the goodness of God through Jesus who can save you. 
And that Jesus, the reason for the season, was sent because The Heavenly Father thought of you and wanted you in his loving arms forever. It might not be easy to be a part of his spiritual family, when accepting his as saviour and Lord. Persecutions will come and other people and situations will come that constantly compete with your relationship with him. 

The very moment you start reading the Bible or praying or the day you decide to go to Church, its like poof you wave a magical wand and people you have tried to reach for hours perhaps days all suddenly contact you, or a friend you haven't heard of for months call you and desperately needs you to go and meet her or him the second you where trying to seek the face of God. It might be a relative, your boss from work, or neighbour. Trust me I know what I am talking about!

 I constantly face situations when I have to choose between God or other people. I am not perfect, I fall too! but I will not let the cares of this world steal my relationship with Jesus away. He is still my Lord, and I believe every moment ANYONE spends with him, you or me, is worth it.
And people might call you a fanatic when you decide to spend time in prayer instead of meeting them or answering their calls. But let them! it is worth it. He is worth it! and he thought carrying the cross for your souls salvation was worth it.

So let us never forget the heart of Christmas! If you haven't done it yet, pray the sinners prayer and let the reason for the season move in to your life and change it forever. You won't regret it!
Now last but not least to some Biblical prophecies that where fullfilled in Jesus.

Isaiah 9: For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of peace".

Micah 5:2: But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel: whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting".

And this is what some Shepherds saw and heard, after Yeshua/Jesus was born.

Luke 2:8-12:

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.  An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”

This is all for tonight, take care, God bless you and Merry Christmas!!


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