Jesus has defeated death- say no to Halloween celebrations


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, whoever you are, I hope your week has been blessed with warmth, happiness, peace, God's protection and many more happy memories. And I hope you like me, will reject to celebrate the darkness connected to Halloween this weekend. I don't mind people visiting loved ones graves, to remember them, light candles in front of the graves or visiting churches and lighting candles to their memories. And I am sure God has no problems with it either. But what I sense God has a problem with, with every cell in my soul and heart, that is the to celebrate death, demons and Satan, by letting kids dress up to demons, to Satan himself, to vamprires and witches, and make it a fun game.  And since I am a born again Christian, and have a personal relationship with Yeshua/Jesus, I decided to warn you guys about this issue. Of course, if you haven't accepted Jesus/Yeshua in your heart as a Lord and Savior, I hope you will do that soon, so you will have his light and love inside your heart, warming you, and filling you with hope, peace and meaning, that way you don't have to be a part of a world that celebrates darkness, when you know the love of God's light. And I hope my fellow Christians/Messianic jews, will take a stand against these celebrations of darkness, despite what their neighbours/friends/collegues/family members say. It should be more interesting and important to live by what Jesus/Yeshua says, thinks and wants, that should be our priority.

I have not always felt this way, when I was 9 or 10, my school had a sleepover party during halloween weekend I think, which I found was exciting and fun. We walked a "ghost walk" with some of the teachers, outside in the dark, while two other teachers dressed up to scary goons and showed up from a hidden bush or tree and scared us as a "part of the show". I have during my childhood watched dussins of scary movies, at far to young age, and even attended another Halloween party at age 12 dressed as a dead old geezer in white clothes. And the devil used those doors, I opened as a innocent child,teen, and young adult,  as ways to get into my life and give me over 20 years of battles with spirit of fear as a consequence. My parents didn't know better, I wasn't even warned about it at Christian youth conferences/bible schools/church meetings, and I didn't know better. I just did what others did, and thought it was fun. I even made horror movies with my little sister when she was a child and I teenager, in our house. Before I knew better. I do now.

At age 36, I now have sworn to myself that I will never watch a Horror movie again, not counting in movies with spiritual battles like Bless the child. I mean Nightmare on Elm street, Pet Cemetery, and other Wes Craven movies I grew up with and those horrible horror movies like Hostel and The Grudge. I am now after 23 years of battles with the spirit of fear, almost free from all of its infulences. But it has taken years of church visits, prophetic meetings, deliverance sessions when other christians sensed the evil spirits inside me and drew them out, prayer hours, worship ours and several proclamations of Jesus being my savior and deliverer after hearing Derek Prince teachings, to get this far.

So trust me, you don't want to have the spirit of death and fear in your life, your childrens lives or even in your houses. They are real. Satan is real, evil spirits are real, and they should not be wellcomed in to our homes. So get rid of everything horror related, if you want hour house to be protected and under Jesus blessing, and if you don't want to invite evil spirits there who love the attention they get on Halloween. There are witches and other devil worshippers  out there praying for the fall of Christian ministries, marriages and families. Not at least at Halloween. Pray the blood of Jesus protection over your families and take no part in these occult celebrations, no matter if its "just for fun" or also include ouija boards, seances of calling fortune tellers, that kind of actions will only cause curses on peoples lives.  If you want to celebrate anything, at halloween or another weekend, celebrate light! Celebrate joy, celebrate laughter, dress up for something fun or something Biblical, and stay away from everything occult. That I will do when I have kids, with them. 

For 2 years ago, I lost my best friend Sandra, during the weekend we usually visit our loved ones graves to light candles, It was November 4th, Sunday. I think it was before they mixed  Halloween to be all saints day like they do now. It was a sad day, and my heart was broken when I heard about it.Only three days before I had walked with her outside the hospital, and we laughed and had fun, despite her having fatal cancer, she refused to give in to death until she could't fight no longer and Jesus took her home Sunday night November 4th. Sandra hated death, and wanted life, she was not ready and every minute I had with her after we found our friendship again, after a break, we valued and tried to not talk about the death at all, she refused to accept that she was dying. From her home after her passing, I got to take a sign with me, with a text that says; Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away. I think she bought it after her cancer diagnose. We had known eachother for 18 years. 

And especially after her passing, I resist celebrating Halloween even more,  to honor her memory, my hero friend who faught strongly against cancer, I want to have nothing to do with death. I want to do what she did, value the moments on this earth that God has given me. I want to be able to celebrate life, celebrate Jesus, celebrate joy and celebrate light. And that is what I will do, when many others will celebrate death. I know Jesus has defeated death, and that when I die he will take me home, but there is also a spirit called a spirit of death, that can come in to your life when you are involved in something that opens doors to it, no matter it is verbally cursing yourself, wishing you where dead, playing with the occult, killing another human being( abortion included) or listening to music that speaks how wonderful it is to die or watch movies where death is celebrated, and it might take a while to get rid of it if you let it in to your life. In Jesus name you can, but you more you have let it have strongholds built in your mind and other areas of your life, you longer it will take to bring them down in prayer and partaking in deliverance sessions amongs other Christians when they pray for and with you.  If you have opened doors to evil spirits, I reckommend the teachings and books written by Derek Prince and John Bevere, they are in youtube too. They have helped me, between church meetings.

Sandra Westerdahl 1984-2018

There will be people, who read this and will think it is extreme, and that  I should not be a party blooper etc, but I can can stand for this, since Jesus already told me before I wrote this, that he has accepted what I was going to write.

I will end with some well known Bible quotes, which I hope will bless you.

This is written in the Book of Revelation 21.

Book of Revelation 21:4:  And he( Jesus) will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will no longer be any death, there will no longer be any mourning,or crying, or pain, the first things have passed away.

1th Corinthians 15:25-28: For He must reign before he has put all of His Enemies under His feet. The last enemy that will be abolished is death. For he has put everything under his feet. Now when it says that "everything" has been put under him, it is clear that this does not include God himself , who put everything under Christ. When he has done this , then the Son himself will be made subject to him who puts everything under him, so that God may be all in all.

Now, if even God sees death as his enemy, someone and something that needed to be defeated and abolished, then why should we ever celebrate it? you should ask yourself that. Do our children need more fear and monsters in the middle of Corona outbreak and climate scares? I think not. And God knows that it is true. Jesus has come to bring us and our children joy, peace, safety and warmth, we should not hinder them to go to him, we should talk more about him, so our children have a safe childhood. He loves us so much! and has a special plan for each and every one of us.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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