Elohim wants all the jews to return to Israel

                                  ISRAEL IS WHERE ALL JEWS BELONG

Shalom, to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you have been having a blessed autumn week, feeling the coldness of the fall wind and see the new colours on the leafs. I have, I happen to love the autumn, finally all the hotness says goodbye and mosquitoes die and leave me alone when taking a forest walk. And the air feels fresher! As always, I also hope you that have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as a savior, will decide to do that soon,and that you who already have made that choice, have spent time taking care of your relationship,the most important relationship you will ever have. Today I have felt the Lord say to me, he wanted me to blog about his will for the jews in Europe and other gentile countries to return home to Israel. I also have jewish dna in my genes, and have felt Lord say several times when being amongs "other jews" or whatever I should call them, jewsih brethren of mine, because in many of their books I probably wouldn't yet be honoured enough to be called as one of them, because I have put my faith and hope in our Messiah and Saviour Yeshua Hamaschiach a k a Jesus Christ. According to the law of return, the only exclusion of jews who are not included and allowed to return to Israel despite being jews, happen to be the ones who already have met our Messiah. Yes, the Messiah I have found, is the Messiah the entire Messiah waiting Israel is longing for. Or you can say, he found me. He started to visit me in dreams in my early teens, and before that I felt his presence throught my parents blessings and finnish Christian bedtime songs they used to sing when I was a child. Thats how it all started. And here we are, having a personal relationship and he is speaking to me on a daily basis and I am speaking to him.

I know many jews have heard the rumours,that Hitler was a Christian, together with the nazis. And I know Catholic church has done its part of persecuting them in the past. But the truth is, Yeshua was not behind it. He was the one who influenced heroes like Corrie Ten Boom, her father and her sister. He is the one who has put a love for Israel in my heart, and who has repeatetly said that Christians who persecute Israel, are making him ashamed of them who mock and persecute Israel and calling themselves Christians, and making him unrecognizable for his own people.
He is the one me and many other, including thousands I believe other Messianic jews have seen in visions and dreams, with semitic face, some have even seen him wearing a kippa. He taught directly from the Torah and had a typical jewish upbringing.
And he has told me, someday I will make an Alyah together with my husband and our children. He will fix it one way or another, but I think it will not be yet. He has said he will use me in Europe first.

And yes, he is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jakob, and he wants all jews  to return home to Israel. When I visited a pro Israel manifestation last week, and heard some of the speakers speak like they should as jews be allowed to live wherever they want just like "everyone else" I sort of felt like there is something not right in this picture. I mean of course I don't want jews to be persecuted, killed or anything else like that, I despise all forms of antisemitism. But the ultimate homeland, where God wants all his people to be, is Israel. Because when all jews return to Israel, thats when the return of Yeshua comes closer. Thats why the devil has started riots throught militant palestinians everytime when politicians have spoken about doing something that is good for the homecomnig jews. Like building settlements. Thats why many of them have sworn to never accept Israel and teach children to hate. And thats also why I do not trust any peace treaty that involves dividing Israel. Dividing Israel is against GOD's will. Israel belongs to the jews. Period. Its in the Bible. The devil( influencer and Lord of Islam) will never coexist with God. The last thing Satan wants is Israel to return home, and for Yeshua to come back, because then he will be thrown to eternal hell.
Adonai Yeshua doesn't want us his jewish people to think we are like "all others" because seriously, we are not. We are his covenant people, and our ultimate home is Israel.
This is what the Lord says in The Bible. Its even in the Old testament, that should be respected and believed in amongs judaism jews.
Ezekiel 39:28

"Then they will know that I am the LORD their God because I made them go into exile among the nations, and then gathered them again to their own land; and I will leave none of them there any longer.
Deuteronomy 30:3
Then the LORD your God will restore you from captivity, and have compassion on you, and will gather you again from all the peoples where the LORD your God has scattered you.
Jeremiah 29:14

'I will be found by you,' declares the LORD, 'and I will restore your fortunes and will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you,' declares the LORD, 'and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.'
You see, in the eyes of the Lord we jews are still " in exile" until we return home. And one way or another, he will bring us home,even if he has to use the hunters.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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