If you attack Israel, God's curse will be upon you!


                           DO YOU WAN'T GOD TO BLESS YOU? THEN BLESS ISRAEL                

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I am writing this blog post from a suburb in Stockholm.
I hope you are healthy physically and emotionally, and spiritually too. I wish and pray all of you who are not there yet, will meet Yeshua ( another name for Jesus) some day soon, and get to know how much he loves you. He has a special plan for each and anyone of you, and he longs for all his lost sons and daughters to come home. All you need to do is go to him, ask him to come to your heart as a Lord and a Savior, and a new journey will begin.
In this webb page you can find the sinners prayer if you want to accept your creator and savior to your heart, just read it out loud while you are on your knees:

Today I will write once again, about Israel. You might wonder why, then the answer is that my Lord Yeshua, really loves Israel and wan'ts to save Israel. And he lives in my heart, now and forever, and never ceased to be a jewish man, at the same time as he also was and still is the Messiah Israel is waiting for. And that love to Israel, he also has put in my heart. I have some jewish DNA in my blood also, Ashkenazi and Sephardic from my fathers side is what I know for a fact, but I suspect I also have Israeli ancestry from my mothers side, since a big part of Finland I believe is one of the lost tribes of Israel, and both my parents also have Finnish ancestry.

And spiritually, I have felt closeness and connection to Israel for several years, even more after I accepted Jesus in to my heart as a Lord and Savior.

 And I know, I know I know, that Jesus is not finished with Israel yet and that he loves Israel very much. He will bring all of the Lost tribes home to Israel, in any ways he can. Some people see dreams where God call's them back to Israel, and others think they can stay in gentile lands and live as gentiles and "merge"without God caring about their whereabouts, and see themselves more as European citizens than jews. But you can't fool God. He knows who you are, who we are. And he wants Israel home, all Israel. And one way or another, he will make sure all of us will return home, yes that includes me. But he said to me earlier this week, that we all won't be sent home at the same time. But we will all return home.

Those are some of the reasons, when Israel gets treated  badly and unfairly, my blood will boil.

I have heard about Black lives Matter riots, and even thought I know all people are equally precious in God's eyes, black and white, yellow and red, women and men, unborn and born, fat or skinny, rich or poor, I don't think God has or ever will support what some of those rioters have done. Destroying peoples property, acting like hooligans. And even involving Israel and the jews in their mess. https://www.israelhayom.com/2020/06/10/radical-groups-co-opt-black-lives-matter-movement-to-target-israel/
I am not sure If the entire group Black Lives Matter support the antisemitic attacks done by some of the people who use the name of that group to attack Israel and the jews, but if they don't, then I hope they will get rid of all the people who use their name against Israel, God's chosen people. Unless they wan't God's curse upon them. Because if you curse Israel, the apple of God's eye, you will get cursed. Thats in the Bible. 
Nobody, nobody will ever have my respect if all they do is ruin peoples lives with destroying their property, and even add antisemitic attacks to that.
This is what the Bible says, a message from an Angel of God:
Zechariah 2:8: For this is what the Lord of Hosts says; After his Glory has Sent Me against the nations that have plundered you- For whoever touches you, touches the apple of his eye. I will surely wave My hand over them, so that they will become plunder for their own servants. Then you will know the Lord of Host shas sent me.

Isaiah 43:3-4: For I am the LORD your God, The Holy one of Israel, your Savior. I give Egypt for your ransom, Cush and Seba i your place. Because you are precious and honoured in My sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and nations in place of your life"

Yeshua even said this about Israel and his return, in Matthew 23:39: For I tell you, you will not see me again, unil you say: Blessed is He who comes in the name of The Lord. ( Baruch Ha'ba beshem Adonai)

Since Yeshua has promised to return, his people will be home saying these words before he does so.
When Israel wellcomes him back. After going throught more horrors, because the devil will do anything to stop Israel's return or even existence if he can, using people under his influence. Only to stop Jesus return. But he will not succeed. The question is, what will you choose to do?
Will you stand up for Israel and bless them, especially as a Christian, love them and pray for them, and do your part so they know he is their Messiah, or will you oppose God by hating and cursing Israel? it is up to you. I have made my choice. And this blog post I hope God will use to draw more of his people to him. I have made up my mind, when the persecutions arise against Israel, I will honour Corrie Ten Booms memory by showing the love of Yeshua to the jewish brethren of ours.
And I feel in my heart and in my spirit, that Jesus is happy with that choice.

God also said in Genesis 12:2-3 to Abraham: I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you,and all the families of the earth will be blessed throught you"

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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