Every child is an unique gift, who will never come again!


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers.I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories,and that you are grateful for them, as gifts everything good you have has God as an origin. I hope those of you who haven't done it yet, will some day soon receive Jesus in your heart and life as a Savior and Lord,so you can come to the special purpose and plan he has for you. Whoever you are, you are not here as an accident.You are unique, and there will never be another human being on this world that is just like you. And you are precious, so precious Jesus payed the full price for your sins on the cross, so you can be in his family now and forever. There is a living, loving, speaking and hearing God and his name is Jesus. Just let him come to you! he has been waiting for you!

Now I will move on to this weeks topic. Its about the value of human life. I have heard about the heartbeat pill anti abortion law made in Alabama, and seen both angry responses towards it and cheers from other pro lifers like me, who think all children all humans have value, no matter how they where conceived.
But I don't like the deception leftist Democrats have come with,they made it sound like the Alabama law would lead to young raped girls, who made abortions, for them to be put in jail. But In the reality, it was only the so called doctors who perform the abortions who would possibly face jail time. There is a huge difference! of course nobody with a heart or conscience would want the victims to be put to jail! even at cases when they of unknown reasons didn't seek help at pro life centers, so their babies would be given to one of thousands of childless couples only wishing they could have just one child.

Either way, a life is a life. Unborn or not. And no human being, despite of age, should ever be killed and thrown as garbage, together with  trash cans, dirty diapers, half eaten sandwiches, coffee cups and make up pads. Or flushed down to toilets.
That is my personal opinion of the matter, and since I felt God tell me to write about this issue, here I am obeying him.

I come to wonder sometimes, what would happen if the women who planned to go to the abortion clinics, and the boyfriends or family members or friends,who push them or force them to that decision, what would happen if they knew what fate God had destined to that child? Would they be equally eager if like the birth mother of Sami Elefante would see what God has planned for their unborn child? like in this testimony song:

Would they be equally eager to get the "problem fixed"a k a baby killed if of the for example 100.000 babies killed in abortion every day somewhere, would have provided this world with:

6000 Neurosurgeons. 9000 prophets and evangelists who would each have won a football stadium filled with people to Jesus. 10 000 gospel singers, all with their own unique tone touching millions of souls, even saving lives. 10.000 soldiers in the armies, defending their borders from enemies attacks both spiritual and physical together Humanitarian aid. 10.000 teachers, touching the hearts of future generations. 10.000 scientists, with bright minds who would have found cures for different diseases. 15.000 best friends who would have been there to support people going through rough times so they didn't have to kill themselves. And who also would have been helping others as shrinks, praying for others in Jesus name so they would have been healed emotionally and blessed this world with so much happiness.
10.000 spouses to people who have problems finding their soulmate, who go to bed wondering how he or she could have so much bad luck in love. Those 10.000 spouses would also had other jobs, taking care of children in preschools, making great food in restaurants, goodhearted Politicians who made an good impact to this world with their compassion and other gifts. Writers, authors, actors, singers, and just stay at home mummies and daddies who would have changed the world for our youngest with their humor, love and nurturing nature.
10.000 policemen, even with spiritual discernment gifts who would have been able to stop terrorist attacks.
10.000 firemen/women who would have saved lives and 10.000 shepherds ready to serve Jesus and help people in the dark, in the bottom of the society, even people with drug issues.

Can you see them in front of you? and thats is only 100.000 people. In Sweden only, over 1.4 millions of babies have been killed in their mothers wombs since 1975. Just try to understand the bloodshed of innocent children God has to face every day? and he weeps for all of them. Children he had a plan for. And yet here they are the angry leftist feminists yelling for their rights to keep on killing them. Murder, especially murder of innocent children does bring God's judgement upon nations and individuals.  But they can be reversed, and the sin can be forgiven, and the woman who has done the abortion and the person who has performed it, can receive forgiveness in front of Jesus.  But it does has to be confessed as a sin, apologized for together with actions of repentance. Only then can both individuals and nations, receive the forgiveness of Jesus, get healed from inner wounds and trauma connected to the abortions, and the Judgments can be lifted off. As long as we come with excuses that does not lead to repentance but to keep on sinning, God has no choice but to show tough love and remove part of his protection over a rebellious nation, so they realize his grief over the situation and that he is both a savior AND a judge. He is holy, righteous, love and grace but also the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. And he loves children and has said in his words that people should not despise them because they have holy angels who always see the face of God.

I end with two well known Bible quotes:
Isaiah 42:6: I the Lord, have called you for justice, I have grasped you by the hand, I formed you, and set you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations."

Psalm 127:3: "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb, a reward."

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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