There is no easy way out, when you walk the narrow road


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope your week has been blessed with good health and happy memories. If you are a Christian, I hope you have spent time with Jesus, worshipping him, seeking his face and reading his word. And talking to him and listening to him.

If you haven't received Jesus/Yeshua in your heart as a Lord and savior, I hope you will do that soon, since he has a special plan for your life. Only by repenting from your old ways and entering in to a relationship wih your creator and a savior, you really will feel your heart has found home.  If there are sins as a Christian you have problems of letting go of, because of demonic influence, even there you can turn to Jesus and ask him to set you free, and you can use psalm 91,psalm 23, and 27 as help if you struggle with something that keep you bound to sin. There will always be good christians from different pentecostal, baptist, lutheran and evangelical churches where you can call and get prayed for, since we all need a spiritual home where we can spend time with other Christians and walk in the light.

This week, I have been joining the social platform Tik Tok, and ended up in different discussions with other Christians, about Jesus, the rapture, and future persecutions. I even have discussed the trinity with a muslim and I believe God has used me.
But to my sadness, I have noticed there are Christians out there who think they/we will never face persecutions because the rapture will happen first and take all the faithful home. They think the rapture will be "the easy way out" therefore we need not to think about or prepare for future persecutions. But that is NOT what God has told me personally, I have prayed 14 hours at least every week, and talked with God, heard him speak, and he has shown me visions and dreams about future persecutions. At our time. I have seen Christians been lined up for giljotins, walking in a Surf central looking dark room,passing guards,  a young black girl in front of me, who was to be beheaded before me, she said: I can't do this! and panicked. I said: yes you can! think about your reward! she seemed to listen and the dream ended before it was my turn.
Now, I don't believe I will be beheaded, but I saw what some of my future Christian brethren will face in the future.

And I felt God strongly say no, to the question if there will be rapture before tribulation and persecutions of the saints. 
I have seen my future death thought, it was in the hands of some Catholic men in red hats and clothes, It looked to me like it was a quick poisoning I and some others beside me died quickly. The eldery man who held the trial said we had refused to accept a teaching that had existed in 150 years already why we where to be killed, I still dont know what teaching he talked about. Therefore I believe the Catholic church will be involved in persecuting us protestants, in the future,Like in the vision the prophetic book of David Wilkerson and like with Luther in the past. Not all now catholics will join their persecution thought, God will unite christians from all denominations who really love Jesus, and make us one. I suppose the dividing question is, where do you allegiance lie? in Jesus and his teachings and love of Jesus, or in the "mother church" with pope and his priests and different saints and Jesus mother they want you to worship, which I know is not the will of Jesus.
It is up to you.

So please don't fall asleep spiritually in false teachings, but be ready that your faith will be tested, the blood of Jesus is not cheap, to carry the cross and walk the narrow way means you will face persecution. But if you spend time with Jesus on a daily basis, and let him fill you with his spirit, he can give you what you need to stay strong no matter what happens. Jesus has defeated the death dont forget that. Don't be afraid! trust Jesus and let him be your source of strenght! It will be worth it! you will be used to fill heaven if you just give Jesus your all.
Jesus said in his word:
 John 15:20 Remember the word I spoke to you: No servant is greater than his master, If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you as well, if they kept my word, they will keep yours as well.

And in Matthew 10:22, Jesus said: You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.
You ought to remember what Jesus said, but he has also said that he will always be with us, in Matthew 28:20. And let us not forget what he said in John 11:25. Open your Bible and check it out:D Remember that it is a personal relationship with Jesus and loving him above anything else, that will in the end be what gives you the strenght to face persecutions and being able to stand up at his return or when you go home if you do before it. It will be worth it!
thats all for tonight, take care and God bless


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