Every abortion makes the heart of Jesus cry

Its never just a piece of flesh, its a real human!

Shalom to all my beloved blog followers. I have read something in a Christians newspaper recently, and it chocked me powerfully.  And it is the fact that 48 millions of human beings, have been murdered in their mothers wombs during the year 2018. Innocent children, that Jesus had a plan for. More children have been killed than being born I read and its so very sad. I know I live in a country where conscience freedom is seen as a "threat" by far to many people, who think it endangers their right to be allowed to get their unborn children killed. It just shocks me how strongly so many people oppose conscience freedom, they fight for it with strong passion, a passion they could easily have used to fight for preventing pregnancies, and helping and or supporting other women who might want to keep their unborn children. The "women's right" to have abortions, are more important than preventing them obviously and it doesn't make sense to me.

So, since we still have few grains of freedoms of speeches left, I decided to once again clear out a few things.
First things first 1. Its never just a fetus , a piece of flesh. It is and always will be another human being. A human being is not just a physical body, it has a soul and a spirit too. Only because you kill the physical body, that doesn't mean the soul or the spirit dies. That means that I and other Christians will spend eternity with ALL aborted children, who where killed in their mother wombs. We will see their faces, their beautiful eyes, who's noses and mouths they inherited, their hair colours and their favourite colours, toys and hear their songs. We will also see and hear what plan God had to them on earth, that they never got to experience.
So how could you possible expect us to support this mass murder, genocide toward the most innocent children of all, the ones who don't have the slightest chance to protect themselves. They had dreams too, and longed to play with other kids, show they parents how talented they where and how full of life they where.

2. They where all sent by God with a mission. Some where to be prophets, some teachers, some firemen, some soldiers, some where to be doctors even skilled ones that could have saved thousands of lives!! and some where to become pastors like Billy Graham who brought others to Christ. Or amazing actors, singers, authors or politicians with good intentions. Some would have been Sunday school teachers, musicians or scientists. Even the ones who would have been ordinary housewives or cleaners, would have been important and made a difference in some other peoples lives. Someone wife, someone's husband, someone's brother, someone's sister, someone's funny smart and always smiling cousin, someone's best friend, someone's precious daughter, son granddaughter or grandsson. Gods mission was to use all those people to glorify his name. The thing is, when you kill an unborn baby, you don't know who it is you kill! even the singer Andrea Bocellis mother got to hear from the doctors that she should abort him. And listen to that mans voice! because his mom was prolife he lived. Here he sings with Celine Dion.

3.God sees abortion as murder, and entire nations might face severe judgements ( if they are  not already doing that) partly because of the murder of the innocents, unless the people realize what they have done and decide to return to Jesus and ask him for forgiveness. My country Sweden is no exception.
This is what Jesus says about children.
Matthew 18:1-5 At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked: "Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? He( Jesus) called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven". And whoever welcomes one such child in my name, welcomes me."
And in Matthew 18:10 Jesus says: See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven".

Imagine the grief in the heart of God and his angels, when innocent children are butchered through abortion every day! 
I also have a personal relationship with Jesus, and he has made it clear that every abortion makes his heart cry. Because he hears the silent cries of the unborn children, when they are killed in horrific ways. He has a name for all of them. He receives them in heaven crying, sad wondering why their parents couldn't give them a chance to live and be a blessing into their lives.
But he has also said that many women suffer greatly because of abortion, and that he wants to forgive them and heal them. But to be able to forgive them and heal them, they must confess that it was a sin and apologize for what they have done. If all he sees is excuses like: I did nothing wrong! I was only a teenager.. the father was an asshole.. I didn't know I was pregnant until this and this time… I had a career to think about..the birth control didn't work and I wasn't ready.. how dare you judge ME? then those excuses block his healing to reach the woman who has gone through the abortion. Abortion also invites the spirit of death and can cause a curse on a persons life. A curse that can be reversed in Jesus name first after the sin being forgiven.
And God also knows who else is behind the abortion, who pushed or forced her to do it, and the one who decides to kill the unborn child as a " work assignment" and he also will hold them accountable unless they repent and apologize for what they have done. That I have sensed him say too.  You should listen to these testimonies:

We all will be held accountable for how we lived our lives. What did we do with what Jesus gave us?
And it is important that we remember that there is a God, he does loves you and wants you to come to him so he can be your saviour, friend and helper. No human where supposed to live without him. His name is Jesus. 

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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