The narrow way is the right way- Prepare for a fight for the souls of humanity

THE NARROW WAY LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers! I hope you have been having a blessed week, with many more good memories to the rest of your journey of life. If you are a Christian, I hope you have spent as much time as possible on your knees, seeking the face of Jesus/Yeshua and been filled with his presence and showered in worship music, and that you also have read and listened to his word, so you will be wise and strong, and sensitive in your spirit for the future that will come, and when your faith will be tested throught the trials of fire( persecution). If you have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua as Lord and savior, I hope you will some day soon. He really loves you, and has a special plan for your life. When you receive Jesus in your heart, you also get connected to the ...