Remember the Christ in Christmas and let us give him the glory!


Shalom! to all my  beloved blog followers.  Whoever you are and whatever reason it was you where sent to read my blog post this weekend. Know that Jesus/Yeshua loves you, has a special plan for your life, and that nothing from this world, no fancy cars, Hollywood penthouses, jewelery, clothes, trips to Bahamas or exotic foods, can ever really give you what really need, what your heart really longs for. And that is a relationship between you and the creator of the entire humanity and the universe, Jesus/Yeshua is the only mediator, the only way you can get there. Through this redeeming blood, that can cleanse you from all of your sins, so you can come to the Heavenly father and have your relationship restored. When you accept Jesus/Yeshua, he, God the father and God the holy spirit move in to your heart and you will come into a new life, a life united with your Lord and savior.

Now that Christmas is almost here, one month and 4 days from now, we should never forget that there is a Christ in that word, Christmas. And since it is his birthday we are celebrating, he should be the one who will be extra lifted to the center of attention, since he is the reason for the season. Let him know that he is special and that we are greatful that he is here, show gratitude to the Heavenly fathe who sent him, so we could all be saved.  You might say, that you are not a Christian/Messianic jew, and therefore you celebrate  Christmas for other reasons. To spend extra time with family and friends. That is a sad thing to say, since it was God who sent you your family and friends, each and every breath you take is because God has given you them. Nothing we have, comes from ourselves, therefore I suggest you look yourself in the mirror, and think again, why do you think you are here? where did you get your conscience? how come you see a cross when you draw a line from between your eyes to your nose, and from your nose to your forehead? if there is no God. The existence of God is already written in your face. Take a look yourself. There is a creator behind his masterpiece creation, and that creation is you. 

We do live in a materialistic world, where what you might want or need, is in the center of it all. But in the end, God is the only one who can give us what we really need. Friendship instead of loneliness, healing when you are hurting, wisdom when you need wisdom, hope in the middle of despair, joy about your coming eternity, instead of fear of death. Health instead of sickness. And you can become his light in a dark world, and draw more people in to tha light. All you need to do is to say yes. And be willing to let him be your Lord and Savior, after repenting from your sins. He can help you to get free from all sinful bondages, as long as you are willing to listen and obey.

What I also felt God wanted me to do tonight, is to bring in to the light, the importance of us who belong to him, to be prolife. To stand up for the rights of the unborn, innocent children, who have been murdered in their mothers wombs in bigger numbers than the Holocaust, for years. Billions of Children, who never got to celebrate Christimas with their parents and siblings, billions of women who never got to come to this earth and become mothers, billions of men who never got to come here and be somebodys spouses. In this dark and selfish world, we have been killing generations of people, while still defenceless in their mothers wombs.  And there are Christians, who have done it too, and even refuse to think it is wrong. And gladly parade in prochoice manifestations, demanding the rights to kill unborn children. And in God's eyes, they are on the wrong path. And need to repent. The same with coward christians who see all the hard persecutions other christians who are pro life go throught, without lifting a finger to show them their support, or even spend time praying for them, because of fear of man. If you don't stand up for the weak and defenceless now, actively, you are silently agreeing to what is done to them. So please remember how much Jesus values children, and that he said the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these, and that their angels in heaven always see the face of his father in heaven.  Pray for the prolife organizations, financially support them, and/or stand up for them throught social media platforms, or be a public part in partaking in the manifestations yourself, God has somewhere to put you! as long as you are willing to be the salt of the earth. Abortion is murder, and murder is sin. It can be confessed, and you can be cleansed from it, but not without confessing it as a sin and apologizing for your part in it. Therefore i is important that you humble yourself and swallow all pride and all excuses you might have carried around in your invisible backpack that try to silence your conscience about abortion.

This is what is written in the Bible. Romans 12:2:  Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able  to test and approve what God's will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will.

The best way you can get your mind renewed, is to spend time with Jesus/Yeshua on a daily basis, read his word, seek his face in prayer, speak to him, talk to him, listen to him, obey him. After accepting him in your heart as a Lord and Savior, unless you have done it already before, it is a personal choice. That nobody else can take for you. Not your parents, not your priest, not your bishop or pastor. Only you. 

Thats all for me  tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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