I light a Candle to the children who only where wanted by Jesus

   Jesus said let the little children come to me

Shalom to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with happy special moments with your friends, family and other loved ones, and that you have felt the warmth of jackets and hats in the cold autumn air while watching the colourfull streets now covered with leafs of different colours. And that you had cousy moments with scented candles, drinking warm tea and having nice conversations with other people. But mostly I hope and pray that if you haven't already accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord, that you will do that soon, he is the one who gives light in your heart and warmth in your soul, the way nobody else can, and he has a special plan for you. If you already are a Christian, I hope you have spent time with Jesus and had great moments with him in prayer and Bible reading feeling surrounded by his love and letting him feel the love you feel towards him from you. He is the only one who deserves the first place in your life.

Now to the blog post of the week. We are now heading to "All Saints Day" or what is also called "Halloween" in the States. But Here in Sweden it is a weekend when we visit the graves of our loved ones, light candles in front of them, or go to Church and pay a sum of money so we can light a candle in the memory of our loved ones, often people do both. I don't like Halloween anymore, or the thought of Christians Celebrating it and dressing their kids to vampires and or witches, or even themselves as adults to darkness themed stuff. It is a Celebration wery big among devil worshippers and Satanists, which is why we should not partake, not by dressing ourselves or our family members to followers of darkness anyway or anything  related to death. But I do get the idea of remembering our loved ones and lighting candles to their memory, because I have some up in heaven myself who I think about, like my nana, my best friend Sandra and others. Since I felt God tell me to write a Pro Life themed blog post, I decided I will take the opportunity to light a Candle, to all the children who where murdered in their mothers wombs.  
The children who only where welcomed by Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and Our Father in heaven. And have never spent any Holidays with or other days here on earth, going in to their purpose, their unique purpose God sent them to this earth to fullfill, together with their families. Boys that never had the chance to come to this earth, and grow up to men who would become fathers and husbands. Girls that never got the chance to be someones wifes, or mothers. Prophets that never can use the gift of prophecy to reach souls, Gospel singers with unique voices that would have touched hundreds of unsaved souls, writers, actors, preachers, pastors, shepherds, teachers and doctors. Can you see them? they are billions up there. Their only crime was that they arrived at the wrong time. Billions of people from all colours, who never got the chance to live the life on earth that where meant to them. I light a candle to their memory. And I hope if you have in any ways been partaker in Abortion industry, that you will go to Jesus ask him to forgive you and heal you. When he is alloved to be your Savior, he can also forgive you if you confess your sins and let him cleanse you. It doesn't matter if you are the boyfriend who pushed your GF to abort, a family member, or if you yourself have gone throught one. You can all be forgiven and healed from the damage that it caused in your hearts, and you can spend eternity with your children who wait for you in heaven. But Jesus is the only way there.

All children have eternal souls, it is a big public widespread lie in Sweden, that unborn children are just clumps of cells, and that when they die they cease to exists and that there is no heaven or hell. And Jesus did say "Let the little children come to me" so thats where they are. All in heaven. But they did have a purpose on earth. And you need to verbally confess the abortion as a sin to be forgiven, no excuses, if you have took part in it.  To kill a human being is a sin, no matter how old the human is and where he or she is when being killed. All humans are created in God's image.
I light a candle to their memory, the precious souls, that where sent back to heaven long before time. They deserve it. And I will spend eternity with all of them. To all brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, parents, grandparents, great grandparents, best friends, bosses and collagues, who never got the chance to live out their God given purpose. Lord bless them!
I end with Bible quotes.

Genesis 1:27: So God created mankind in his image, in the image of God he created them,male and female he created them"
Psalm 139:13-16: For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mothers womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book, before one of them came to be"
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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