Jesus is the only one we should worship! not climate activists!

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with a lot of sunshine, with more good memories to take with you to the rest of your life journey. And I hope you have decided to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior to your heart and life in words and in practice, he has a special plan for you, you are not reading this blog post because of an accident, he sent you! and he wants you to be a part of his family, so he can guide you to the plan he has for your life. He loves you very much! if you already are a Christian, I hope you have spent time seeking his face, so you have grown closer to him and gotten more spiritually sensitive. Trust me we all Christians need spiritual sensitivity and discernment these days and for the days to come.
And it takes a while, for me several years of reading Bible and praying before I gotten more sensitive to spiritual world, and to hearing the voice of God. I am still practicing.
Today I will share something I felt was important. And that is for us to watch out for worshiping ordinary human beings. We all in this earth have been created with this inner need to worship God, and that need was put there by Jesus so we when coming to him, can give him the only one deserving our worship, just that. Our worship.
But in countries where Christianity is been associated with insanity, like in Sweden and some other European countries, it is easy to find a replacement. It could be a popular politician, a famous football or hockey player with favorite football or hockey team, or like the newest trend a young climate activist in Sweden called Greta Thunberg. I do respect her, she just like me has been diagnosed with Asperger, and she has a great potential to become something wonderful in Jesus Kingdom, and her gifts that are given by him of course, can be used to save souls when she gets to know him some day in the future, which I of course pray she will some day soon do. And I do care about the climate, and we should do what we can to make this planet a better place, for future generations to come. But I am not a big fan of human worship. I also have my favorite politicians, and I sometimes quote their sayings on social media and I pray for their souls. But I still don't worship them. I will ever come with quotes like: Only you can save the planet, this country, the football team etc.
As for that precious sweetheart Greta Thunberg, it looks like she has become a target to worship. Thousands if not millions of young people, with sensitive minds, have been scared to their bones about the climate issue. And it has captivated their minds with more fear, more stress, and it has taken them hours from important school work to attend climate strikes. And scared people, the global elite especially knows this, is easier to control. To whatever agenda they might have, fear is only one weapon, but it has many good functions, one is the one that can be used as distraction, to keep young minds away from seeking Jesus and the strength, comfort, peace and wisdom that only can come from him.
And distract them to watch out from other dangers. If you are an EU Politician, with a bad agenda, it might be something like this: wanting open borders in entire Europe, no limits, no walls, no controls, no opposition.. but you don't want too many people to see your bad agenda, what to do to make them not see your agenda? you create a distraction of course! if you can scare 90% of a world population to only focus on climate changes, to scare all young people of dangers of global warnings, then the chances are bigger you can get away with almost anything you want, with little opposition. Behind the scenes. When 90% of a population looks at right, you can on the left, with other bad agenda politicians arrest the few that see whats going on, silence them, put down their social media accounts, persecute them the way you please, like calling all nazis who don't support you, make sure they loose their jobs, and keep open borders policy going on without giving a rats ass about the consequences for ordinary people. Because open borders leads to chaos, chaos leads to more afraid people, more people slaves to fear are of course easier to control and manipulate. And voilá! big brother cameras watching your every move, sounds like a perfect idea. After all, why would you have anything to hide if you are not a criminal?
Now there even are "body doctors" mechanical stuff you can "implant"in to your body so you can see your health and control your inside:
But the thing is, it most certainly is not only you who control who sees what happens inside your body! I am not convinced at all that it is only for your health benefits, some form of global tracking device that someone else sees not just you, most certainly is a part of the packet, the untold part. Another big brother tool.
So I have three points with this blog post. One is that only Jesus should be worshiped, he is the only one who is perfect, who doesn't do mistakes, who would never hurt you or turn his back against you, because he is God. He, heavenly father and the Holy spirit are one. And nobody can replace them. Humans fall into temptations, humans might make decisions with selfish interests, to get more power and glory for themselves, to earn more money, to get a higher position in politics, and they might take decisions out of fear, one perfect example is fear of man. If you let a crowd of aggressive humans who yell at you control your politics, because you don't want bad publicity, you act out of fear.
While God, Jesus, can give you comfort, he can make you bold enough even to face earthly death without fearing, because when you give your life and soul to him, your soul is forever safe. He can give you peace of mind, he can heal your heart and your soul. And his love is pure and supernatural! an honest! You where never meant to worship anyone but him! he is God and payed a big price for your sins. He can help the world, the climate, the planet we live on, he created it!
As for two, I strongly suggest that you won't let yourself become a victim of fear, for the reasons I have already mentioned, it is a nasty weapon used to control huge masses of people to whatever direction the elite feels like he wants them to be lead, especially if it leads away from Jesus and Christianity. I am not perfect, I have struggled against fear my entire life, I have to practice following my own advises also. But fear is not my Lord. When 10.000 people run to one direction, because of fear, I am the one who stands on the other side asking: are you sure you know what you are doing? fear makes you vulnerable to darkness. And to manipulation that follows it. It is a nasty Lord that steals your joy! and it comes from the devil. Only when fear leads to action, well thought through action, not thought through while in state of fear, it can be used to something good. But fear that leads you away from peace,from Jesus, from anything that can be good, is from the dark side.
As for three, the new technology is leading to the future rule of Antichrist, the false politician, the ruler who looks young and charming, rich and caring humanitarian charity worker, but really is a deceiver who will turn to a dictator in the end demanding the worlds worship. Read the book of revelation 13, 14 and 15. There you can see about what I am writing about.
Why we should spend more time than ever as Christians seeking Jesus, so he can give us boldness, strength, peace, joy and guidance in the midst of the future persecutions against the ones of us who don't want to become parts of this new world order. The ones of us who know that Jesus has our lives and this earth in his hands. The ones who don't take the chip planted on our hands or foreheads so we can buy and sell because Jesus will provide us what we need. We don't need more fear, we need Jesus!
As for Jesus, he says in Matthew 11:28-30: "Come to me all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light".
I choose to put my trust and hope in him, the one who created heavens and earth. Will you?
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/Tanja
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