America, God wants you to vote for Trump

                      TRUMP IS THE ONE THAT IS SENT BY GOD

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, whover you are, I wish you a blessed week to come, in God's grace and in his favor. Here in Sweden it is Sunday 10.29 PM, and this is the last thing I will write before I go to bed.

It has been a cold week in Stockholm, with a lot of wind and beautiful autumn leaves falling from the trees, reminding of our creative and talented creator behind his creations. But the spiritual climate, has not been warm or beautiful for that matter. Most of us who own a cellphone, computer and or a TV, know there is an election coming in America, this November. And most of all media reports you here in Swedish media, about Trump ,are negative. But I know, in my spirit, and from trusted Prophets sent by Yeshua/Jesus like Tracy Cooke, that Donald Trump is the man that Jesus supports. He might have his flaws, just like all of us have, but he is still Christian, he is still Pro Life, and he still blesses Israel. He hasn't been a saint in the past, but he has just like all other Christians, got his sins cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Which is why I find it unfair, for anti Trump people to constantly bring his past up and make him look like a unfit President now, because what he said and did in the past before he gave his life to Jesus.

Why I decide to write this blog post about trump and american election? it is because that is what I felt the Lord tell me to do. Write a blog post where I support President Trump. It might look funny,corny and unfit for me to write about the American election, while I still live in Sweden and don't have ability to vote for Trump personall as a non american citizen, but I have decided to follow Jesus and walk in obedience, so that is what I am doing this late Sunday evening.

Now there are only two candidates, Joe Biden( and Kamala Harris behind him, just waiting for him to pass on to the next world so she can be in charge) And Donald Trump with his friend and brother in Christ, Michael Pence.

And It is so spiritual! if you think, that you as a born again Christian, can vote for Biden and get blessed by God, you are wrong. God is always watching, and he has told us Christians to take the narrow way, that is go against the mainstream leftist freemason puppets of darkness, even when it costs us something.

And to vote for a man, or a woman, who is supporting Abortion, is o vote against God's will. Here is some information about this issue.

A couple of years ago, God personally told me, he wanted me to become a voice for the unborn, why I have been protesting against abortions in public manifestations, for I think at least 5 years now. And gotten a lot of shit for it, other women and girls have screamed to me that I should be ashamed, they wished I had been aborted, that I am embarrasing myself etc. But it has also opened up for discussions with more open minded people, who have been mature and willing to trade thoughts, ideas and feelings about the issue, and God has used me! in the midst of all of it. I have explained to me that God has sent me, and that I will spend the eternity with all the aborted children and must be able to look them in their faces knowing I did something to stop this horrible abortion holocaust.

And I am not alone! many other born again Christians, are also pro life, I would say if you are born again Christian and Pro Choice, you can not absolutely have the same Lord as I do,since I have wept deep tears while praying for this issue in tongues and felt God's sadness because of the mass abortions that have been done in the name of "womens liberty" for over 40 years in Sweden. Yes you can call yourself a Christan, and sing Jesus is Lord, but you are not in God's will. Since Jesus is on the childrens side.

This is a powerful testimony, that moved me, he really is a man of God this african American man, I feel God's presence strongly in him.

And it is obvious to me, and all Christians who are awake in their spirit and have a close relationship with Jesus, that the battle of Presidency is spiritual. Even thought I still believe Joe Biden can be saved, it is clear to me, that he is not on the right side spiritually. I felt the Lord just say to me, that Joe Biden is a freemason. And freemasons are people, members of a occult group with many other politicians and world leaders, that do a lot of evil stuff. Not all do the same evil stuff, not all are equally high up in the hiearchy and pyramid of freemason ladders, but it is occult and Satanic. I have heard about pedophile activities, child sacrifices and support of Planned Parenthood, that should be renamed Planned Genocide. They have targeted areas with a loot of black people, so they can reduce the unwanted population, where we can find thousands if not millions of good gospel singers, and other musicians like Whitney Houston, Whooppi Godlberg, Donna Summer etc coming from. And many good pastors, prophets and prayer warriors. 

So if you are Christian, and live in USA, do yourself a favor, and vote for the man God has sent, and that is Donald Trump. God will hold you accountable for who you vote for. Even if you are judged, hated, treathened, and people leave your friend list. Be ready to follow Jesus, no matter what it costs, because in the end he is the one who will face you after your passing.

Here is the Tracy Cook prohpecy:

And let us all remember what Lord said in his word. Proverbs 6:16-19:

There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him,haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devices wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush to evil,a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

Killing an unborn child, is shedding of innocent blood, and it is detestable for the Lord. It makes his heart break. If you don't believe me, you spend at least one hour everyday seeking his face in prayer for 5 years, and I bet you will hear what I have heard and sence what I have senced. Combine that with Bible reading and or listening.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja 


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