The Antichrist will have loyal partner with supernatural powers

                   BEVARE OF SPIRITUAL DECEPTION!             

Shalom! to all my precious blog followers, I hope you are healthy and strong in this day and age, when the dark side wants you to be scared and confused, so you can be manipulated and controlled by politicians under the influences of the darkness who know that people who are afraid are easier to control and manipulate. Whatever you do, don't give in to the spirit of fear! I suggest you all turn to Jesus, let him give you the peace and protection and guidance you need, in to his mighty will, he has a special plan for all of you, and you are reading this blog post right now, because he sent you here. So please let him be your Lord and Savior, and go to him if you haven't done it already, if you have, make sure you read psalm 91 and 23 at regular basis when the enemy tries to attack you with fear and make you think the blood of Jesus is not good enough to protect you and your near and dear ones. Because trust me when I say, it is! I have been in several public places often because I have no choice, but even in gatherings where I felt God say he wanted me to go, and Lord and behold, I am totally healthy despite the Corona scare, but I have to fight against fear on almost a daily basis. Fear opens the door to diseases, faith in the blood of Jesus keeps them out.
This week, I have listened to sermons and bible teachings about the book of revelation and end times, and felt like God wanted me to write about something from it, this time about the Antichrist and his best friend/partner/coworker of the deception, the one who looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon.

This is what is written in the book of revelation. Book of revelation 13:11-18
The Beast out of the earth: Then I saw another beast,coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb,but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast,who's fatal wound had been healed. And it performed great signs,even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honour of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.

It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor,free and slave to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.
I simply will share what I have heard and learned about this issue, during my bible study moments.

When the Bible says, the second beast looked like a lamb but spoke like a dragon, gives the picture that it looks like someone good, the lamb in the Bible represents Jesus who is called both the lion and the lamb. So he probably will speak a lot about love, compassion, importance to share and care for others, but at the same time do what he can to keep people away from the true Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamaschiach, therefore it spoke like a dragon.The dragon lies and deceives, can speak tempting words like he did already in the garden of Eve, making her question what God has said and bam she was hooked. He knows the key words to use to get people hooked, but only when it serves his purposes. I automatically think about what an HBTQ advocate he must be! because that makes people popular in this fallen world. But the dragon/devil has also used other false doctrines of different kinds to deceive people.
One I see today, is religious mixing. A False church that says "all ways lead to God" and that Jesus no longer is the only way the truth and the life but only one way of several others. Like Chrislam. I am afraid Catholic church with pope has hooked up on that one, and The leadership of the "Swedish church". 
 The dragon that means the devil, only wants one thing, it is to deceive as many people as possible so they will spend eternity with him in hell. He will be the right hand of the Antichrist, and make sure all worship him. And throught the Antichrist, they worship Satan who sent him, influences him and uses him to get what he always wanted, the worship of people, that only really belongs to God.

First he will do signs and wonders, and throught them, deceive people who can be easily drawn to supernatural happenings. But later on that is not enough, because there are people who know what is going on that will not buy it and choose Antichrist instead of Jesus. Then it gets ugly and the enforcing starts, if they don't worship the Antichrist, they simply will be killed. And then it gets materialistic, if you don't receive the mark you can't buy or sell.

So there are three people groups I think about that should be extra careful who they turn to now and in the future. Group  Nr 1: THE SIGN AND WONDER FOLLOWERS:
The ones who are lead by wonders and signs, not the word of God. People that visit evey prophet, every teacher, preacher, pastor or spiritual leader that perform signs, only to get to the signs. Only to get healed from diseases, not to form a relationship with Jesus or learn about his word. This people group care less about the leader knowing the Bible or preaching the bible, and more about the signs and wonders themselves. They are in risk of spiritual deception. Because ANYONE who does not follow the Bible, and what Jesus said, signs or not signs, are NOT and I repeat NOT from God. You see the devil can also perform signs and wonders and will be busy doing so even more in the end times where we are heading, but he does it so he can deceive people not to help them.

If a person is more attached to this world and all that it is in it, more than Jesus. He or she will do anything so they don't have to leave it. That means when they face the choice between accepting the mark and keep living on earth, or reject the mark and be killed, they are tempted to take the mark. At the same time he or she forgets totally the eternal consequences of his or her choice. And that this world is only temporary. And no matter how wealthy and happy he or she might be after receiving the mark on earth it ends when Jesus comes back and then they will never see or taste water again. But burn forever in hell with the devil. That makes me very sad. And I hope all of you who read  this, will let Jesus be your first love and never take the mark, but focus on his loving face on the other side, the eternal one, while facing possible martyrship because of refusing the mark. Spend time with Jesus, speak to him, listen to him and obey him. He is the only one worthy of worship, this world is only temporary.

If wealth, money and popularity and comfort is all you care about, to take the mark will seem like a smart choice, because when you have it, you can keep on living the money earning "American dream" you can buy and sell, you can be a part of a New World Order a good citizen, escape persecutions and the following discomfort, you might even get richer and wealthier than ever before, if you know the right people in the society, and The Antichrist will be the most popular company there is in it, the author of it all. Can you see how tempting it might look for a person like that ?
Only if Jesus is your first love, and you remember what will happen if you take the chip, you can also trust that he will provide for you even when in the public you can't buy or sell. Because he will take care of his own who turn to him.
Don't ever let money take Jesus place in your heart, or you might be in the riskzone of spiritual deception. Especially when facing death. Stay eternity focused! not focused on your surroundings and here and now!

Because it will all end, no matter how popular you are when taking the mark, at the return of Jesus you will be lost and then everything you had, will be lost with you.

There is a fourth group to, and it is the one who quickly rejects Jesus because he and his teachings don't suit their lives or goals, but look for him in other people, like Politicians.
For them the size of the politcians army, the supernatural signs he perform, the power he has over the world and its people, the way he or she speaks, walks and dresses is enough to gain their applaudes and loyality, and later on even worship. I have seen it in Sweden, where some people put God mark on Swedish democrates Jimmie Åkesson saying" he is the only one who can save Sweden". The Antichrist and his right hand, will be powerful and gifted speakers but they don't serve Jesus and therefore are deceivers.
Don't let any politician ever take the place in your heart where only Jesus belongs. Jesus is perfect in love understanding and in wisdom. Turn to him. Or you will be deceived.

Thats all for tonight, take care and God bless/Tanja


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