Remember to keep your eyes on Jesus and eternity



Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been a happy one, and that you will have a wonderfull blessed weekend in the grace and peace of Gods mighty hand.

I hope you who are not already in Jesus/Yeshuas family, one day soon will decide to join him, because he is the only salvation there is for our eternal souls. And unless you have a personal relationship with Jesus/Yeshua and he has personally told you that you will live a selected amount of years still on this earth( like I have) you don't know when your time is up. Which is why it is important to start thinking, where will you spend eternity? what will you say to God when you one day stand in front of his throne? in this dangerous world, anything could happen, and with Jesus you can feel his peace even when facing death, since he has overcome it. It is a relationship with your creator and savior you enter in thought, which is why it is also important to take care of it, I say this to the ones who one day will accept Jesus in their hearts as Lord and savior or already like me have done so, speak to him, listen to him, worship him, obey him and be ready to confess your sins to him when you have fallen and he tells you that you have to your conscience. When you are in his family, your soul is saved, and when you spend time with him and his word you will get more spiritually sensitive and hear his voice clearer, and a process will begin inside of you, where God changes you more and more to the person you would have been without the sinful nature.

I am a pro life advocate, and today when I attended a pro life manifestation, I saw this young man, perhaps from arab land, with a big cross around his neck, and he screamed to us whe where nuts and gave the fuck you sign to us and ran away. That made me embarrased for his sake, there they where two non christian journalists, a group of non christian girls arguing with our leader Mats Selander, and a guy with a cross around his neck curses us and uses foul signs to us. It made clear to me, that only because you carry a cross around your neck, that doesnt mean you are Christian.  Not in paractice or in relationship with Jesus. Because Jesus would never do that. He is the one who has sent us to be voices for the unborn.

It also reminded me, of the future we Christians will face when we really choose to walk in obedience, even here in Europe and away in USA and face persecutions. Which is why it is important if not urgent for us to keep our eternity glasses on.

Whatever choice you take, in the future, especially in matters of faith related issues or what to do when you are persecuted, it is important to have a eternal perspective.

Especially young Christians who struggle with fear and shame, young in age or in faith, have to ask: what would Jesus do, think or want? would he give in to pressure, and deny his faith when facing punishment or death? Would he say; NAAH I am not religious, when the mob of people where staring at him and one of them asked him: you are not religious nutcase are you? a Bible thumper?

How much time you spend with God, will be shown in your life when persecutions come. Because he is the only source of supernatural bolndess, faith and love that will make us last the pressure. So imagine Jesus always being at your right side, because in the invisible world, he is. Put his will first, even when people laugh at you, get violent, put you in the prison or even threaten to kill you. Then you will be richly rewarded. 

In this world, influenced by Satan and his demons, it will be more and more unpopular to be a practicing Christian, who really take his word as the only truth, and Jesus as the only way truth and life, and act upon it without running away or lie when being pressured.

So whatever you do, put your eternity glasses on everyday!  Because you closer we come to the return of Jesus, the more intense the persecutions will be. Yes I also believe there will be a rapture, but I can almost swear by my eternal soul that it will not save us from persecutions. That means persecutions will come, before the rapture, which is why we Christians need to spend time with Jesus everyday. Not shiver with fear, be filled with the holy spirit in prayer and worship, listening to worship music and read his word. Psalm 91 and Psalm 27, plus psalm 23 are wonderful psalms to read out loud on a daily basis. I have been having prophetic dreams about guillotines, and christians being brought there, even me. I have seen politicians like Barack Obama, being on the wrong side, against us Christians. One more reason I will keep him in my prayers.In one dream he was one of the guards in prisons where christians where put. I also saw the mark of the beast chip, and one woman taking it and loosing her soul, she ended in a glass of Gods wrath wine.. the way I understood it. There where guards outside supermarkets with chip injection tools offering people the chip before they entered the supermarket so they could buy food.

Please think that its better be safe than sorry, instead of thinking "well the rapture will happen anyway, I don't need to seek God's face or prepare for persecutions!" It will not be easy to see that you where wrong, and the teachers who said that rapture will come and you will get the easy way out to heaven, was wrong too. If we in our time wear helmets when we drive bicycles, wests when we sail, seatbelts in the cars, and even prepare for coming wars by prepping, then it is always better to be ready spiritually to think that persecutions will come.  Spending time with God is never a waste of time, so please be ready to surrender all, no matter when the rapture comes.

Not all people wearing helmets fall of the bike, not all people wearing seatbelts go throught car accidents, and not all people wearing safety wests while sailing neccessarely meet a storm or fall of the boat, but if it happens, they are ready! For the same reasons we should be ready to stand up for Christ, no matter the cost, and be prepared to carry the cross. Not the politically correct umbrella or a backpack of fear. No, the real thing! it will be worth it!

This is said about prophetic dreams in the end times, before you wipe it all off like it was unbiblical rubbish.

Joel 2: 28-32:  The day of the Lord And afterward, I will pour out my spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophecy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke. The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord, will be saved! for on mount Zion and in Jerusalem, there will be deliverance , as the Lord has said, even among the survivors whom the Lord calls.

And Jesus also said in Matthew 10:22, that we who bear his name will be hated because of it. But those of us who hold on to the end will be saved. It will be a bumpy ride. But it will bring you to eternal glory with Jesus. Jesus loves you all so much! just spend time with him and love him back. The love to Jesus is the one who will motivate us in the end to hang on, when he is put first and what he thinks will matter most. Eternity is a long time of being wrong.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless /Tanja


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