The narrow way is the right way- Prepare for a fight for the souls of humanity

                            THE NARROW WAY LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE                 
Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers! I hope you have been having a blessed week, with many more good memories to the rest of your journey of life. If you are a Christian, I hope you have spent as much time as possible on your knees, seeking the face of Jesus/Yeshua and been filled with his presence and showered in worship music, and that you also have read and listened to his word, so you will be wise and strong, and sensitive in your spirit for the future that will come, and when your faith will be tested throught the trials of fire( persecution). If you have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua as Lord and savior, I hope you will some day soon. He really loves you, and has a special plan for your life. When you receive Jesus in your heart, you also get connected to the Heavenly Father and The Holy spirit, and you are given spiritual gifts and the natural gifts you already have, he can guide you to use to glorify his name and win more souls. Just give him a chance! let him come in to your heart! you need him and he wants to come to your life and have a loving relationship with you.
When wondering what God could want me to write about this evening, I felt The Heavenly Father say to me words like "The narrow way" and "prepare them". Which made me understand that he wanted me to prepare my Christian brethren who read my blog, for the future trials of fire.

You see, many Churches are asleep, and avoid having sermons about ANYTHING that can cause a conflict or make people feel uncomfortable. And the end of times, Book of Revelation, Antichrist, trials of fire and other persecutions makes people feel anxious and uncomfortable. Together with preachings of the importance to repent from sin, forgive others for their tresspasses and live in obedience to God's word and Jesus himself, for he is one with it. Often we hear about Jesus as a loving Savior, but almost never about him being holy and rightcheous judge. That we are accountable for how we live our lives, and who we had as our Lord in words and in action.

I get the feeling some Christians seem to think, that they can do whatever they want,be the Lords over their own lives, and still get to spend eternity with Jesus simply because he loves them. And/or that we will never go throught trials of fire, because we will be raptured away from all persecutions and all trouble. When I speak about trials of fire, I speak about Christians going to jail for their faith, get fired from their jobs, loose friends, get physically hurt, be mocked and bullied for wearing crosses, and even get killed for their faith in Jesus. I know many Christians go throught tough times, and their faith gets tested from time to time. Even before the great trials of fire that will come in a near future.
But it is going to be even tougher, because you closer we come to the rapture and later on even the return of Jesus, the more angry the devil gets and more severe the persecutions will be against Israel and the Christians. The people of the Old covenant, and the new covenant. Same Bible. Saturday people and Sunday people, fanatic Islamists call us.
And let us not forget, that Jesus did say we would be hated for his names sake, and that the servant is no greater than his master, if they persecuted him, they will persecute his servants too. In John 15:20-21(Johannesevangeliet 15:20-21) and Matthew 10:22(Matteusevangeliet 10:22) I think he meant the people that will never receive him in their hearts, when saying word everyone. Because there will only be two camps in the future, one camp is for Jesus/Yeshua and the other is against, and therefore it is only natural that there will be conflicts between them, because the camp who is in the darkness is influenced by the devil and the ones who are in the light are under Lordship of Jesus, and the light disturbs the darkness. When time passes by, we will see clearly who chooses who as Lord in the end. But as Christians we are meant to pray for everyone, and serve God as many ways as possible so he can use us to reach them, there will be surprises in the end, people we never thought would become Christians suddenly say loudly I am a Christian redeemed by Jesus blood.

But, a big but, the narrow way, the way Jesus said was the right way, will not be an easy one. Prepare that some of your friends, family members or even church members, can be injured, put in prison or even killed, and it could even be you who are the next in line to go throught that. Be prepared for Bible searching rades of an unchristian government who go throught houses to seek and destroy Bibles. Be prepared of widespread gossip lies about Christians to me more public. Just be prepared! so it won't chock you when they come. So many Christians in Syria and Pakistan are alredy facing severe persecutions, and some day they will be equally fierce in here. How to be prepared? by seeking the face of Jesus, ask him daily to give you strenght and peace to face the future, and wisdom. Remember to think about eternity, and focus on Jesus, not your surroundings. Nothing is more important than your eternal soul. I am practicing that too, and Jesus has been reminding me to see past the pain and conflicts and think about things in eternal way. Don't get bitter against persecutioners, just forgive and pray for their souls. And remember Jesus was there before you! and that he will never leave your side.
I will end with  well known Bible quotes. Jesus word in:Matthew 7:13-14: THE NARROW AND WIDE GATES Enter throught the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that lead to destruction,and many enter throught it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life, and only few will find it.
Matthew(Matteusevangeliet 16:24-27) 16: 24-27:  Then Jesus said to his disciplies: If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life, will loose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is it to a Man, if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? or what will man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of Man will come in The Glory of his Father, with his angels, and then He will reward each according to his works"
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless 


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