Prayer call for the leaders of our nations



Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers, I hope you are doing fine and well this day and hour.  We have now been in the year 2021 for 8 days. And a lot of things have happened. The riots and chaos in Trump rally, in America. And here in Sweden the government has now the authority to shut all organizations down who don't follow the "new regulations". It starts more and more look like a dictaturship, this country I have been born and raised in.  All libraries are shut down, almost all churches except mine where we meet at our pastors home and in the home of a wonderful couple that goes to our church, many gyms, several hotels, all movie theaters, and many cafeterias and popular shops inside malls. And now if anyone disobeys, they might shut down almost everything. After spending money to stuff that are not important, and taking money from healthcare and the eldery people, not just in here but it is even worse in many other countries. I like many others, should have all the reasons in the world to hate and curse our government not just for their recent behavior but what they did since they came to power, and other countries government officials, for how they handle different situations.

 This covid situation for example they have changed from giving people the free pass to do what they want, to this dictaturship controlling in a couple of months. I seriously have no idea what they will do next. I don't trust the Swedish government at all. When they realize people in far too large number according to their opinions, are not trusting the covid 19 vaccine, next step I believe will be forced vaccinations. I will not take the vaccine willingly, because I have felt God warn me about it. But he has also convinced me that when we are facing forced vaccinations, we can trust his protection. I don't believe the governments words that they are doing all these regulations because they want to stop the spread only. 

They do have an agenda behind it all. And it is to prepare the way to the antichrist. What will antichrist want? to rule and control the entire humanity. Its hard for me to trust a governments love for their people, especially the eldery and sick, when they have this far done so much bad stuff to make their lives miserable. I have chosen to forgive them thought, because without forgiveness there can never be any peace in my soul, since unforgiveness is a sin. And living in sin keeps us from coming close to God. The sin must be repented from and renounced. I do fall , and I do on a regular basis ask God to forgive me when I have fallen, but I do whatever I can so the falling won't lead to a life of sin. We are not perfect until eternity, but we can grow and mature in our faith, so God can use us to reach and teach others so they can grow. We do that by spending time on a daily basis in prayer, Bible reading , listening to God, obeying God and serving him in different ways. 

But still I felt God say to me just hours ago, he wants me to call you who share the same christian faith I do, to pray for our leaders. I see and hear so much complaining about leaders, most anti Trump propaganda, but others have been complained about too. But I also know, that complaining is not going to change the situation. My friends call me and say: did you hear what he( a famous politician) has said and done! and I try to convince them that God is the one who can change the situation, and we should keep  them in prayers. Prayer is what changes situations, and breaks down walls of the enemy. We will all be held accountable for what we have said and done one day in front of God. So I suggest you try to say and do stuff that will bear good fruit, I have started to do so and plan to continue. Even thought even I can get angry when I hear what is happening in this world. God still keeps reminding me to leave the judgement to him.

If there are any of you who read my blog, who are not yet christian/messianic jew, then I suggest , hope and pray you will join us someday soon. God has a plan for you, and he wants you to join his family so you can go to his plan with your life. He wants to redeem you, heal you and set you free from all fear. Just turn to him, get on your knees and ask Jesus/Yeshua in your heart as Lord and savior with your mouth and open heart. He is already waiting for you.

Those of you who already are Christians/ Messianic jews, I hope you will start praying for the leaders of our nations with me. Jesus loves us all so much, everyone of us, no matter what we do or say, he loves us the same. Just like most parents do, no matter how the children misbehave they still are loved by their parents. Heavenly father is like a supreme father, who loves all people very much and wants to save them, why he sent his son to carry our sins of the cross so we would be set free and reconciled with him. Now and forever.

God has also called us to be the light of the world, and salt of the earth. Praying in Jesus name is a powerful tool to break down devils strongholds from  the minds of the people who are in the wrong way. We simply let God use us as tools to other peoples salvation, and the saved peoples repentence when they have gone in to the wrong path so they don't loose their salvation.

The importance to pray for our leaders, is also in the bible. I will end this blog post by quoting the scripture to you.

Timothy 2:1-2: I urge, then , first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

And psalm 145:18: The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.

And 2 Chronicles 7:14: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray,and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and heal their land.

There are also christians out there, who have more fear of man than fear of God, who dare not say or do anything offensive even when it could lead to someones salvation. Who dare not be prolife, who dare not share their faith among non believers, who gossip about other christians instead of praying for them, live in sexual sin, carry unforgiveness, stands up for the right to kill the unborn, and play with other religions like Hinduism and one of its popular practices called Yoga, and they need to repent, and start walking in obedience. Jesus wants us to show the world who he is, not to the world to be a leading example for us to follow. He is holy, he is loving, he is just, he is pure, he is savior and he is judge. Lamb and lion, God and heavenly father. He is God the father, God the son and God the holy spirit, three in one.

He is the only way truth and the life.

Now I have said it. I thank you Jesus for giving me the freedom to share this before doors are closed.

Blessings/ Tanja


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