There are only two choices. Jesus or Satan. Which one will you choose?

                            THERE WILL ALWAYS


Shalom! to all of you, precious people who happen to be willing to read my blog this friday evening.I hope that your week has been great and blessed with more good memories to take with you to future generations to talk about, and I wish you all a blessed weekend in God's grace. I hope and pray of course that all of you who still in spirituall darkness and have not received Yeshua/Jesus in your heart, will do that soon, so you can begin a new life with hem as a Lord and a Savior, but also a friend, councelor, healer, advicer, helper and a brother, together with the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. And you who already have made the choice, have been taking care of your relationship with him, so you will keep on growing spiritually as a Christian by the power of the Holy spirit in Jesus name and our heavenly fathers name. He has a special plan for all of us, and none of us are here as an accident or mistake. God knew what he was doing when he sent you on this earth! just let him come to you! he is waiting for you who still have not come to him. And keep on coming to him you who like me already are in his heavenly kingdom. Draw nearer to God and he will draw nearer to you!

Now to todays topic, and it is a topic that God once again reminded me of. And it is about the two choices the entire humanity has, to choose between now and in the future, while they still have time. You see there is only two choices, you either choose Jesus/Yeshua and spend your life here and in eternity with him, or you choose this "world" who's Lord is Satan.

To be a part of what we Christians call "the world" means you have chosen the dark side. It might look more entertaining. You can be your own lord and live as you like, letting your pleasure be your guide, and never have to face any persecution for where you stand politically and/or religiously. Because it is the popular stand. Its where the Antichrist and his false prophet will stand and be cheered at and voted politically in too, and reward materially people who choose to be a part of the "New World Order"and join them, and taking the chip on their right hand or forehead. They will also most certainly be a part of a global religion mixed with different religions, where all are wellcome. I am sad to say the Pope with Catholic church is already involved in something like that.

I am happy of course, there are born again Catholics in this world, who would never say anyone else is God but Jesus. And I know God will make us all one draw his chosen to him(catholics, baptists, evangelicals, presbyterians etc) and we will have a underground church non public one in the last days, according to David Wilkersons prophecy in his book "The vision" which already has started to be fullfilled rapidly.

But there will be a big harlot church! that will be popular!  where false prophets will be allowed to speak things that satisfy the flesh. I can only guess it denies Jesus as the only way truth and the life, accepts homosexual marriages, and says there is no such thing as sin, that all love is love and all ways lead to God. And people who will not be a part of that church, will be persecuted. Persecution is yet another thing that doesn't please flesh. Which is why some will fall in the end and take the  mark and loose their souls. But it is a choice we all have to make. If you say no to Jesus, you will loose your soul and spend eternity with the devil knowing you could have chosen another path, and that is the saddest destiny there is, I pray none you readers will end up  there. The road to hell can/will be a fun one, but it leads to eternal damnation. The road to heaven will be tough on earth from time to time, but it leads to salvation. It really is up to you and me!

But when you choose Jesus as your Lord and a Savior, you will go throught trials and persecutions because of it. You might lose your job, friends, family members, your job, freedom or even earthly life. But you will never loose your soul! and Jesus is with you wherever you are all the time, and he will use you to fill heaven with more people and give you eternal reward if you choose to stay with him. You will see wonders, feel his supernatural love and healing in the middle of all darkness.
In the Bible Jesus has said this about the issue.

Matthew 25:47-50:The Parable of the Net

 “Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake and caught all kinds of fish.  When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away. This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous  and throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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