All humans are created in to the image of God


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers.  I hope your week has been blessed with happy memories, to take with you to the future. And I hope you will some day soon receive Jesus in your heart, so he can be your Lord and Savior in that future, now and forever. He has defeated death, both physical and spiritual and has a special plan for you. If you already are a Christian, I hope you have had time to seek Jesus face an be filled with his spirit, so you have grown in spiritual sensitivity and strenght. It is a scary world we live in, Jesus can be our peace no matter what storm the enemy throws at your path.
Today I have been manifesting against abortion in Stockholm City, together with my beloved friend Mats Selander, who is one of the main founders of MRO( människorätt för ofödda) in English it would be HRU( Human rights for the unborn) and since it was only us two there, we where verbally attacked with flocks of young teenagers scolding us for "attacking womens rights" by saying abortion is wrong. There where a couple of young teenage boys there too, and a woman in her mid 50:ies who where the mature and friendly one in the midst, with her I could actually speak without angry verbal attacks and hostile attitudes.

I was surprised how these young people had been brainwashed believing the atheistic leftist lie, that an unborn baby is not a human. It didn't matter how much I tried to point on the aborted baby on the big picture that we held on too, who had a face, arms, legs and everything. According to "science" the young teenage boy said it is not a human. And most of the other teenagers, 80% girls, also didn't see the unborn baby as a human. It was called a clump of cells and a fetus without conciousness. The young girl who lectured me and said I should be ashamed of myself, didn't even believe the unborn baby had a soul.
It only revelaled to me what happens to a country where majority turn their backs against Jesus and his word, the moral compass starts to break. All suddenly humans are only humans if they can survice outside the womans body, all suddenly a baby is not seen as an individual person, as long as he or she is in the womb. All suddenly a baby is no longer a baby, it is a clump of cells or a fetus. And therefore it is okay to kill it, no matter what plan God has for him or her. That is so sad and tragic to hear. God help us what have we become? I am a born again Christian, and have a personal relationship with Jesus, and he has told me personally that it breaks his heart when babies are aborted. And he is the one who has sent me to be a voice for the unborn. I am greatful for the fact that Jesus sent us two men in their 50:ies one I think from Erithrea/Ethiopia and the other from Chile, I sensed they where brothers in Christ, and they stood up for us when they saw we where i minority and attacked by the young flock of teenagers. I was a prayer answer thank you Jesus! They listened to me and one of the wanted to have broschyr with info how he could support us, I handed one over.

I have forgiven these people, despite their insults, because Jesus wants that of me, and he is my Lord not just my savior. And because I know they are the result of the education system we have in Sweden and been raised up in a pro choice enviroment with no faith or respect in God. But the whole situation simply makes me sad. I hope you who don't live in Sweden and share my Christian faith, will join me in prayer against the forces of darkness that have brainwashed youngest generations in to believing i lies. And other generations too. From communism, leftism and atheism, and the red coloured feminism movement. Both here and other countries.

This is what I believe,all humans are created to the image of God, all humans have eternal souls, and all humans are created with a spirit, body AND soul. God has sent all humans on earth for a special purpose, they can reach throught relationship with Jesus, who carried their sins on the cross so they could be saved and forgiven and redeemed. All humans are loved by God, and murdering a human is a horrific sin in God's eyes that brings curses upon nations and individuals, if not dealt with. I will spend eternity with trillions of humans killed by abortion, I will get to know their names and see their faces and hear about their callings and gifts they would have used if given a chance on earth. How do anyone expect me to be able to look them in their eyes if I didn't try to stop what happened to them when given a chance? if I sing Jesus loves little children one day, and the other day just turn my back on the ones that are the most defenseless children of them all, the unborn.
And I have the right to stand up for what I believe, what God has sent me to do. Even if it looks offensive. Because democracy still exists. And even if it didn't I swear I will never look at a baby and say it is only a fetus or a clump of cells with no value. And ignore the huge genocide abortion industry proudly stands for.
I end with some Bible quotes, as usual.

Genesis 1:27:So God created mankind in his own image,  in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them"
Proverbs 6:16-19: There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil,a false witness that pours out lies and a person that stirs up conflict in a community"
Psalm 139:13-16: For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in a secret place, when I was woven togehter in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me where written in your book before one of them came to be"
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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