Halloween- Invitation to the Spirit of Death

                   DON'T INVITE THE SPIRIT OF DEATH TO YOUR HOME         

Shalom! to all of you my beloved blog followers! I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, now that the fall really is here with rain, cold wind and shorter days, enjoying the scented candles and warm bubble baths. And I hope you who have not already received Jesus as your savior, that you will do that soon, so he can give peace and warmth to your soul. Trust me he longs to be able to do that! to bring you to his special plan with your life, just reach his hand and say you accept him as a Lord and a Savior! he is waiting for you.

You who already are a Christian, I hope you have spent time with Jesus/Yeshua on your knees and reading or listening to his word, so you have gotten spiritual food and nurturing you need to keep on growing in your walk with Christ.  And I also hope you have decided to not dance after this world, and celebrate Halloween in the occult way many families unfortonately do. Filling their houses with spiders, skeletons, witches, slimy monsters, vampire masks, and devil masks. And of course with zombies, repo man dolls etc. All inviting the realm of darkness in their homes.

Which leads me to todays topic. Halloween. You can see them everywhere,cotton candy made look like spider webs, chocolate eyballs, licorice skulls and gelly spiders. Evil clown masks, and other things that are related to death. I don't think I as a person ever will be that uncomfortable at any time of the year ever, than in Halloween. Since I have been fighting against spiritual forces as a born again Christian since my youth. I have actually seen real evil spirits manifest themselves. And I have driven them away in Jesus name, the only name they have respect for. They are no toys! and should not be laughed at, and trust me you should never want to have them in your homes. Which I strongly advice everyone, to not invite them in celebrating death.

I know how many people think, that Halloween is just for fun, something fun to do with children, dressing them up to those cute little witches and devils. I used to be one of those people. I used to make horror movies with my little sister, in our house, not knowing the spiritual danger in it. And I know there will be people calling me nuts and a religious extremist etc. But God has put this into my heart, to write about tonight, so I believe there is someone reading this who actually will listen and receive what I wrote. Luckily I have renounced everything to do with the occult, and I will never again do horror movies or buy horror masks, movies or masks. 
I don't think it is a problem if you dress up to something nice, or cute, and perhaps celebrate a festival of light, instead of Halloween with the kids. That is what I will do when I have my own. Fill my home with laughter, light, prayers and goodness. Let them dress up for something good, because both kids and adults like to dress up sometimes. But to Celebrate Halloween the way many in our world do, the way the shop owners tries to make us do, is a invitation to the realm of darkness. An invitation to the spirit of death. And it is a nasty spirit that can cause sickness that lead to death in your life! Here you can read a bit about it.

And it also opens door to the spirit of fear, trust me when I say, this world is a cruel and scary place already for kids to grow up in, they don't need more fear! they need peace, love, security and Jesus the source of it all.

Then the spirit of death and fear open doors to spirit of suicide, murder etc. And they are not to play with! Many Satanists and devil worshippers also celebrate Halloween and have occult practices during it, sacrificing animals and cursing everyone who oppose them and begging Satan do manifest to them. Playing with tarot cards and spiritual forces. Thats why I hope you receive this warning, and decide to boycott the celebration of this darkness.
In the Bible you can also read about this. Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms"
Leviticus 20:6: I( God) will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people."
Here you can also read  that Jesus has defeated death:
1th Corinthians 15:55-57: O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? for sin is the sting that  result in death, and the law given sin its power. But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death throught our Lord Jesus Christ!

And in John 11:25-26: Jesus said to her( Martha) I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me,thought he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?
That is a good question, if you believe in this, then don't celebrate death, celebrate Jesus the resurrection and the life instead.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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