A child is always a gift- no matter how she or he has ben conceived


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers.  I hope you had a lovely celebration of the new year, and that this year will be happy and filled with good memories for all of you, to take with you to the journey of life. I hope of course( and pray) that this is the year you who haven't received Jesus in your heart as a Lord and a Savior, will choose to do so and have a wonderful meeting with his supernatural love. He really loves you and has a special plan for you. No matter who you are, and who your parents are. Which leads to todays topic, that God has put in my heart. And that is the fact, that in his eyes all children, all humans, are equally precious, no matter how she or he was conceived. I do have personal reasons for writing about this too, I am as many of you already know, openly Pro Life. And far to often, if not each and everytime I stand there manifestating against this horrible genocide called abortion industry under the pink cover of "womens rights", someone comes to me and ask: But what if the woman was raped? should she be forced to keep a rapist child? assuming a child concieved by rape, looses his or her value immediately. A rapist child is seen = a burden, that you should get rid off. Instead of a human being, equally valuable as the neighbors unborn baby conceived by love. And that before you even know what plans God has for that child. How is it that the way a child is conceived is in many peoples eyes what determines if she or he has the right to his or her life?

Yes, it is a horrible situation for every woman to go throught, being raped and get pregnant with a horrible man who no woman would wish to be a father of her baby. But you must remember a few other things when you think about this issue. 1. Has the baby done anything wrong? the answer is of course no, she or he is equally much a victim in this issue than the woman. And she or he is innocent, and did not choose to be conceived that way, but yet she or he was. And yet she or he is in the womb, has a unique calling from God, a unique soul, and unique set of gifts. She or he is already here. Despite the sadness and tragedy surrounding the way he or she was concieved. If the baby has done nothing wrong, then why kill it? only because his or her biological father is evil, that doesn't mean she or he will become like that. And I have talked about this issue before with the young girls asking what if the woman was raped question.. and will give the same answer: A man that conceives a child by rape, has no right to be calling himself a father. He is the father of the baby by DNA only. There are plenty of real men out there, good hearted fathers, who are more worthy of being called fathers that God can send in the womans way, who will take care of her and the baby. 2. Does the abortion get rid of the trauma of rape? I believe the answer is no, it only adds one more trauma for the woman to live with. In case you didn't know, to go throught an abortion can be very painful physically and emotionally, in the name of logic and humanity and compassion, that would not be the solution that gives peace to the woman. Yes she is no longer pregnant with an evil person.. but she has taken part in killing someone that is not evil.

The baby. And since God has given us concience that reminds us what is wrong and what is right, I don't believe a majority of the women who got pregnant by rape and performed abortion( often pressured by others) find peace with their decision. Or find the first time after the abortion a peaceful and wonderful time being relieved over not being a carrier of a rapist child anymore. These women need to go to Jesus, ask for forgiveness and then receive his healing. 3. Does the aborted baby stop existing? I believe no, all babies no matter how they die, go to heaven to Jesus, and if you are a born again Christian and perform an abortion, no matter how the child was conceived, he or she is in heaven waiting for their families. You don't stop being a mum or dad only because your child dies, no matter outside or inside the womb. The child will be in one of two places, heaven or earth. And God will hold all people accountable for what they have done on earth, why he wants people to accept him as a Lord and Savior so he can fill them with his love on earth and in heaven.

I also choose to share something private God has told me, something not even all my family members know. And that is that my grandmothers father was conceived by rape, his mother never told him who his biological father was. And after marrying my grandmothers mother, they had several children of their own, including my grandmother who now has over 20 grandkids and 6 kids. Artists, doctors, singers, health care workers, dussins of them, living in Finland who would not be here, if my grandmothers father would have been aborted. It is not just killing one human being its all about, its about killing generations of other human beings, only because that one person was not conceived by love. Same situation no matter how the baby was conceived and why she or he was aborted. Generations of people have been wiped out. And their blood cry out to God!  Which is why each and every individual who has been taken part in this genocide, must go to Jesus for salvation and forgiveness and be willing to confess it as a sin. Verbally.  Abortion in God's eye is a murder, and should be repented of. If the child in the womb was sick, even in those cases Jesus could have healed  the baby if the parents had chosen to seek his face and let others pray for him or her.
I hope I have convinced you all how important it is to stand up for life and given you something else to think about than the leftist lies and all the other ways the devil wants humans to destroy every trace of conscience that is left in them.
I end this with a couple of Bible quotes.

Proverbs 6: 16-19: This six things doth the Lord hate, yea, seven are an abomination unto him. A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. A heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swifted in running to mischief, a false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord amomg brethren.

1 John 19: If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Psalm 127:3: Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,the fruit of the womb is a reward".

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless, and a happy new year!!


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