Israel, Yeshua was not behind the holocaust

Shalom !to all my beloved blog followers. Today we have all around the world remembered the millions of innocent Jews that where killed during the World War 2. Together with many other people, including the big variety of people with different handicaps, plus homosexuals and political opponents. Last year I was with my Jewish brethren and remembered them at a Holocaust memorial service at a Synagogue in Stockholm. This year I thought my church was going to have its own Holocaust memory manifestation in City, so I didn't contact the arrangers and told I was going to attend, which is important to do in good time, since I thought my church was going to have its own but in the last minute they cancelled it, I still don't know why. Perhaps we didn't get permission from the police or something. But I have last night watched Schindlers list scenes, together with my regular prayers for Israel and the salvation of the Jewish nation, and listening to music tributes on Youtube to the victims memory.
And I will listen to Michoel Pruzanskys Project Witness video tribute to the victims of Holocaust before I go to bed. Its on Youtube also and is one of the most moving tributes I have ever seen or heard in my life. Now to todays topic, why do I as a Christian living in Sweden known for its Social democratic red coloured government with little care for the well being of Israel, care about Israel you might wonder. Let me tell why. First things first, I grew up in a family where we had a positive picture of Israel and especially from my mothers side, I heard Israel where chosen and special people, Jesus relatives.
And that Jesus would some day save entire Israel and remove the sin of Jacob like said in the Bible. For the second, when I came to Jesus and got a personal relationship with him, it only drew me closer to Israel. Whenever I supported Israel, no matter it was pro Israel rallies, when I blessed them or sang messianic songs in my church, I felt the strong presence of God and the joy and peace of God rise inside my heart. And wherever I encountered people who where against Israel, like the one time in my life when I did a mistake and partaked in a leftist manifestation originally meant to be against racism as teenager, and I heard them yell slogans like boycott Israel and that they would rise the Palestinian flag, I felt anger rise inside me, I felt it was so unfair. They only gave the chance for a hateful Palestinian to speak, not one singe Jew was invited to defend himself or Israel as a spokes person.
And I felt a spiritual warning against saying anything against Israel so I kept my mouth shut when all the others cried boycott Israel. I was 19 and I have never visited a leftist 1th many manifestation again after that. I saw who they really where already then, brainwashed hypocrites with no Idea how it feels to have your family blown up in a bus, restaurant or at a wedding ceremony only because they where Jews. I heard about the Hatuel family, I heard about the grandmother who where eating in a restaurant with her toddler granddaughter when a suicide terrorist blew himself up killing them both and many others. A young woman lost her mother and only child at the same time. I heard about Noam and Matan Ohayon, who where shoot to death while their mother was reading them a bed time story.
And many others, and God knows I wept!
And when I heard the Israeli natinal Anthem at the first time year 2008, when I was 24 I strongly felt God tell me with his peace and spirit inside my heart, that this was where he wanted me to be, among Israel. Where Israel was, supporting them.
We have reached this point, I no longer feel sorry for Sweden if war comes here, because we have no idea how it feels to fight for your survival like Israel has done since birth, and by going through what they have gone through, I hope God will humble this nation a little and make its leaders to think about their sins with the other leftist puppets who make Israel look like the devil. Because the judgement is Gods. I only feel sorry about the people who are on God's side and Israels. But even us I am sure God can use in the midst of his coming judgements.
My father had followed Dick Haas reports and depkafiles reports and other reports OUTSIDE Sweden and on a regular basis I heard about the horrors of terror attacks Israel went through that Swedish media either ignored or wrote about in a way it made Israel look like the bad guy. And it mad my blood boil. Later on I learned to leave the judgement to God, and do my best as a Christian to support and bless Israel, hoping I could somehow be used by Yeshua/Jesus so they can see how much he loves them so they can come back to him. Yes I still get angry, but I cannot get bitter because otherwise it blocks my relationship with God. Later on, year 2012 we found out that we through my fathers DNA had Jewish roots also.
I have also heard that sadly, still many Jews think Hitler was a Christian and that it was Christians who where behind the Holocaust and therefore have a reserved attitude against Jesus and Christianity, with followers and believers. I hope I can with this blog post, partake in breaking the lie. You only need to look at Hitlers eyes once, then you know, all of us know, his darkness and evilness has Nothing to do with Jesus/Yeshua and his mercy. Yeshua said salvation comes from the Jews, he was and always will be one himself, he taught the Torah and fulfilled the prophecies. And he has time and time over, when I have spoken to him and him to me, told that he really loves Israel, and strangely enough he looks at me like I was a Jew myself, even though I was born and raised in a gentile nation and environment and still don't know exactly how much of the DNA in my blood is shared with his special beloved chosen people. The Israeli government obviously would not agree with him, I only have one grandmother left alive and I still don't have any "documents" that can prove our Jewishness. But when I get the chance to take a DNA test, its not cheap you know, I am sure it will shop ties to Israel even from my mothers side. My grandfather looked so Jewish his friends teased him for it.

Osmo Uusikylä 1930-1973 my maternal grandfather
My mother has told me that. This is him in the black and white picture. My mothers father. He died sadly 11 years before I was born because of stomach cancer at age 41. And once I visited Stockholms Synagogue, I felt like I was in one of my family reunions in Finland I saw similar facial features everywhere. One looked like my uncle, another dude looked like my cousin etc. My mothers parents by the way, where always positive towards Israel, in Finland they even have its own translated version of Hatikva, you can see here:
My mother remembered they sang it at her church when she was a child. Its not just my family, Finland in overall is more positive towards Israel than many other European countries. Later on you will find out why I have been given orders to be quiet about it.
By the way, Jesus/Yeshua has personally told me that Christians who oppose Israel bring shame on his name and make it harder for Israel to see him as their Messiah. Antisemitism is serious bussiness! and spiritually dangerous! It brings curses upon people! All Christians should search their hearts and make sure all negative attitudes and antisemitic thoughts have been dealt with and repented from if they want to be blessed. That I have learned too. Derek Prince has been teaching a lot of good stuff about this issue.
A real Christian, who look like Jesus, is like Corrie Ten Boom and Oscar Schindler, not like Hitler. Jesus never murdered anyone while he wandered on earth. He even promised he would come back to Israel when his children( all of them not only the ones who already are there)
Wellcome him. Saying Baruch Haba Beschem Adonai.
I will end this blog post with a quote from the Bible. This is what Jesus said before he was sentenced and crucified. When he wept over Jerusalem. He knew that Israel as a whole was going to reject him and they would also as a part of God's judgement would have their city burned and their people scattered around the world. But I also remind you that all of his Apostles but one was Jewish and it was never meant to be any antisemitism in the churches.
Matthew 23: 37-39:
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."
Does this sound like an Antisemite, someone who hates Israel and wants Israel to be destroyed..I dont think so.
He also said this when speaking to a Samaritan woman in John 4:21-24:
“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
This is also written in the Bible. God the father has said this about himself in Isaiah 43:3 =
For I am the Lord your God, the Holy one of Israel, your Saviour, I give Egypt for you ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead.
It is and always will be God the fathers eternal name, calling himself The Holy One of Israel.
I end with what is written in the Book of Acts 1:6-11:

And I will listen to Michoel Pruzanskys Project Witness video tribute to the victims of Holocaust before I go to bed. Its on Youtube also and is one of the most moving tributes I have ever seen or heard in my life. Now to todays topic, why do I as a Christian living in Sweden known for its Social democratic red coloured government with little care for the well being of Israel, care about Israel you might wonder. Let me tell why. First things first, I grew up in a family where we had a positive picture of Israel and especially from my mothers side, I heard Israel where chosen and special people, Jesus relatives.
And that Jesus would some day save entire Israel and remove the sin of Jacob like said in the Bible. For the second, when I came to Jesus and got a personal relationship with him, it only drew me closer to Israel. Whenever I supported Israel, no matter it was pro Israel rallies, when I blessed them or sang messianic songs in my church, I felt the strong presence of God and the joy and peace of God rise inside my heart. And wherever I encountered people who where against Israel, like the one time in my life when I did a mistake and partaked in a leftist manifestation originally meant to be against racism as teenager, and I heard them yell slogans like boycott Israel and that they would rise the Palestinian flag, I felt anger rise inside me, I felt it was so unfair. They only gave the chance for a hateful Palestinian to speak, not one singe Jew was invited to defend himself or Israel as a spokes person.
And I felt a spiritual warning against saying anything against Israel so I kept my mouth shut when all the others cried boycott Israel. I was 19 and I have never visited a leftist 1th many manifestation again after that. I saw who they really where already then, brainwashed hypocrites with no Idea how it feels to have your family blown up in a bus, restaurant or at a wedding ceremony only because they where Jews. I heard about the Hatuel family, I heard about the grandmother who where eating in a restaurant with her toddler granddaughter when a suicide terrorist blew himself up killing them both and many others. A young woman lost her mother and only child at the same time. I heard about Noam and Matan Ohayon, who where shoot to death while their mother was reading them a bed time story.
And many others, and God knows I wept!
And when I heard the Israeli natinal Anthem at the first time year 2008, when I was 24 I strongly felt God tell me with his peace and spirit inside my heart, that this was where he wanted me to be, among Israel. Where Israel was, supporting them.
We have reached this point, I no longer feel sorry for Sweden if war comes here, because we have no idea how it feels to fight for your survival like Israel has done since birth, and by going through what they have gone through, I hope God will humble this nation a little and make its leaders to think about their sins with the other leftist puppets who make Israel look like the devil. Because the judgement is Gods. I only feel sorry about the people who are on God's side and Israels. But even us I am sure God can use in the midst of his coming judgements.
My father had followed Dick Haas reports and depkafiles reports and other reports OUTSIDE Sweden and on a regular basis I heard about the horrors of terror attacks Israel went through that Swedish media either ignored or wrote about in a way it made Israel look like the bad guy. And it mad my blood boil. Later on I learned to leave the judgement to God, and do my best as a Christian to support and bless Israel, hoping I could somehow be used by Yeshua/Jesus so they can see how much he loves them so they can come back to him. Yes I still get angry, but I cannot get bitter because otherwise it blocks my relationship with God. Later on, year 2012 we found out that we through my fathers DNA had Jewish roots also.
I have also heard that sadly, still many Jews think Hitler was a Christian and that it was Christians who where behind the Holocaust and therefore have a reserved attitude against Jesus and Christianity, with followers and believers. I hope I can with this blog post, partake in breaking the lie. You only need to look at Hitlers eyes once, then you know, all of us know, his darkness and evilness has Nothing to do with Jesus/Yeshua and his mercy. Yeshua said salvation comes from the Jews, he was and always will be one himself, he taught the Torah and fulfilled the prophecies. And he has time and time over, when I have spoken to him and him to me, told that he really loves Israel, and strangely enough he looks at me like I was a Jew myself, even though I was born and raised in a gentile nation and environment and still don't know exactly how much of the DNA in my blood is shared with his special beloved chosen people. The Israeli government obviously would not agree with him, I only have one grandmother left alive and I still don't have any "documents" that can prove our Jewishness. But when I get the chance to take a DNA test, its not cheap you know, I am sure it will shop ties to Israel even from my mothers side. My grandfather looked so Jewish his friends teased him for it.

Osmo Uusikylä 1930-1973 my maternal grandfather
My mother has told me that. This is him in the black and white picture. My mothers father. He died sadly 11 years before I was born because of stomach cancer at age 41. And once I visited Stockholms Synagogue, I felt like I was in one of my family reunions in Finland I saw similar facial features everywhere. One looked like my uncle, another dude looked like my cousin etc. My mothers parents by the way, where always positive towards Israel, in Finland they even have its own translated version of Hatikva, you can see here:
My mother remembered they sang it at her church when she was a child. Its not just my family, Finland in overall is more positive towards Israel than many other European countries. Later on you will find out why I have been given orders to be quiet about it.
By the way, Jesus/Yeshua has personally told me that Christians who oppose Israel bring shame on his name and make it harder for Israel to see him as their Messiah. Antisemitism is serious bussiness! and spiritually dangerous! It brings curses upon people! All Christians should search their hearts and make sure all negative attitudes and antisemitic thoughts have been dealt with and repented from if they want to be blessed. That I have learned too. Derek Prince has been teaching a lot of good stuff about this issue.
A real Christian, who look like Jesus, is like Corrie Ten Boom and Oscar Schindler, not like Hitler. Jesus never murdered anyone while he wandered on earth. He even promised he would come back to Israel when his children( all of them not only the ones who already are there)
Wellcome him. Saying Baruch Haba Beschem Adonai.
I will end this blog post with a quote from the Bible. This is what Jesus said before he was sentenced and crucified. When he wept over Jerusalem. He knew that Israel as a whole was going to reject him and they would also as a part of God's judgement would have their city burned and their people scattered around the world. But I also remind you that all of his Apostles but one was Jewish and it was never meant to be any antisemitism in the churches.
Matthew 23: 37-39:
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing. Look, your house is left to you desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord."
Does this sound like an Antisemite, someone who hates Israel and wants Israel to be destroyed..I dont think so.
He also said this when speaking to a Samaritan woman in John 4:21-24:
“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.
This is also written in the Bible. God the father has said this about himself in Isaiah 43:3 =
For I am the Lord your God, the Holy one of Israel, your Saviour, I give Egypt for you ransom, Cush and Seba in your stead.
It is and always will be God the fathers eternal name, calling himself The Holy One of Israel.
I end with what is written in the Book of Acts 1:6-11:
Then they gathered around him and asked him, “Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?”
He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.
They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” That's all for tonight, take care and God bless/ Tanja
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