Don't let pride block the door to God's will with your life



Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope all of you are are in good health, physically and emotionally, and I hope you had a blessed Christmas. My Christmas was different, we split it up to two days, one with my sister, her boyfriend and their kids, and the other day with my younger brother, his fiancée and the brother in heart I have "adopted" as a extra brother,  a couple of years ago, because he is one of my closests friends. No formal adoption of course, we are both adults and he is older than me, but in my heart and my parents hearts he is like one in my family. We tried to keep the new rules of  not more than 8 people meeting together at one time.  I also hope that your thoughts also where linked to the  reason for the season, Jesus Christ/Yeshua Hamaschiach who was sent to this earth to save your and my soul from eternal separation from our heavenly father, the son and the holy spirit. 

 If you are not yet a Christian/Messianic jew, I hope you will some day soon choose to become one, because your heart will never be at peace 100% if you don't, maybe at the good times you might not think about God at all and feel happy with your life, but one day death will come knocking on your door or on the door of your loved one, and you will automatically be sent to the thought: Could there be something else but this? And the answer is yes, his name is Jesus. And he is the only hope we got in this life and the next, he has a plan for each and one of us, and you have a special calling on your life, why you are here in the first place! you are not reading this blog post as an accident, God has sent you. And he wants you to be a part of his family, now and forever. Just go to him! don't give up on your life! turn to the author of life! he can heal all wounds, set you free from all bondages, and save your soul and use you to save others so heaven can be filled. And be ready and willing to forgive others when you seek the face of God, because unforgiveness blocks the way. Forgiveness is important, and is the only way to total freedom and healing that comes from God, he can help you. Just turn to him!

Now to todays blog post, I felt God wanted me to warn about pride. I personally asked him for what to write about tonight, and he mentioned pride.

Believe it or not, pride is an invisible virus that has spread to more homes than the Corona virus. Not at least here in Sweden. It keeps people from turning to Jesus/Yeshua, with thoughts like: I don't need a God! I am the God of my own life! I don't need anyone else. Let these brainwashed Christians keep their faith, as long as they don't come and throw it at my face! from atheistic worldview it is they think and live as they don't need God at all. If you are a buddhist, muslim or belong to another religion, the same pride may keep you away from Jesus, with thoughts like: why would I wan't to turn to Jesus/Yeshua? I am a proud muslim/buddhist/hindu and so where my ancestors, I don't need  to change! this is who I am! I don't need anyone else. Fear is often connected to pride, fear of persecution, fear of family members or friends or coworkers getting angry at you when you change your faith. But either way, it blocks the salvation of the person who gives in to it. Because Jesus/Yeshua is the only way, truth and the life, nobody else. 

But unfortonately it also has spread to christian homes and churches, influencing individual and entire groups of christians. It keeps them from admitting they have done anything wrong, even when God reminds them of it throught their consciences, and it keeps them from forgiving other people, who have harmed them. And i even can keep people from repenting from sin. Especially if the church has false teacher who even might deny the existence of sin, and preaches lukewarm love messages, that basically says you can live how you like, with whoever you like, and have as many sex partners you like, and God think its okay because he loves you. And wants you to be "happy". 

No, to give in to your flesh, is not what will make you happy in the long run. You will eventually feel that something is missing, and going to church doesn't give you anything because it is only repeating what they already say in other places of the world. 

Pride makes you think that you don't need to repent from sin, because what you are doing is not "sin" in your own eyes very often. Sin is confused with the word love, and behind that word love hides lust and perversion, and  different kinds of fornicating spirits, even connected to homosexuality and pornography. But the truth is, sin does exists. And you can never be where God wants you to be, if you are not willing to repent from sin. He can help you, but you need to let him! to have sexual relationships outside wedlock is sin, because God wants men and women to be married. To have sex with a partner with same gender, is a sin because God created man and woman to be united in marriage. God's blessing is never on a relationship that is not aligned to his will. 

There are a lot of talks about the new vaccine  towards covid 19 right now, some poor eldery people in Sweden decided to allow themselves to be the first ones to receive covid 19 vaccin today. I hope they will find Jesus and get their souls saved before they leave,if they haven't already, since they already are living on borrowed time, I hope the vaccine will not speed their walks to the eternity, since I don't trust it and I know they took it to avoid it in the first place, to live longer as long as they can.

But not so often do we speak about the invisible vaccin towards pride, that is called to humble yourselves/ourselves. If you let pride lead your life, no matter how long or short your life is, it will be wasted and eternally lost. Because pride is dangerous. Spiritually dangerous. It also keep people who already are christians, to receive forgiveness for their own sins when they fall and to be able to receive healing from their inner wounds connected to their painful memories. Pride is to be get rid of. I have had my struggles with pride myself, and on a  regular basis God reminds me of forgiving people that have hurt me, before I can seek his face in prayer. If I don't forgive, I feel it disturb my prayer life like a rock on my heart. Jesus is the one who can and will take care of the judgement. We just need to hand it over to him, and pray for the wicked people, so they repent and he can save them too.

You might wonder why I chose this picture to be under the front text, a picture of an old kind and loving man and Kevin McCallister from the movie home alone, when they met in church and the old man decided to show Kevin, that he wasn't mean and scary, and the gossips that where spread about him in town where all false. It is one of my fauvorite scenes from the movie, I watched when I was a child myself. It is from a time, christianity still had connections to something good. When people in pain and sorrow, humbled themselves and went to church to seek God to get guidance and comfort, even children like the boy Kevin in the movie home alone. When I look at many childrens movies at these days, I seriously don't think I will let my future kids watch them, at least not the new Disney movies. They are filled with the occult, HBTQ propaganda, devils, witches, spells and curses. Not one of them portrait Jesus as someone good, he is rarely if at all mentioned. When I grew up, it was normal for kids in movies to walk in to churches and to go to church and let kids go there in real life was normal too. Before Christmas leave and summer breaks, my entire school gathered in the church to sing, perform plays and say goodbye. That is not to be taken granted at our days here and now. The child choire singing holy night was beautiful and touching too. And automatically almost bring me to tears. Children need Jesus, they need his love! they need his comfort, they need him!  just as much as adults.

I will end my blog post with some bible verses. 

Proverbs 16:18: Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. 

1th John 2:16:  For all that is in the world - the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possesions - Is not from the Father but is from the Lord.

2th Chronicles 7:14: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked way, then I will hear from heaven, and  will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

Those are the words of God, and they are meant to be taken seriously. I wish you a blessed new year in God's grace. And Shalom!



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