In the eyes of Jesus mass abortion is genocide

                          JESUS NEVER SEES A FETUS- BUT A BABY

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you are well and that you have been having a wonderful week, and that your weekend will be under God's grace and protection, like the rest of your lives. Which is why I hope those of you who haven't done it already, will receive the grace of Jesus/Yeshua by accepting him in your hearts as a Lord and a Savior, while you still can. Because one day, will be your very last day on earth, then suddenly your soul leaves your body and you stand in front of Christ. And unless you have the gift of prophecy and God has told you when it is your time to go, you don't know the exact date. Jesus/Yeshua really loves you, and so much wants you to join his kingdom and family so he can guide you to his precious plan for your life, why you are here reading this in the first place. All humans are created in the image of God, even thought some of them are so deep in sin and darkness they resemble more the devil. If you reject God, reject Jesus, then you atomatically end up in the realm of the devil. There is no middle ground here. Which leads to todays subject. And it is about Abortion.

There are several celebrities, who raise their voices for the right to abortion and call them "womens rights" over their own bodies. But the fact is, there is another body in that body when a woman is pregnant. And that baby, is a human, not a fetus. When Jesus looks at it, he doesn't se a fetus, he sees the beautiful baby the baby is, like what we see when we look at our newborns. Their physical bodies might not look completely like newborns do, but in the spiritual world, they do have spirit and soul too.Their souls and spiritual bodies look just like newborn babies. He also has a special plan for each baby, each human. Why it breaks his heart when women go throught abortions, or are forced to do them like in India if they carry girls.
And it breaks his heart when people try to justify this killing, murdering of innocent babies by calling it a "fetus" not a human. And saying "it is womens rights" to kill another human, some cases a future woman and the other cases a future man. How do I know this? the answer is simple, I have a personal relationship with Jesus and we speak about this issue now and then, and he has put in my heart to be a pro life advocate, a voice for the unborn.
It is also written in his word:

In Matthew 18:10: See that you don't look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you their Angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven".

And it is also written in Proverbs 6:16-19: These six things doth the Lord hate, yea seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look,a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord in among his brethren.

The wicked part of mankind, has already in the past used dehumanisation as a way to be allowed to hurt and kill.

Only few hundred years ago, black people where not seen as humans but where used as slaves allover the world, and believe it or not, slave trading still happens in different places, like in Arab countries. And many of them are not treated with respect either. And at the world war two, jews where not seen as humans. So what we see today, is nothing but the same evil dehumanisation tool from people in the realm of Satan, who want to be freely be allowed to hurt and kill other humans, only by saying that is what they are not. Because if everyone in this world, including in secular atheist Sweden would actually see the unborn as humans, they might wake up and think: wait a minute.. then it is murder to kill a baby throught abortion!!? and start protesting against it and Lord and behold start being more responsible people. And for abortion Lobby people like Planned Parenthood( Planned genocide is the right name) it would be less money in their pocket. How discusting this might sound, there are organizations that get rich by killing future generations. They are assassins in doctors clothes. They get payed to kill.

Why everyone involved in abortion, needs to turn back to Jesus, kneel in front of him, confess it as a sin and apologize, in the same time Jesus can also heal the wounds of trauma caused by abortion to the partaker, the person who did it or performed it and has seen mini babies grasping for air while coming out still alive from late term abortions. Or seen their limbs and crushed skulls covered in blood. They exist too! midwifes and other hospital staff get nightmares because of the abortions they have witnessed. Abby Johnson is only one of the former pro choicers who changed her mind when she saw a 16 week baby boy being murderd in his mothers womb. And women and girls who survive abortions( many die with their babies especially in poor countries but it has also happened in the states) feel in ther consciences that they did something really bad and suffer underneath the proud garment of "my rights as a woman" they put on when marching in pro choice manifestations. They really need Jesus, to go to him and be forgiven and healed so they can see their children in heaven one day.I have read about people visiting heaven and hearing that aborted children learn about the importance to forgive. They are not bitter, they just want their parents and loved ones go to Jesus so they can be reunited in heaven with them.
This is testimony of Abby Johnson, she was pro choice but now is pro life:

Whichs is why I only see it as a moral downfall sign, that heroes like my christian sisters Linda Steen and Ellinore Grimmark who refuse to take part in this cruel killing of unborn, but want to be midwifes, help children to come to this world live and well, are treated like scum of the earth, fired and threathened and getting phone calls where people say: I wish you where aborted! I still choose to pray for these evil people, after forgiving them, who must be left brainwashed and broken to be able to use leftist agenda words.. remove everyone who has different opinions by killing of course. Stalin called and wanted his politics back you know. 

A human, born or unborn, is always precious and unique. Nobody has the right to kill them.
Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless


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