Do not let fear become your God, Jesus is much better!


Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope you are all well and that you have managed to have a happy and peaceful time in the midst of all the fear yours as well as my surroundings is trying to impose on us.
In Sweden fear is like a virus, it has spread to many peoples lives, and it causes many people including children to have problems to sleep. Right now the biggest fear is of the Covid 19/aka Corona virus. But there are other fears that have lasted longer, like fear of man, unhealthy fear of Jesus and Christianity, fear of being judged and fear of not being good enough in school, at work or being good enough friend, spouse, coworker or a boss. Fear of loosing a job, fear of loosing a child or fear of loosing someone else or something else they value. And one of the saddest and most unnecessary fear of all, fear of death.

 Many in Sweden think of death like the ultimate finale, when they cease to exists. Which can't be further from the truth. And it makes it even more important to swallow your pride and give Jesus a chance to reveal his love to you. And it makes it important that we Christians are open with our faith and are willing to pray for and with the people influenced or even controlled by their fears.
I am not perfect, the most of my adult life I have been victim of different fears, first now recently I have grown spiritually enough to become a bigger fighter against fear than I ever was before. But it took me years of praying, going to the altar and get prayed for, reading and learning Bible verses to speak out, and even going throught deliverance throught others prayers for me in prophetic meetings to learn to face and fight fear. I am not finished but I am getting there.

And I felt tonight it was important to take this issue in the light again, and I also felt God approve of that choice.
You see, fear is from the devil. The devil loves fear, and has a wonderful party in Corona countries today. Which is why we need to turn back to Jesus, let him be our Lord, seek refuge and comfort and strenght in him and give fear a kick straight on his butt.
Because fear can steal your joy, your relationships, your night sleep, and everything you hold dear it can destroy.
We Christians must be of good example in fighting fear, by trusting the protection of the blood of Jesus, but still take heed to others and their feelings. That doesn't mean you have to act unwisely, you don't have to jump off a cliff only to proof to others that you are protected by the blood of Jesus, and you don't need to take unwise actions when being among other people. Make sure you wash your hands, people! 
But we don't need constantly fear that we are going to get sick, even if that would happen Jesus is still our Lord and he has defeated death. Some people he will choose to take home, for deeper reasons we can't understand here and now, and some people he will give more time. 

We need to let the world know Jesus is our Lord, not fear. So they see a reason to come to him. I hope that all of you who read this who not yet have become Christian, someday soon will accept Jesus in your heart as Lord and Savior. Because he can help you! like he has helped me! 
With Jesus in your life you don't have to fear. You know you just know you just know, that when you leave this world, he will wellcome you to his kingdom in heaven. And here on earth you know you are not alone and left with your battles on your own. So let him come to you! and together you will kick fear to where the sun doesn't shine, because fear is like an ugly slimy spider who wants to destroy you. Don't let him!
I will end with some Bible verses to take with you to your bed and you heart:

Psalm 27:1-3: The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall i fear ?
the lord is the strenght of my life, of whom shall I be afraid ?
When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat my flesh,they stumbled and fell.  Thought an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear,thought war should rise against me, in this will I be confident"

2 Timothy 1:7: For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind".

Thats all for tonight, take care and God bless


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