Jesus wants a relationship with you, will he know you?

                           IT'S NOT A RELIGION- IT IS A RELATIONSHIP

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, and you who are Americans had a lovely blessed 4th of July 2 days ago. Here in Sweden the weather has been changing a lot, first sunshine, then rain, then sunshine again then rain, I suppose I should have thought of taking with me both an Umbrella and a bikini for the same day. Today little Prince Archie was baptised, the firstborn baby of Prince Henry" Harry" of Wales and his Meghan Markle. I wish the family the best, and that they all will someday have a great relationship also with Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. He loves them too and has a special plan for them, just like he has for you and  me, own unique plan perfectly fit for us.If you ask me, the baby looks more like his mum, but seem to have his dads ginger hair and skintone. But since my mixed race cousins( half african & half finnish) where equally pink skinned as infants but all three of them are now light brown, I know it can change, specially after the first year.

Todays topic is about the word relationship. We all have relationships, with friends, familys, spouses, partners, coworkers, bosses, classmates and neighbours. With some we are more distant than with others, like me for example I hardly know my youngest aunt, but I am very close with my next oldest one and she knows me inside out and I know here well too. I have some friends that I have just learned to know, and some that knows almost everything about me. But there is only one, who knows everything. And that is whom I have the most important  relationship ever, and that is with my Lord Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamaschiach. He does not judge me, he always listens and never says he is too busy to listen,  and speaks to me on a daily basis and I to him. Yes we have our ups and downs, I don't always understand him and I can sometimes even get frustrated with him, but he still is always there. He calms me down, and has a loving tone in his voice. He never threatens to leave if don't act perfectly, but constantly says I am here with you, I see you, I hear you! It is such a blessing to have him in my life.

  Thats why I wish that all of you who read this, will accept him in your life as a Lord and a Savior too, if you haven't already, or take time with him on a daily basis if you already are a Christian. He never only is your Lord and Savior, if you accept him he will also be your friend, your brother, your healer, your comforter( if you can receive comfort) your guide, source of strenght and healing, matchmaker and King. He wants a relationship with the entire human race! where he can guide you to his will with your life, after all he sent you to this earth in the first place! and he reaches out to you throught The Holy Spirit, and with the Holy Spirit also sent by The Heavenly father. I am not an expert in speaking about trinity, but I know that if you receive Jesus in your Heart, you also receive The Heavenly father and The Holy Spirit with him, since they are connected as a Holy Trinity.

The recent weeks, I have listened a lot to Steve Camp's song "Concider the Cost" that you can listen too throught youtube:
And it reminded me how important it is to have a relationship with Jesus. Not just do religious activities, but actually speak to him, ask him what he wants and be willing to obey.Spend time with him on your knees in prayer an worship and read or listen to his word. You see, Jesus did prophecy about some of the Christians( even from our time) who did many miracles, prophecied, and drove out demons, and seem to think that is what was most important if you wanted to enter eternity with him. But in the end he will say "I never knew you" and drive them away. When I asked Jesus about this issue, I wondered how this could happen, that they could prophecy and make miracles but still be driven away, I felt him say: They didn't do it for me! which made me understand that people can use the gifts Jesus gave them, still without knowing him, doing them for themselves, perhaps so they can get rich and famous. And he lets them use the gifts because people are in such need for them to be used to help them. It is a relationship Jesus wants, so he can say I know you! when you stand face to face with him in the end. No matter how rich you are in this world, in the end it is a relationhip with Jesus that matters, did you do what you did for him? did you spend time listening to him? or only to your church members, so you could please them, or the world so you could win their favor? Keep that in your mind! And that Jesus sees everything, even what you do in secret. Who you are in private life with your family, what you do during your freetime, what you say, everything. And that will count too! and he desperately wants to get to know you and guide you to his will, because he loves you! so give him a chance!
I end with some Bible quotes. Matthew 7:21-23. Jesus:
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’
And with what gives me peace, when following Jesus does come with a price and people get all mean and nasty against you for belonging to him.

Matthew 5:11-13 

11 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. 12 Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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