It is time for a Christian revolution! And to stop playing hide and seek with unbelievers..

                                        JESUS REVOLUTION-THE ONLY SOLUTION                      

Shalom to all my beloved blog followers.  I am happy to see that over 20 people
have been watching my blog this far, I suppose it will take a while before it gets
as big as my previous one with all those login problems. I hope you have been blessed from what you have seen this far, and what I am going to write will somehow be helpful and useful to you too.
I must confess that when I opened my blog, to write a new post, because of my tiredness I totally didn't know what to write about at first. But then I remembered, what I have heard people say about Christianity today. Including my little sister, who's atheist boyfriend didn't even know there where any Christians left in Sweden today just a few years ago. I might wonder what it says about Christianity these days. My sister says many Christians seem to be hiding. I assume it is because they don't want to be ridiculed and looked at as nutcases, because that is the bumper sticket that far to many place on our foreheads when we say we are Christians. I have noticed among non Christians that speaking about Jesus and Christianity, makes people go quiet and it is treated like the elephant in the room. I even noticed doing as little as asking a young woman I co worked with in a Storehouse recently, about if she believes in a higher power like God, made her run away like I was throwing a knife at her.

 She said no and practically ran away. Does that make me silent and not at all.. I refuse to give in to shame when I know, I know I know  I know, that without Jesus existence and love and prophetic dreams he has given me, I would not be alive today. I owe it to Jesus, to not let other peoples prejudices make me hide my lamp, my gifts, my faith and my love for him. I might have to wait for people, and for the right moments to share my faith, and I have been to quick sometimes, and unwillingly scared people who have been taught to fear the name of Jesus. But I am still learning, after given my life to Jesus at age 19. Almost sixteen years ago. 
And Since I have been praying a lot and spent regular time reading the bible, I have felt the Lord's grief over how so many Christians just hide in churches at Sundays, but spend little time sharing their faith with others or evangelizing in  the streets, and spend too much time in front of the TV instead of the prayer room. You see, there is a war going on, a war for the souls of mankind. The devil wants all souls to be eternally separated from Jesus in darkness and grief together with him, and Jesus wants to save souls so they can be both here and in eternity, in a loving relationship with their creator. If we do nothing for others salvation, not even as little as telling or somehow showing we are Christians, we will be held responsible for it when we stand in front of Jesus one day. It is up to us who we spend our time with, and if we allow God to shape us or the world to shape us. I can come with two lists, you can check which one you can relate to. One list is what the devil and the world tells you to do. And the other is what Jesus tells what he wants you to do, and be for that matter. His light and his salt. A lamp fully seen in the dark, not hidden.

This is what Jesus wants you to do:
1. Surrender totally to him and ask him and allow him to be your Lord, not  just by words in front of applauding audience in Church,  singing I have decided to follow Jesus, but as a practice. Everyday, everyday willing to spend time with him and obey him. He can't be your Lord unless you allow him to speak  to you, and lead you, and fill you with his spirit.
2. Share your faith, it is not always equally easy I get it, you can't exactly lead Bible out loud to co workers who might not be interested, but there is nothing that hinders you to take your Bible with you so God can open a door to discussion! or to say to your friends and neighbours that you are going to church when that is what you are going to do, or to share testimony of what Jesus has done in your life through social media like Facebook, Instagram or twitter. You can even start your own blog and testify, like I have done. Or take part in a group of people who will go out and share the gospel with others in the town.  We all can do something, as long as we are willing. Jesus can open doors, and use the smallest things to glorify his name, even a warm smile, compassionate heart, combine with the cross you have around your neck. Just pray for open doors then Jesus will open them for you! you can also choose to pray for people you will meet during the day when you wake up at the mornings. 

3. Be the salt and the light of the world, that means you stand up for him, his will, his love,
his word, his promises and his kingdom, in a world where it is getting more and more unpopular to do so. Spend time with him! let him form you, let him fill you and guide you. That means you should not try to "fit in" to this world, and play with yoga, the occult, dancing in pride parades, supporting the abortion industry so people won't dislike you. And drinking yourself drunk and live in sexual immorality. Jesus can help you with whatever struggle or bondage you have, he has helped me and will keep on helping me. And is ready to forgive when we fall and he tells us now we have wronged and should apologize to him. Of course there are no perfect people, we all fall in sin from time to time, and he can see all of our situations. But it is important that we don't use our situations as excuses to disobedience, but as prayer requests instead. Yes of course people will laugh at you, gossip about you and they might even call you names and or remove you from their friend list. But it is worth it! The peace you feel when you walk in obedience, is not of this world!. You should always remember, that this life is not permanent, its temporary. What you did with what Jesus gave you, is the question when it is your time to leave this world. Jesus has given you all gifts, to be used to glorify his name. If you don't allow him to use them, you have wasted your life and will meet a sad Jesus. 

4. Put his will first! when he asks you to do something, be somewhere with someone, write something to someone, even about the importance of repentance, do it! even if your friends and your family think it is a bad idea, even if it makes you less popular. It is still obedience to his will. The same if he asks you to abstain from something, or stop doing something or throw away something that you had for a long time, but causes curses to your home because it is connected to the dark world. Even if it is a Ouija board your family had for 200 years or a buddhist statue or Mary ( that people worship) statue from your great grandfather/mother. Obedience to Jesus is very important. Don't ever say no to him!

Now this is what the world and the devil wants you to do:
1. Don't turn to Jesus as saviour, you don't need a God! you are fine by your own, there is no  reason for you to have anyone as God but yourself. 
if you are a Christian the devil says: don't share your faith!! people might think you are nuts! hide hide hide, whatever you do don't let people know you are a Christian...
2. Don't speak about sin, there is no sin, everyone can do what they want as long as they are "happy"! play with whatever religion you want, as long as it excludes Jesus and his will.
3. Waste your time doing everything else, with anybody else, as long as it is not with Jesus! Tv, sports, Facebook, computer games, movies, friends, family, museums, parties, festivals, concerts etc.  
4. To chase after worldly "likes".  When you see that something gives you likes, no matter it is pride parades, Israel boycotts, hatred against Trump or SD or any other conservative Christian like political party, put it on your social media! do what majority of the people you know do, just as long as it gives you many likes and happy comments. Let the likes of the world guide you and leave "religion" out of it. Its following the will of Jesus that saves your soul, not following the world.

This world needs a brave Jesus revolution, a large number of Christians who will not be ashamed of their faith, who are filled with the love of Jesus for other people and their eternal souls, who are committed to Jesus even when they they get thrown to prison, insulted, abused and even killed for it. Little bit like Hunger Games, only fighting with spiritual weapons against the Devil, who like Cornelius Snow wants to have people under his influence, his will and later on even spend eternity with him. We need to fight for Jesus, in prayer rooms and together with other Christians, we must make Jesus known again, with love mercy compassion and the truth. That is what we need, not what we see far to often today, a lukewarm worldy looking church ignoring God's prophets like David Wilkerson and their warnings. Just sitting as bench warmers in their own bubbles not caring about unsaved souls at all. Wake up church!! 

Now I will like always end with God's word.

Matthew 16:24-26 

Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life[ will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? 

Matthew 5:13-16

Salt and Light

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Luke 6:22-23 

Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.
Thats all for tonight, I wish you a blessed weekend and an equally blessed New Year. I pray that whoever you are who sees this, will come to Jesus full will this year,  so you will be filled with his love and peace, and so you no longer have to search for anything or anyone else who might try to replace him, with no success of course. There is a place in all peoples hearts where only Jesus fits.
Blessings/ Tanja


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