It is important to trust Jesus, for he is wiser than us


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are all well, healthy and strong physically and emotionally, despite whats going on in this world.
I know it can be hard to stand strong in the middle of this fear ocean because of Corona virus, but whatever you do, don't give up! Jesus hears you, loves you and he can give you the strenght and peace and comfort you need. Just let him do it, invite him to your lives as a Savior and Lord by praying the sinners prayer, then try to find a church where you feel at home, you can always pray him to guide you, so you will have a fellowship. Jesus wants us to have a spiritual home where he can use us, and use others to pray for us too, we are never meant to be lone rangers.
I believe there are many good churches, like Lutheran, Baptist and Evangelical churches to choose from. I don't trust the Catholic church, even thought I know there are good hearted Christians from Catholic churches too. But it is important to remember to worship only Jesus, no saints, no Mary, no angels, only Jesus. Jesus is the one who is at heavens gate, not Saint Peter. And his grace is enough, you can never earn your salvation. Jesus has personally told me that his mother didn't want to be worshipped, and I even heard an angel say when I thought about Saint Michael, he said: I never asked to be a saint. I am an archangel, I don't want to be worshipped. And since I know  that is a part of Catholic church, I don't find peace there spiritually. Just make sure they stick to the Bible, how do you know they stick to the Bible? the simply answer is: read it and listen to it! both those of you who are Christians already and the ones who will some day join us, need to spend time with God's word on a regular basis. So you won't go lost because of the huge amount of false prophets in this world.

This is the Sinners prayer anyway:

Now I will continue to todays subject, and it is about the importance to trust Jesus. I can only speak of myself when I say, even I have from time to time had problems trustin Jesus. But I have learned my lessions, when I saw what happened each and everytime Jesus drew a line and told me not to do something, and I obeyed, I later on saw that woops he was right, If I had done what I planned, this and that would had gone wrong. So I have started to learn a few lessions about that issue, and have grown in faith and trust throught my almost 17 years of wandering with Jesus in my heart.

There are times even in our Christian lives, when we really want something, and we want it now! we don't want to wait for it, because in the flesh there is something, a weakness, that could drive us in to a total wrong direction, a weakness called impatience.
And if we choose to surrender to the flesh, because of Impatience, there is a huge risk we might rush in to things, without consulting God. It could be rushing in to a marriage, only because of physical attraction, not because we really know the person or even know if that is the one God would have chosen, or we might rush in to marriage because of fear of not finding another chance, perhaps we have reached a certain age and others "expect" us"( or we think they do) to get married in evangelical Christian churches that often happens between the age of 18-30. And me being still single at 36 have sometimes felt a bit like an alien among all the youth couples with babies. But just recently I have learned to trust God even in this issue, he has promised me a husband and a bunch of kids, and I trust he will provide me with them once he is finished. But years I have struggled feeling sorry of myself and jelous of others who where lucky enough to find a spouse before age 30. But not anymore! I might not have a job, a husband or any kids, but I do have Jesus, and a lots of things to do with my spare time. Prayer, blogging, writing books, studying the Bible, shepherding younger siblings in Jesus etc. And being physically active. And help my parents with grocery shoppings.
In the Bible, there is the story of Abraham and Sara, that should teach us that God always keeps his promises, and he is big enough to even move his own laws of natures, to show that he kan keep them.

Genesis 21:The Birth of Isaac Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he has said, and the Lord did to Sarah what he had promised. Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him. When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God had commanded him. Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. Sarah said: God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears of this, will laugh with me. And she added: who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age".

Yet even Sarah became unpatient, several years before she became pregnant, and sent her servant Hagar to Abraham so she could bear him a son, and with Ishmael what we know as "The Middle east conflict" got its beginning.  They are still fighting in and about Israel, the children of Ishmael and the children of Israel, the offspring of Isaac.
We must always remember how wise God is, he can always what happens in the future, if we want something we are not ready for, God would do a mistake if he let us have it. Its not easy to develope patience or trust, it takes time and others might have opinions of God being slow or you being lazy, but don't listen to them. Just trust God. He knows what is best for you. His wisdom is beyond our understanding from time to time (exept when he chooses to explain stuff so we do get his will)if not all the time, because of minds are limited. So we only have two options, trust God and his timing and get good results, or trust ourselves and run before God because of impatience and get bad results. If we choose the second one trouble will come, and we should not complain to God about it. But we should be willing to turn to him and apologize, and learn to ask him what he wants in the future. It might not sound as what you wished, you might be yearning for a spouse already at age 20 but not be ready until 40, and until that time he might say: I am not finished yet! and it is not easy to hear. But in the end that is what is best for you, and God knows that.

Now I end with one last bible quote: Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways, acknowledge him, and He will make your paths straight"

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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