In the eyes of Jesus- abortion is murder-

The blood of the aborted babies, have cried out to Jesus

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, now that it is getting colder and the air is getting fresher and darkness comes quicker. Soon its time for warm candles, cousy bubble baths and raincoats again. If you haven't already decided to follow Jesus as an unbeliever, I hope you will do that soon, he can give light to the darkness that is inside you longing for him, the light that heals your inner wounds, forgives all your sins, and help you to become the person you where meant to be, without sin in the way, even thought it is a progress and we are not fully perfect until eternity. If you already are a Christian, I hope you have gotten closer to Jesus, and given him as much time as possible, praying and readin his word, and listening and obeying him, in the end it is that time with Jesus that will determs how well you will face persecutions and trials of fire in the future. The time you spent seeking his face and living in obedience.

Now to todays topic, it is once again something that Jesus has put deeply in my heart, knowing because it was in his heart first. The abortion issue. The mass murder of innocent children, the genocide that has been legal in allower the world  for several years, in Sweden it as been legal for almost 45 years. And over one million of Swedes, has been murdered in their mothers wombs and thrown in the thrash or flushed in to the toilets like yesterdays hamburger paper.

These where boys and girls, that Jesus has sent to this world, for a reason, for a purpose. There we have lost hundreds of thousands of doctors, scientists, preschool teachers, aunts, uncles, mums and dads, military soldiers, authors, mysicians, politicians, prophets, priests, therapists, ministers, pastors, even parents who could have been grandparents 10 years from now and bring to this world new generations of people. Someones spouse, someones soulmate, someones best friend. And I have felt his grief over this issue, for several years now. Why I am a pro life activist, and stand with other activists showing the ugly face of abortion to bystanders in Stockholm City. I am not doing this because it would be fun, it is because Jesus has sent me there, to be a voice to the unborn.  AND to warn for the coming judgements. I have done little bit of both, and ended up in interesting discussions, today 3 people thanked us for standing up for the unborn, one Christian sister from perhaps Peru, one eldery brother from Eritrea and one young swedish Christian guy. So its not just negative feedback we get.

You see, the blood of the unborn children, who have been murdered in their mothers wombs, have reached Jesus heavenly Kingdom. They where defensless, innocent and pure babies, who where brutally murdered and their eternal souls where sent back to heaven, where they can't ever fullfill the purpose, the task they where meant to have on earth. They might not have been "intellectually developed, or fully formed, and have equally much brain activity as you and me. But THEY DO have souls and spirits, that are eternal. They did have a will to live. And they wanted to live. And Jesus heart breaks when he sees how someone that precious, a human life full of potential is brutally murdered, mostly because of selfish reasons. Not only or at all,  the selfishness of the mother, but boyfriends, grandparents, friends and other people around the girl who pushed to the abortions, have also a big part of the sin on their hands.
Therefore countries, where Abortion is practiced, and even applauded for, have a blood guilt on them. That has to be dealt with if nations really want to escape the judgements of God. Because he cares about the babies! he hears them! he has received several billions of them in heaven that he needed on earth. How to deal with the blood guilt? repent! stop doing it! go back to Jesus, his word, his will and his mercy, and apologize. HUMBLE themselves! and ditch one of the devils most perfect weapon, the sin of pride. Sweden is no exception. Here pro life midwifes have even been persecuted and publicly ridiculed for " not being like a ww2 nazi and killing because it is your job". Why this country will not escape God's judgements.
But the judgements will call for repentence, a tough love act from God. So don't blame him no matter what happens hereafter, he sees  no other way to stop the moral downfall leading to eternal damnation.

In proverbs 6: 16-17. You can read:"There are six things that the Lord hates,seven that are an abomination to him,haughty eyes,a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood"
But you can also read God saying in 2 Chronicles 7:14; If my people, which are called by my name,shall humble themselves,and pray and seek my face,and turn from their wicked ways,then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and heal their land"
So let us take heed to God's word. Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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