The Devil is behind the abortion industry- We Christians need to fight back!


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers.  I hope your week has been jolly and blessed with more good memories to the journey of life that you are taking, now that we are 9 days from Christmas and all. And I hope you who have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua in your heart as a Lord and Savior, will do that soon, then your Christmas will be blessed with his beautiful peacefull presence in a new way, when you just know he is the reason for the season and he is the one you have longed for all the years without him. If you are a Christian, I hope you have grown spiritually in your prayer room seeking his face, and felt his guidance while you read his word. It is important to take care of your relationship and practice listening to him and keep on obeying him. He should be accepted as a Lord, not just a Savior. Anyone can accept him as a Savior, but to accept him as a Lord means you put his will before yours. He might ask you to do something you don't feel like doing, or not to do something you want to do. It happens to me on a regular basis and I am still being taught the school of obedience.And I am growing and getting forward. It is a progress to grow in Christ. And once you are close enough you will find out there is no place for excuses, there are only two options, it is either you choose to do his will or you are disobedient.  There is no peace in disobedience and never will be, I know!  But thats how it is and should be. 

Now to todays topic, it is once again a cry out for the unborn children. I have it so closely to my heart and I felt God wanted me to write about it again. I believe Jesus/Yeshua wants us all Christians to stand up for the rights of the unborn children, and stand up against the abortion industry. The abortion industry is a weapon from Satan, used to get rid of people who God could use as a threat to him. Its like in the terminator series, the terminators looked at humans as their enemies, only in our world, children that are conceived at wrong time, are seen as some kind of enemies not worthy of given a chance to live. Make no mistake, all humans, including unborn ones, are made in the image of God. Therefore it is wrong to kill them. And the unborn children are both innocent and defenseless which makes it even more cruel and demonic to kill them. They only have us, pro life advocates to stand against the Satanic abortion industry, who makes money by killing innocent children. Planned parenthood even takes out organs from aborted babies still alive. Only to be murdered afterwards.

How can anything like this not come from the devil?

And how can so many Christians cowardly stand back and not make any noise to defend those unborn children, who have unique gifts and callings that this world would need? There are prophets among them, teachers, minsters, shepherds, prayer warriors, doctors, preschool teachers, wifes, husbands, brothers and sisters. Best friends! even soldiers and authors. This is not the time for fear of man, it is the time of bold obedience, to fight for what is right. So please join me and many others in this fight! how do you know you might save your childs future spouse and your future daughter or son in law? who is in danger for being aborted. Or the doctor who saves your best friend 20 years from now? I know there are christians who even perform abortions in hospitals somehow thinking God approves to it, only so they don't loose their jobs. Acting out of man fear. There is still time to repent and turn back to Jesus in those cases too! they are equally much murderers as any terrorist who shoots kids in colleges. We will all stand in front of God one day, and there are no human advocates who can defend our earthly choices, no applauding crowds, only Jesus and us. Just remember that. And that the fact that in the book of revelation, it was the cowards who where first in line to be sent to hell, yes you heard me, the cowards! the ones who don't do whats right out of fear. Please dont be one of them. I pray for the politicians in Sweden who had made that mistake. Acting out of man fear not God fear. KD and SD I am afraid amongs the others. It makes Jesus very sad. But there is still time and hope.
I end with some Bible quotes about this issue.

James 4:7: Submit yourselves,then, to God. Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.
John 10:10:( Jesus words) The thiefs purpose is to steal kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them( the humans)a rich and satisfying life.
Genesis 1:27: So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them"
Matthew 5:13( Jesus words) You are the salt of the earth( the salt has a purpose, it is to prevent decay in this case I believe it means moral decay) But if the salt looses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? it is no longer good for anything,except to be thrown out and be trampled underfoot.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless 


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