God can be forced to use tough love when facing rebellious nations

                          TOUGH LOVE IS ALSO LOVE, EVEN WHEN IT COMES FROM GOD              

Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers, I hope you had a blessed week with many more good memories to take with you to the rest of your journey of life. And I hope you have been blessed with good health. This day we have celebrated 1th Advent in Sweden, it is the first out of 4 weekends when we light a candle, there is 4 candles all in all we light, while we wait for the Christmas to come. We are in a way looking forward to Christmas and getting prepared for it. Many here in Sweden bake Christmas related cookies or cakes, perhaps even buns and other sweets, and make sure their homes are  filled with red coloured curtains, candles, and everything related to Christmas. Some even get the Christmas tree from the basement or buy a new one.

I have been baking, and listening to beautiful Christmas music, the ones that really glorify Jesus/Yeshua, like Jussi Björlings O helga natt( o holy night) and Donna Summers, Josh Grobans and Tommy Körbergs verisons of the same song, and Agnetha & Lindas beautiful Jesus wellcoming songs. I have my own Christian christmas list on youtube.

But in my spirit, I also sense that Sweden is under God's judgement. And that someday shortly, another judgement stone will be dropped in Sweden. It is so because a majority of Swedes have turned their backs on God, and taught their children Jesus is a fairy tale like Santa Claus or the easter bunny, and that it is crazy to believe in a God in this "educated" world. They should stay away from Jesus/Yeshua and Christianity as much as possible so they won't get brainwashed by these crazy chrsitians. Even when you watch a Swedish movie, christian faith is often eather made fun off, or it is used as a way to scare people, to think christians are cult leaders /members or psychopats. Only a few movies do have a positive image of Jesus and christianity, and amongs them are Astrid Lindgrens beautiful classsics, like brothers Lionheart, Mio in the land of faraway, Madicken and Barnen i bullerbyn. Those movies remind us of how Sweden used to be. Children where taught to pray, they learned about Bible in schools, and faith was a normal part of many Swedish families.

But mostly because of the decision Olof Palme and his Social democratic friends, Swedens prime minister in late 60:ies decided to remove the teaching of Christianity and Bible from Swedish schools, despite a protest list of over 1 million Swedes saying don't remove Bible teachings from Schools, the falling away started to come.

Then came the sexual revolution and abortion became legal, and because of that over 1 million of people in Sweden have been killed in their mothers wombs. Innocent children who's souls have been crying to God for intervention, when being sent back to heaven and not allowed to live the life God had to them. Jesus has not turned a deaf ear to the cries of the unborn. Or the cries of teenage girls who have heard that abortion is the best thing they could do, only to find out how painful it really is, and that their conscience that God gave them has made them feel real bad too. And they have been scared away from everything connected to Jesus by the adults in their lives and their friends, who have grown up hearing there is no God. There is no eternity. Do what makes you feel good, when you die there is nothing else. You can't turn to anyone else but you, there is no creater power but what is inside you etc.

He hears the cries of people longing for Jesus, but not knowing that he is the one they are missing. They move along with partners, drink themselves drunk and start using drugs. Struggle with depression and suicide thoughts. But pride and fear keep them away which it is important for us as Christians to pray more than we ever prayed before, and be willing to be open with our faith, so others see that they do have another option, that we are not as nuts as they have heard we are. And maybe there is a God out there after all. We must show the love of Jesus to others. Be Jesus hands and his voice. And take care of our relationship with our Lord, so he can fill us with his holy spirit and guide us. It is time we stop playing hide and seek and show how much Jesus means for us, and how much he loves this world.

I know there are other countries, who also have stuff to answer for in front of God, but since I live in Sweden I choose to use us as an example for what happens when Jesus is removed from millions of peoples lives. Either by their own choice or by their parents choice.

And far too few churches with believers at least here in Stockholm, are willing to go and seek the lost, they rather play church with other christians hiding in church buildings and when meeting non believers blend in like they where no different. And rather spend time in front of Facebook and netflix than in the prayer room in front of God. And when someone new comes in, who really is anointed by God and uses prophetic words that are not only nice and sugar coated, the gossiping starts about that person.

 More disco lights, more smoke machines, horrible shouting and jumping, enternainment to resemble the world out there in hope of getting more people to come  to church.  Few teachings of importance of repentence, and turning away from sin, few church leaders in public support pro life movement for example because they don't want to seem judgemental. More love and less repentence. More come as you are not become what Jesus in his power and glory wants to transform you too, and do in you and throught you, to glorify his holy name.

It is never only the non believers who are to blame for a great falling away from Jesus that has happened in Sweden. Christians have not done what they have been told to do. We do have a responsibility too. To also let Jesus be our lord not just savior. Be his love, share his love. That is what we all should be doing, many already are but there is plenty of place for more to join us. I am happy I have found a Christian home, where I have been received with love, its a small church called Herrens Vingård( Lords wineyard) and they are loving and caring and God fearing people who would never lie to gain more money or popularity.

The fact is, pride has become a stronghold in many peoples minds in Sweden, saying that they don't need God. They can do what they want for themselves. 

That great falling away from Jesus, and the moral downfall that has followed, has made God decide that he has to judge this nation. He has told me that personally, and many other awaken Christians, often mocked by the ones who don't want to think about changing their lives or mindsets, who think of God like he would in his love never let anything bad to happen to Sweden, because that would not be a loving God. 

But the opposite is true! have you heard of tough love? sometimes parents need to use tough love to teach their children that they can't do as they please, and get away with everything, so they would understand that they are doing wrong and need to repent from bad behaviour.

And sometimes God must do the same, he has been ignored by millions of people, either not talked about at all or only used as ways to scare people, so they would get vaccinated against Jesus.

Babies have been murdered in their mothers wombs, teenagers and kids brainwashed in to atheistic thinking and self centerness. And sent to Yoga centers, Harry Potter books and Halloween celebrations of death instead.

And all the sexual immorality!! that only leads to broken hearts.

And Christians have been mocked throught social media channels with workers, especially if they are publicly pro life.

All non believers who read this blog, try to remember this: Jesus does exist! he does love you ! but he is a holy God, and to follow him you need to be willing to leave a life that does not co exist with his will. His will is fully written in his words in the new testament, just get a Bible. He wants you to join his family, his kingdom, so you can become one with his will, and you will never be happy when you are outside of his will. He has a unique plan for all of us and has given us all gifts. You are meant to be in a personal relationship with God, your creator. Just let him in your heart and confess him as your Lord. Then you have a relationship with your savior and your creator, now and forever. No more fear of death either. There is no death! after this world, you will only be passing in to eternal heaven or hell depending on who you chose as your Lord, God or the devil. There is no third way. Only two ways. Jesus/Yeshua or Satan/devil.

If God sees his judgements as the only way to humble nations with inhabitants, so they would understand their need of him, then he must let them come. That is the tough love of Jesus. I don't know for sure how long Sweden has until next judgement bowl comes. But I know we will one day face war. I will keep on praying for both other christians, and non christians, and wherever God opens a door, I will keep on sharing the love of Jesus, testifying when given a chance. Until he is finished with my husband and he will sent us both together to share the gospel, or sends me to share the gospel with my church.

I will end my blog post with a Bible verses. I still choose to hope pray for and believe one day these words will be taken seriously. Even in the midst of judgements, despite their lenght.

2 Chronicles 7:14:  If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.

1th John 1:9:  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

Acts 3:19:  Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins will be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.

John 3:16: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Thats all for me tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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