Jesus wants us Christians to remember our spiritual roots- Israel


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers!  I hope your week has been blessed, despite the Corona virus chaos that is spread around the world, and that you have been healthy both physically and emotionally. I of course also hope that you who haven't decided to turn to Jesus/Yeshua for salvation and redemption, will do that soon, he really loves you all so much he longs to be in a deep and personal relationship with you, and has a special plan for your life. You like me who already have Yeshua/Jesus in our lives and hearts as a Savior, I hope have used some of that free time corona chaos have served you to seek the face of Jesus more, so you have and will keep on getting closer with your Lord and maker and grow in the spirit also.

Tonight, I will continue to share what I have heard in the Nordic Prayer call conference in Solnahallen in Stockholm between 13-15: march, and write it down here on this blog site. Number three in the series of three, about what bothers Jesus/Yeshua in today's churches. He has in his name and heavenly fathers name and his holy spirits name used some men and women to talk about this issue in Christian public meetings, and I happened to attend one a couple of weeks ago.
And it is about some Christians forgetting their spiritual roots, and how important it is to remember Israels part in it, and how important it is to bless Israel as a child to the King of Israel, Yeshua Hamaschiach, Lion of the TRIBE OF JUDAH, the Messiah Israel is waiting for. Because if we don't, Israel will not recofnize him as their Messiah, something Yeshua/Jesus really wants them to do since they need him and he came from them.
We Christians must not follow the world, rebuking, hating and unjustly treating Israel or the jewish people, even when it is popular to do so. I know hidden antisemitism is common amongs Christians from countries allover the world, including the ones seated in middle east, like Irak, Jordania, Iran, Lebanon etc. And even in European countries like Greece, and Russia.  And there are several countries where the replacement theology is preached in churches( replacement theology means that gentiles have replaced the Jews as God's chosen people and that the jews have lost their chances for salvation for all eternity because they "killed" Jesus)

Since I chose to follow Jesus and accept him in my heart as a Savior and Lord at age 19, and have spent several hours a week speaking to him and heard him speaking to me throughtout the years, I know I know I know that Jesus still loves Israel dearly. And that he wants Israel to know that he is the Messiah they have been searching for. My love for Israel has grown even stronger after my years living in relationship with Jesus/Yeshua and he has put Israel in my prayer list when I pray for them on a daily basis.

And what breaks Jesus heart, and offends him deeply, is that there are so called Christians, who carry Jesus name, and have used his name against his people, Hitler called himself a Christian and so did many German soldiers in the WW2, I know  that part of the history. But I have also heard about Christians using words like" they killed Jesus" when speaking about jewish people and about people who have spat on jewish peoples faces after they have seen The Passion of The Christ. That is not what Jesus wants. Jesus has told me personally that Christians who have antisemitism in their hearts, this hostile attitude against Israel, and who treat Israel unjustly bring shame on his name and makes him unrecognizable for his own people. Therefore we Christians must watch our behavior, the antisemitic ones must repent and turn to Jesus and apologize and repent from that kind of behaviour.

You see, the gentiles have done their share of evil throught out the history, even when we read the Bible. It was the gentiles who lured Israel to for example Baal worship, when Israel married gentile women they had their fallen God's with them and their husbands and children started to worship them also. It is the height of pride and hypocrisy for gentile Christians, to say that Israel is lost and that Israel can never be saved because of Israels sins, when gentiles themselves have done their shares in their sins throughtout history. Why would God judge Israels sins differently than ours? Jesus himself said he layed down his life to save the souls of the entire humanity. Not even Jesus said everything was his jewish peoples fault. I suggest that ALL Christians who read this, get their own Bibles and read this passage before they think about ugly antisemitic words like "the Jews killed Jesus" that has been used attacking Jews in Jesus names for centuries.

Jesus the good Shepherd. John 10:17-18( Jesus own words): The reason the Father loves Me is that I lay down My life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my father".

We must also remember that The Roman soldiers, where the ones who crucified him, and before that they whipped him, put a crown of thorn on his head, and mocked him. And they where gentiles. And it was Pontius Pilate ( a gentile) who decided to give in to the will of the angry crowd.  And we also must remember that if Jesus had not died for our sins, we would be still in bondage to them. 

I quote my brother Derek Prince, who said in one of his preachings, that without Israel, we would have no Apostles, no Bible and we would not have a Savior. Because Jesus/Yeshua was born in a jewish family, circumcised at 8 days, visited synagogues on a regular basis with his parents, and was raised in a jewish enviroment. Before he came forth and said he was the Messiah they where looking for. The difference with him was and still is, that he was totally free from sin, since his biological father is the one we know as "Heavenly Father"after being conceived by the Holy Spirit, and having a virgin mother Miriam that has later on been called Mary as his mom.
To save the humanity from sin he had to be born without sin and live without sin. Jesus was the only one. 
This I think is the sermon where he spoke about this issue, I recommend it:

I end with what I heard that brother say in The Conference I attended two weeks ago, that God has spoken to him and some of what I have also heard God spoken to me. About this issue.

You have forgotten your roots and turned against Israel! don't forget that I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! and nobody who curses Israel  will ever come under my blessing! bless Israel, testify about me for Israel so they know I am their Messiah. The replacement teology and hostile attitude against Israel makes them not recognize me. I bless those who bless my chosen people! and If you choose to curse Israel, be sure my curse will be upon you. I am forever a jew and I will save Israel. And I will return to the Mount of Olives. When my people say Baruch Hab'a Beschem Adonai. Cooperate with me, support organizations that help my people home, let them move home and build houses without accusing them for causing trouble. I gave Israel to the Jewish people. I knew what I was doing. Everlasting peace in Israel will come when I return.

Return every bit you have taken from my people, including Gaza. Read my word! and stop sharing my land! 

Thats all for tonight! Take care & God bless 


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