The Socialdemocratic party in Sweden has rejected Jesus, and is after our children


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been peaceful and happy, and that you have been healthy, both phsyically and spiritually. I hope you who are not yet Christians/Messianic jews, will someday soon chose to become that, by accepting Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Savior and Lord, he has a special plan for each and one of you, and none of you are seeing this blog post as an accident. The devil plus all his followers, including the dark spiritual world, wants you to think there is no hope, and that your life here is useless. But it is not true. You are special, you are unique, and there never will be another you in this planet or in the next world. And Jesus loves you so very much, and has a special plan for you. Don't ever give up! join team and family Jesus/Yeshua and become a candlelight of hope in a dark world, in your own uniqe way. If you are already a Christian/Messianic jew like me, I hope you have been blessed with precious momens with our Lord, in prayer and bible reading, and spending time face to face having personal discussion time with him, he wants so much to talk to us so we can have a close relationship with eachother. It is a prioity one relationship. So don't give up! no matter what the news report and other social media channels are saying! you can always stand up for what is right, defend what is right and fight the darkness. I would reckomend a social media fast, even a cellphone fast. I think I will have both now on sunday. No internet, and no cellphone, except for emergency calls.

I will continue with todays topic, and it is about our children, The Socialdemocratic party in Sweden and the consequences of rejecting Jesus/Yeshua, his word and his will.  I felt God tell me to defend the children, and be one kind of a "whistleblower"to all of you who don't live in Sweden, and personally share what is happening in here, right this autumn, and has happened for several years since late 60:ies, and that is Christianity and Jesus being rejected by large mass of people, and being replaced with Atheistic worldview, with politics often being red coloured, and the moral collaps that has followed it is clearly visible. And it has hurt and is hurting the small children.

Just recently, the Socialdemocratic party, has stood behind a proposal, that will make it mandatory to ALL 2 year olds to be forced to go to kindergarden. First they stood behind a proposal that said all 3 year olds should be forced by law to go to kindergarden, so children to people from other countries would assimilate better, and learn the language. But shortly after it was opposed by many people, who still believe parents themselves should be able to decide where to send their children, and at what age, and if they where to stay home and take care of them, or not, they the Social democratic people changed the proposal to even younger age, 2. And many parents have gotten furious and said: enough is enough! 

Since I could not find one single article about it, from outside Sweden, in English language, and I felt God tell me to do this, I decided to volunteer to be the first writer.

I used to work in Kindergardens, from age 17 to late 20:ies, I witnessed the panicked cries of most certainly dussins if not hundreds of toddlers, when they had to be separated from their parents, because they needed to work. I was even ordered to be one of the "bad cops" and take some of the toddlers and hold them so they couldn't run afteir their parents, with tears rolling from their eyes.

Those cries will be with me until I leave this world, and enter the gates of heaven. I noticed that 1-2 year olds where the ones who panicked and cried, and from age 3 and upwards, they had started to understand separations better and most of them no longer felt the separation anxiety or did no longer express that it was what they felt. I have also read about child psychology, like the books and teachings of Dr Gordon Neufeld who has adressed attachment theory and the importance for the parents to be the ones who attach to the children. He has said that you can't parent a child, whos heart you dont have.

The Socialdemocratic party this far, has made it almost impossible for most parents to afford or be able to stay home longer time with their kids, than the most common one, age 1 to 2. With all possible means. And it is not good enough to them, that over 80% of all toddlers if not 90% already are been placed in hands of other caretakers than their parents, they seem to be after the last 10-20 % of kids who had this far been able to stay at home with one of his or her parents, because they have had the finances to be able to do so. At the same time, I have heard about what happens in those kindergardens/preschools. Not just what I have witnessed, but I have heard from other sources.

In some kindergardens/preschools, all Astrid Lindgrens books( she was a Christian well known author) have been thrown, and replaced with HBTQ propaganda books, favoring gay parents. Small children had been made confused, not knowing what gender they have. Because they are no longer adressed as girls or boys. Yoga is a common part in many of those places. The groups are big, the workers exhausted and often sick because of the stress, and the children must face several new faces on a regular basis, because the high rate of stress and sickness amongs the original workers, preschool subtitues have been called in. The children are stressed, the workers are stressed, the parents are heartbroken and crying when they see their babies cry after them, since the government and society has made it almost impossible for parents to stay longer home than maximun 1 or 2 years.

This is one reason, I feel like the proposal, hopefully never a decision they will put in practice, is so obviously from Satan and his kingdom.

Because if there is someone else but God, who knows how badly children are hurt by being separated from their parents at to young age, and the consequences, like peer orientation, broken attachment with parents, stress, emotional wounds, fear of rejection, the decline of individual emotional and phsychological growth, combined with brainwashing what the Socialdemocratic party think is the right thing to teach them, far from anything that is connected to Jesus and Christianity, it is the devil. They seem to fear individulatity and safe attachment between children and parents the most, because Lord and behold, they might think differently than the Socialdemocratic party, when they do learn to think for themselves. They seem to have this beautiful utopia world in their head, when all children are taught to think the same way, instituationalized from diaper bearing age, parents loosing the power to "influence them" with "right wing or conservative thoughts" not suitable for new modern atheist Sweden.

I know one thing for sure, I will not stay in this country, when I have kids, if it will become a law. It is bad enough if parents are forced to send their 3 year olds to kindergardens/Preschools, because of a new law, and limiting their parental rights to decide over what will happen to their kids, at least at age 3 they understand separations better, it is worse to lower the age to 2. I could agree to leave my 3 year old, but NEVER 1 or 2 year old. I have seen the results, toddlers being apatic, staring in the air like dolls, bursting in to tears every 10 minutes or so. Then suddenly quit. I have seen older children being defiant to parents, far longer than it is normal, and prefering the company of other kids, before adults. I have seen kids stuck in front of screens, instead of playing outside like before. I have seen how restless kids become, who start kindergarden far too soon, having problems with concentration and taking it easy. I have two nephews age 4 and 6, who both started preschool/kindergarden before age 2. Some days it is impossible to make them sit still even for 5 minutes. I remember how they where before kindergarden, and what happened afterwards. Both of them where shy, calm and harmonic toddlers, before kindergarden,now they can be like you would be after drinking 4 red bulls and combining it with caffeine pills. My sister and her boyfriend are good parents, they do the best they can to raise the kids in this modern world, my nephews are sweet, smart, social and compassionate young men and have been taught good manners. But they are more restless now than they where before. I don't blame the parents, they have to work. But the society does not have childrens best interests in mind.

You can see an article in Swedish about a political group that stands behind parents rights to stay home, Haro, to speak against that new proposal. You can always use google translate if you want.

When a country, in vast majority, abandon Jesus/Yeshua and everything that is connected to him, the ones who will replace him, will not be on the right side, but from the dark side. China is just one example, and so is North Korea.  I so wish Swedish people would understand this one single thing: you reject Jesus/Yeshua, Satan and his people will take his place. Which is why we should all return to Jesus/Yeshua,  pray for the salvation of our government, stand up for our childrens rights to safe attachment.

Jesus is on the childrens side. And he wants all of us, to become his children and teach our children about his love.

I will end with a well known Bible quote.

Matthew 18:10: See that you don not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven."

Jesus also said in Matthew 19:14: Jesus said: let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these".

Yet, millions of children, some already grown up to teenagers, young adults and middle age adults, have been kept away from Jesus in Sweden for several years, being told that Jesus is a fairy tale like Easter bunny and Santa Claus, that Christians are nutcases who should be avoided or else they will "brainwash" you. At the same time they have been introduced to Yoga, Halloween celebrations of death and demons, Harry Potter books, now the new trend is to scare them to think they need to "save the climate" or the earth will go under. If you are a Christian, please join me in prayer for Sweden, they need Jesus, but pride and atheism has grown strong, together with the abortion rights, sexual moral downfall and jezebel spirit cheering there in the spiritual world.

I pray for the entire world on a regular basis, it would be great if somebody joined me in prayer for Sweden too, we will face God's judgements, but souls need to be prayed for so they can receive Jesus even in the last minute. Pray for the children! pray this proposal of kids being forced from parents at age 2 will never become a law.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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