Prayer call against the fear of man!


Shalom, to all my beloved blog followers. Tonight I will do something differnt, I felt God tell me to urge other Christian brethren to pray with me egainst the fear of man. So that is what I am about to do this friday night.
I of course hope whoever you are who read this, already have Yeshua/Jesus in your heart as a Lord and a Savior, or that you will choose him to be that some day soon, he has a special calling and plan for each individual, including you precious soul who reads this right now. So go to him, and ask him to come to your heart, he is already waiting with outstreach arms right where you are. He is ready to forgive you for your sins, and come to your life, you just need to ask him to forgive you and invite him to come. Then he is there and a new journey begins. I do not regret receiving him in my heart, despite the bullying in school, spiritual warfare stuff etc. And if you encounter his love the way I have, you will not regret it eather. Just give him a chance!
Now to the subject, fear of man. I find it the most discusting, annoying, heart breaking and frustrating fear there is, since it leads to so much darkness in our world. And there is a demonic spirit behind it, it has even influenced me when I was young and sometimes I still battle againt it, not equally powerfully thought since The Holy Spirit in Jesus name has done a lot of work in me together with the Heavenly father, and they still are doing a lot of work in me, it is a process to grow spiritually. Either way the demonic spirit behind fear of man, can loose its power over generations of people in different nations, if we Christians only would unite in powerful prayer against it. 
This is what it does amongs Christians:

1. It keeps them from spreading the gospel
Not just on the streets publicly, but even in workplaces, schools, amongs friends and neighbours. It is easy to just go to a church once a week, sing a few psalms pray few prayers and listen to a sermon, then drink some coffey and eat some buns or sandwiches and have great time with other Church members only to go home and keep on living your life just like before.  But to have a cross around your neck among non Christians, to carry a bible with you on public places, or to even hint to non Christians that you are a Christian, it is not equally easy for so many people. 
But we are not called to just be bench warmers, we are called to be soul winners! we should never be ashamed of our faith and keep it quiet and hidden in case somebody might find us weird for being Christians. If we deny him in front of others he will also deny us. Remember  Jesus said it in Matthew 10:33. Open your Bible and read it for yourself.

We Christians have been given different gifts, to use to serve God. Mine is for example writing, I love writing and have always being a writer since childhood. Ask Jesus what gifts he has given you, and pray for open doors to share about him as Savior and/or testify what he has done in your life. And pray against the spirit of man fear like it was a beast, since that is what it is. But Jesus blood defeats all darkness, and prayer is powerful! If people don't know we are Christians, how can seekers then come to us and ask questions when they have struggles? its worth to think about.
2. It keeps them from speaking against false teachings. 
There is and always will be false teachings everywhere, including in churches. And we are as Christians called to protest against it, and make sure they are not tolerated in our churches. The fear of man makes sure nobody dares to speak against any prophet/leader/teacher who comes with false teachings to their homes and or churches, because they don't want to offend anyone. Some pastors even let them come to their churches because they give them money, or get crowds to come there that gives more money to the church. And this way the fear of man even leads to spreading of false teachings that might or/and will lead people astray, especially if they are not familiar with their Bibles. Here both Christians who attend churches and their pastors/priests have a responsibility, to know their bibles and stand against false teachings that Jesus doesn't approve of. We also need to walk daily and take care of our relationship with Jesus, so he can personally speak to us and warn us.
3. It makes men bigger than Jesus

You must remember something, choosing to be politically correct, and to have fear of man as a compass to lead you, will not give you any points when you stand in front of Jesus one day. Because then all the crowds, people cheering when you spoke for HBTQ rights
( I am not supporting killing or hurting HBTQ people since Jesus wants to save them and set them free from their bondage, but they are not to be uplifted as untouchable God's who's rights trample the rights of Christian ministers for example who don't want to marry gay couples or bakers who like me think and know that God's will is for marriage be between a man and a woman, the queer shows for kids are not making me change mind either but their attacks on Christian values must stop and the worshipping everything they say), abortions rights, what a horrible person Trump is( like you even know him in person!!) or how evil conservatives are for wanting marriage be  between man and a woman, and wanting to save the unborn.. all those crowds and Facebook/instagram likers wont be there. Only Jesus,Heavenly father, holy spirit, their angels and you ( or perhaps even your spouse might also be there if you go there together after an accident/martyrship )

And how popular you where on this earth does not matter. What matter is what you did with the Word of God( Bible) and with your relationship with Jesus( if you had any) If you live a life where you make men bigger than God, you forget that God is the one who determes where you will be spending your eternity. Your friends/fans are not God. They are not bigger than God, they don't see all God sees. If you belong to Jesus, no matter how much trouble you get down here, at least you know when you leave this earth your eternity is safe in Jesus arms, and he will take care of the judgement against all people who wronged you, when you forgive and leave it to him, unless they repent. But we are called to pray for our enemies, so we should also do that so they might be reached and saved, but either way the burden of sin will come to wicked people, and can only be lifted if they apologize to Jesus while they still can. Jesus is the one you will face after earthly death, and he is the supreme judge. Remember that!

4. It keeps people helping others in need 
If people who are opressed and or hated like persecuted fellow Christians or Israel, and the opresser is vicious, angry, powerful and loud, many people choose to close their eyes to the ones i pain and desperate need. Prostitutes, unborn children, persecuted Christians etc. And that is one of the most nasty consequences of man fear, the one with selfish motives. We are called to help people, stand up for the ones who need our help, send money to the poor, pray for our fellow Christians and help them the ways we can, and never to run away when others in need call for our help. Prayer against all darkness, even the ones opressing and will to help  the ones in need, and asking Jesus for courage to do so, is very important.
As you see, we do have reasons to fight against the monster spirit of fear, and stand up for what is right, especially as Christians. We are the only Bibles some people will ever read. So let us not stay silent! let us show the needy that we care! that Jesus loves them!

I will end with some Bible quotes:

Proverbs 29:25: The fear of man brings a snare, but he who Trusts in the LORD will be exalted.
Luke 12: 4-6: (words of Jesus) I tell you my friends, do not be afraid of those who can kill the body but after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear, Fear him who, after your body has been killed, has authority to throw you in to hell, yes I tell you, fear him!  Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? yet not one of them is forgotten by God.
1th John 5:14: This is the confidence we have in approaching God, that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us!
John 14:27: Peace I leave with you. I do not give you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid!

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless. / Tanja


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