If you choose mammon as your Lord, you will loose your soul!

                                                          MONEY CAN NEVER SAVE YOUR SOUL

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, whoever you are I wish you a blessed new year,hoping you will meet Yeshua/Jesus as your Lord and feel the depth of his love for you. And come in to his plan for your life. Together with him by your side, in this life and in the next one. Because in the end, that is what matters most, who you chose as your Lord. I can't help but noticing, how strongly the prophecies of Jesus, through his servants speaking about the end times, applies to our world here and today. Not at least when speaking about money. Maternity wards have been shut down, to save money. 
Children in Preschool have less caretakers, to save money. Old people who have built this world, working hard many years, might end up in the streets and become homeless when their spouses die, because they don't have enough money and can't pay the rent, and the politicians don't seem to see their value since they are too old to work, and earn more MONEY for the taxes. Or they might end up in retirement homes with low standard, with few workers, once again to save money. 

2th Timothy 3: 1-5:
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Matthew 6:24 

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."

Matthew 6: 19-21
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Parents are forced to send their crying toddlers to preschool, at a tender age before they even can talk, so they can go back to work as soon as possibly and earn more money. All this leftist feminist poppy crock about "we can't afford see women stay home with kids like old housewives of the past" makes me sick to the stomach, because once again the main focus is the money. Not the wellbeing of the kids, not the wellbeing of women who both work fulltime and try to have enough time for their kids at the same time, or the single parents men or women who don't get enough support from others around them. They might have to work twice as hard. But because of money, once again, who cares about their well being? as long as they work until they drop. Why extra cash given to parents so they can stay at home longer, is seen as a hinderance for a good society. It seen as Anti feminist solutions! woe to all those "horrible selfish housewives" who just sit all day and give birth to kids. But the thing is, what kind of society does this kind of thinking produce? That is what we see today. 

Young people struggling with peer orientation, since they learned they can only trust their friends, not the adults. Young people with emotional problems, trying to find relief in drugs and alcohol because they have been taught there is no God, you have only yourself to rely on. That combined with the attachment problems with their parents. Who they have learned they can't really trust on. Young people facing suicide thoughts because of bullying connected to peer orientation when a slightest difference in a class mate is seen as a threat. Not having friends, not having secure adult relationship and not knowing about a God, leads them to the wrong path. Do you even wonder why the world looks like it does today? kids so desperate after adult affection, even get easy preys to pedofiles who bribe them with sweets, alcohol and tobacco, and sweet words about how nice they look and how good they are at exchange for sex. 

Parents getting autoimmune diseases and heart attacks, because of the stress. Teachers quitting because kids in classroom don't have respect towards them and call them horrible names.  Kids growing in disrespect towards adults, because it makes them look more funny and cool in front of the friends. Popularity and being famous is the perfect dream for our youngest, and to win money becomes a dream for the adults too. All have been fooled in thinking that wealth and riches is the key to happiness. But it is not truth! because it doesn't give them what they really want, and that is a  safe relationship with their creator, and safe relationship with other people. And that creator is called Jesus. He can heal the wounds of nations being deceived by this " money is the answer to everything" lie. But they must turn to him and admit, that it is a lie.

They, including corrupt politicians, must turn to Jesus and apologize for all the time they spent worshipping mammon and letting money rule their Lifes. When they choose earning more money before the wellbeing of the people that chose to vote for them. When they chose to kick at the sick and handicapped, to save money. When they decided to visit countries with dictatorship, sharia laws, FGM and honour killings, hangings and other brutal killings of pregnant girls who have been raped and accused of "sex outside marriage" or "tempting the men". And not say a word against the brutalities the dictator countries allow and practices themselves, only because of the oil and money.

But even people who turned a deaf ear to their Childrens cries, thinking he/she will get over it, I have to work so we can afford our fancy house and expensive travels. Or the ones who have the choice to get their kids home earlier, but refuse because they like being in their jobs and earn money much more than spending time with kids. So babies get 10 hours preschool shifts and only get fed, put in front of Ipad and sent to bed when they come home. Parents who think their expensive family trips to Hawaii, fills the attachments holes. Not speaking about the parents who have to work long hours to be able to feed their kids. But the others, who could have chosen differently but let money come first.

Some people even earn money by killing others, and walk over corps in their hunt for wealth.
But in the end, that is not what matters. No matter how rich you are materially, when you stand before God, it cannot save your soul. You cannot stand in front of Jesus and say: Hey dude, if you let me come to heaven I can give you this 50.000 dollar check. Because then he will say: I gave you my life, on the cross, to save your soul. You knew it. You heard about it. What did you do with what I gave? My blood is the only ticket that can save your soul. Why did you not receive it?

You see, you are held accountable for what you did with what you had. That goes for me too. I am not perfect, not in myself, but I trust in the perfect blood of Jesus to be the only thing that can ever save me or you, his perfect love manifested on the cross. Once you do that, you have a  friend and a saviour for this life and eternity, and his love begins to grow and flow inside you. Even towards other people. Because then the transformation begins, you begin to change to the person you would have been if sin wasn't in the way. But for the transformation to keep going, you need to take care of your relationship. Just with other people. How would you like to have a person who calls you his or hers best friend and all but only comes to you when she or he is in trouble? Or someone who doesn't spend time speaking to you, listening to you, or reading your will( The Bible) or walk according to it. God is a person, who let his heart be broken so he could save you. If you wouldn't want others to behave selfishly against you, or you would respect other people so much you wouldn't do that to them, should you not show even more respect to the God that payed a big price for your sins? I would say yes.

John 3: 16: "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life"

That`s all for tonight, take care & God bless


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