The abortion industry, UN and leftist elite


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed with many good memories, now that we are 2 months and 18 days from Christmas and the wind is fresh and cold and the leafs beautifully coloured. I also hope that you who have not yet decided to accept Jesus/Yeshua in your heart as a Lord and Savior, will decide to do that soon. He really wants to give spiritual warmth and light in your heart, where there always is a place meant for him. You are sent to this earth, to have a relationship with your creator, not to live without him. So let him come to your heart and save your soul for now and forever. You who already are Christians, I hope you have been spending time with Jesus/Yeshua, seeking his face, reading his word, speaking to him and listening to him so you have and will keep on having a good relationship and grow in your spiritual life. He deserves the first place in your life!

Today I felt God wanted me to adress a subject that is close to his heart, the wicked Satanic abortion industry. You see, there have been made an industry of killing unborn children, that means someone gets rich when they kill your unborn baby, it is seen as a job like any other jobs. But it is in God's sight, in Jesus sight, nothing but a cold brutal murder. Therefore we Christians must stand up against this horrific genocide of the unborn, and say no we will take no part in this. Because we are the light of the world, the salt of the earth, and we will not and cannot support killing of innocent children.  And the people behind it, behind organisations like Planned Parenthood in the United States, do have an agenda, because they are not alone in the boat of murderers. There is an elite, connected to Freemasonry and other occult groups, where many politicians are involved, and they are planning a New World Order. And the reason why these people gladly stand up for "womens rights to their own bodies" and their rights to abort as many babies they want if the babies are unwanted, and get aggressive and angry against pro choicers like Abigail Johnson, is because you smaller amount people you have to rule, you easier it gets to rule them. 

And that is not all that is on, they also seem to want to make sure that the people who do make the largest amounts of babies, are the ones who support them, give the leftist elites their votes. Its obvious at least here it is the muslims. If they keep non muslims, specially conservartives so called "liberal" people not wanting to have kids, only targeting them with over populations warnings, and make them cheer for abortion rights and keep on aborting their babies, and even make sure people in high positions in health care bussiness force their staff to kill babies if they want to keep their jobs, then they can make sure that the "wrong kind" of people are not having babies, the people that have kids that might not agree on their politics, and that the "right" kind of people get dussins of them. Thats the reason many leftist politicians couldn't care less about the mass rapes that are going on in Europe because of the mass muslim man migration, thats the reason they gladly visit mosques and let dictators from Iran come to Europe and be treated as kings. They do whatever they can to please the muslims, only so they can get their votes. 

If what I write is not true, how come the muslim population is growing rapidly, and european population is shrinking?
You can read more about this issue in here:
It is so obvious for me as a Christian, that this is what is going on in our world today. And far too many young people are caught in that net! Thinking that the best they can do to "save the future" is to have as little amount of kids as possible. At the same time the muslims plan to win europe over to Islam, by having as many kids as possible. take heed to this warning too!

The leftist politicians  not stupid either, they know their politics cause chaos and violence in their countries. They know people will be shot to death, beheaded and killed in terror attacks. And it still serves them too, because it makes it easier for them to rule the ones that are left. They want the non muslim population to stay low throught abortion, the muslim population to stay high throught having many kids, so they get more votes, more violent fanatics will rise and even more people get killed. And it is us Christians and jews, who are standing in first line to be persecuted and killed. You see, there is a war against The New testament people( Christians) and the old testament people( the jews) too.  Why terror attacks and genocides( like in Syria because of ISIS against Christians) against Christians and jews not so often lead to headlines throught media channels.

It might seem like there is a contradiction here, how can the left both want a smaller amount of people to be on earth so they can have easier to rule them, and still support mass muslim migration?

But the way I see it, they( leftist elite) seem to have three goals 1. Get rid of the wrong people by any means 2. Have more of the "right" people and less of the wrong people born so the leftists can get votes 3. Make sure there is chaos and conflicts between people groups so the "right people" get rid of as many as possible of the wrong people". Or make sure the wrong people are to afraid to stand up against the right people. Either way people will be killed. Unborn children, as well as jews wearing David stars, and Christians wearing crosses, teenagers in gang shootings, female rape victims after rapists being done with them and choose to cut their throats, sick people in hospitals because not getting help in time, heart attacks because of stress related overeating, drug overdoses because of anxiety and stress caused by chaos i world, terror victims through terror attacks etc. And that causes the population to decrease, the "wrong kind" of population anyway, the one who does not serve the leftist elites like Soros. Who I still hope and pray will be saved someday while they have time.
And that griefs God, because he loved the world so much he gave them his son Jesus Christ/ Yeshua Hamaschiach so they can be saved. Every time a human being is being killed, it is a part of God that is being killed.
Its written already in Genesis 1:27:
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them,male and female he created them"
Thats why we must stand up against this madness, turn to Jesus and stand up for his word, his love, his light, against the forces of darkness and death.
And we must keep on praying for the muslims too, so they will realize that Jesus is the Son of God and the only way to salvation, the love and relationship with God they long for is only possible throught Jesus Christ. And sharing the gospel! even when we get threats! and we Christians, and of course the jews too, should not stop having kids! no we should have more kids! and we Christians/Messianic jews should als share the gospel with judaism jews so they know Yeshua is the Messiah they are waiting for.
We must stop playing in the leftist elites hands! by walking on their path of destruction, or not protesting against it because of us being cowards.
I end this blog post with a well known quote from the Bible.
John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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