Jesus wants people to repent from a life in sin

                                There is no blessing in disobedience                  

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you had a blessed week with good memories to take to the rest of your journey of life. I hope you like me are looking forward to Christmas( not Winter feast or just "Holiday)and to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the only way, truth and the life. Who was sent to save you from your sins, and restore your relationship with him and his heavenly father, and with the holy spirit. He is the ultimate gift to the entire humanity. And I hope if you haven't accepted him as a Savior yet, you will do that soon. Christmas will feel more happy and spiritually warm when you honour the heavenly father by receiving his son in your heart as a Savior and a Lord. It no longer is a spiritually empty Santa Claus worship day more matearlistic and greed coloured, than spiritually celebrated festival where you can celebrate the birt of your Savior and feel his presence all around you and inside your heart. He has a special plan for you, and he loves you! so I hope you non Christians, will accept Jesus in your heart so he can be the blessed friend, Lord and Savior your heart longs for, to him that would also be a valued gift, to have you in his Kingdom now and forever. And Salvation that comes throught him is also a gift. It can received by faith not by works. If you already are a Christian, I hope you have spent time with our Lord, so you have grown in your spirit and got stronger in your faith. It is important to remember Jesus is meant to be our Lord, not just a savior. 
Now to todays topic, I felt God tell me to write about a delicate issue, and that is how he dislikes when his children live a life in sin. He especially mentioned fornication, that means sex outside of marriage. Even thought I believe all couples should be married, I especially feel God wants me to warn the people that carry his name, of living in fornication. That means us Christians. The others must still receive him as a Savior and a Lord first to be united with him and his will and partake his protection either way.

Jesus wants us to honour his will, and save sex for marriage, instead of taking it far too lightly as many people do. I live in Sweden, where many people live with boyfriends/girlfriends, even fiancées, but of some reason get stuck there and refuse to take the next step, marriage. Some of them say to me that they don't have enough money, but somehow always find money to do other things, like travel, shop expensive clothes, movie visits etc. And they seem to do little or almost nothing at all, so they can save money for any marriage at all, even if its 10 years from now. And it for me doesn't make any sense. Especially if they are Christian. Since it is so clearly written in the Bible that men and women are suppose to get married, and not sin against their own bodies.I have personally felt God say to me, that he wants me to wait before I get married, and I have decided to obey him. Even thought it is weird in many peoples eyes, I find it peaceful to know what they think matter a little compared to what God thinks. My choice. My life. I so wish as many as possible of the others would make the same choice. For their own sake.  It protects from the influence of the enemy, evil spirits who rejoice to destroy as many relationships as possible when seeing a loophole to the couples lives in disobedience. A relationship cannot ever be blessed by God if it is outside his will. And sex outside of marriage is against his will. He is clear on that in his word. If you live with your partner and face many problems and you are not married, you can't ask God to bless your relationship because it is outside his will and thefore outside his protection. 

This is what is written in the Bible about this issue:
Hebrews 13:4: Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.
Romans 12:1-2: Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God- this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the patterns of this world,but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will. 
1th Corinthians 6:18-20: Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against his own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of The Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. You where bought at a price. Therefore honour God with your bodies,"
You see there is a spiritual world behind sins we make, that can affect future generations. If I would have sex outside of marriage and have a child, she or he would be in danger of being under the influence of the spirit of fornication, which would make it harder for him or her to wait with sex until marriage. And that spirit is sent by the devil and has no good intentions. I come from a family with quite a few fornicating ancestors, and I know I had my share of battles with this issues, and have been prayed for and gotten release from unclean spirits. And I know wery few of my adult relatives have been able to wait until marriage with sex. So it is a real spirit and it makes things more complicated. And after you repented, it needs to be driven out in Jesus name from you. Or it will keep on jumping to future generations like they had done in my case. Its like an invisible grasshopper but it moves in the spiritual realm. Here you can read more about it:
You might think this is nutcase talk, in that case I pray someday you will reach spiritual maturity enough to hear God confirm what he has personally told me. And I pray that you who are in my life and live in sin, will find the courage and will to repent and get married with your partner. I speak about heterosexual relationships since marriage was defined by God to be about a man and a woman.
Thats all for tonight, I wish you a blessed weekend, take care & God bless/ Tanja


  1. When God spoke of fornication He was pointing to spiritual fornication, which is a manifestation in the natural. The natural points to the spiritual.

    He is speaking of embracing another gospel that is not consistent with His character, purpose and plan (Truth). This other gospel is given witness to by seducing spirits within the denominational church, where the 2 covenants (That of Moses and that of Jesus) are mixed. This doctrine is called the doctrine of the Nicolaitans and is not the Gospel of Christ.

    The knowledge of God has been replaced with precept and line, by which those in the church is backslidden and held in captivity, following after a Jesus build from their imagination.

    Spiritual fornication is refusing responsibility to Truth.These engage with the world for their pleasure, whilst neglecting to join them to God to build His spiritual house, by His covenant terms.

    1 Cor 5:9 " I wrote to you in an epistle to not company with fornicators."

    #S8W #ApostlesToday #covenant #repentance is sealed daily at the #altar of Christ in service to God, by the tethering of #stewardship.

    1. Thanks for your feedback! No i don't believe he only meant spiritual fornication.I have felt him personally say that he want's a clean bride who walks in obedience and like the other verses I quoted they specificially mentioned that living in fornication is sinning against your own body.. and that marriage should be honoured. But there is time for repentence for those who are not walking in his will and has not hardened their conciousnesses. Sorry if I spelled something incorrectly.. I wish you a blessed week and a merry Christmas


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