You can't find the qualities of God in Atheism


Shalom to all my beloved blog followers! I hope you have been having a blessed Midsummers eve, with fellowship, good food and Strawberry cake. 
I hope you will also have a blessed weekend, with more happy moments. If you are a Christian, I hope you had great moments with Jesus spending time seeking his face, if you are not a Christian, I hope you have thought of accepting him as your Lord and your Savior. He loves you, and sent you here on earth for a reson. And it is not, so you can worship yourself or any idols like God's of wood and or stone who can't speak or answer prayers. You where created in the image of God, and somewhere inside you there is some parts, like your conscience, that still remind of where you come from, or who you come from. The fact that you can love someone else, feel compassion and help others or even are willing to love someone else so much you are willing to die for him or her, reminds you of Jesus, who gave himself to die on the cross so you can be saved, and throught him be reunited with our Heavenly father. In most people, no matter what they believe, there is still goodness, and that goodness only testify's about Jesus. But there is also sin, and the sinful nature that draws you to seek God everywhere else but in Jesus. And a devil who loves to use fear and deception as a tool to keep you away from God. In the end there is only two options, you either decide to follow Jesus, or you will be on the opposite direction. The wrong one. Jesus is the only way, truth and the life. I hope you will all someday soon understand that and accept him to your lives as Lord and Savior. While you still have time.
Now to todays topic, I felt Jesus guidance to write about it. 

And it is the so true fact that you can't find the qualities of God in Atheism. I am often on Twitter and Instagram, and have read articles from other social forums. And everywhere I see people complain about the decisions made by different politicians and authorities. Here in Sweden, who to my big surprise and to God's grief, we have a Socialdemocratic government right now. Who don't know Jesus or the walk in obedience to him, the few that say they believe in Jesus. 

I can't in my wildest imagination understand how they could be voted on again, everywhere where I have checked for example on Twitter, people have been hating them and calling them names. That government, make selfish and mean decisions, forcing people dying of cancer to work, eldery people go to Salvation army for food, or ending up in the streets because they don't afford to pay the rent, and women to work as soon as possible after giving birth to their babies, making babies  sick and sad and women sick and stressed. Handicapped people have been taken away important support etc. Like usual, their politics have been hurting the eldery, families, children and sick most of all. Healthcare is crashing for that matter, especially maternity ward healthcare.

And I understand why people are sad and complain, nobody wants to be the one who's near and dear ones are suffering because of politicians mean decisions. But there is something I don't understand, and that is: why are they surprised about the situation? Atheism is big in Sweden, still majority of Swedes seem to lik to think,  that life without Jesus still produces health and happiness. In the Atheistic worldwiew, The strongest are the ones who are to survive. Survival of the fittest. There is no respect for the weak and sick. Since Atheism is what influence most of our government officials, can you expect anything else than for them to make decisions of self interest, greedyness, lack of compassion? If there is no God, there is nobody who you can answer for after death, and therefore there is no reason at all to think about how to act or motivation to care about others than yourself.
This is true ESPECIALLY in Communism influenced Politics, like The Left or Social democrats. Who by the way are in the bed with fanatic Islamists planning to get rid of Christianity and everything connected to it. You can't complain or scream politicians to change their minds, the change must come from the heart first, and therefore the heart need Jesus, to awaken the conscience so they feel they have been in the wrong path. Prayer in Jesus name is the key! not to cast eggs on their cars or set fire on their houses or cast firecrackers on their mailboxes.

Jesus is the one who came to heal the broken hearted, open prison doors, set the captives free. He is the one who love children, and created marriage to be between a man and the woman. We here, who have Christian history, have Jesus to thank for, for so much! Our law system is only one example. And the distuingishing between right and wrong. And our conscience and our Bible. If you ever want to see real change in a nation, vote for someone who knows Jesus and shares his values, love,  and trusts his words. If not, don't expect it to bear good fruit. You can never expect to see the love of Jesus come from a heart that has rejected him. Yes there are goodhearted atheists, who have not hardened their hearts or consciences, thank God for that. But it is not the love of Jesus in its fullness. The love of Jesus comes from Jesus. Its a love much deeper than the natural love everyone can feel.
I end with some Bible quotes. In Luke 4:18 Jesus says: The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because he has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the opressed"
ISAIAH 61:1: The Spirit of the Lord God, is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach the good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release from darkness to the prisoners".
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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