Jesus wants us to stop gossiping and talebearing- We will be held accountable!



Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed, and the rest of your weekend will be blessed too. Spring has finally arrived to Stockholm and Sweden, and I love the scent of it when I take my daily walks outside. I believe all people need phsyical exercise, even now at covid 19 times. It has always kept people healthier and stronger, I never will understand why some countries force people to stay inside all day, I mean you can keep distance can you not? I certainly can. Fresh air is so important! nobody I mean nobody feels good if they need to stay inside all day. Especially if they own a small apartment with small opportunities to exercise. Don't give in to fear, pray and trust Jesus protection! you who already have accepted him as your Lord and savior, those who havent, I urge you to do so today or very soon, he has a special plan for just you, and he is the one who sent you to this earth in the first place, so pleace let him into your hearts as Lord and Savior. Nobody in this world will ever love you more than he does. 

Yesterday when I asked God what he wanted me to write about in my blog, he told me to make a bigger blog post about the list of things/sins people even in churches need to repent of. I have written two blog posts in Swedish, but also several other blog posts in English, where I have included what God doesn't want to see, espeially amongs his children, and what people need to repent of, if they want to make God happy and receive his blessings.  I start with gossiping, because God wanted me to. Next week I will write about something else. 

When I went to school, I was bullied throughtout the entire 9 years I went there. And I was even gossiped about, for several reasons. I was different, I listened to different music, had different interests and even belonged to a christian family where alcohol was not a common drink. And I had more siblings than most people at that time had. My father used to share the gospel to drug addicts or ex drug addicts and that made my school and classmates eybrows go up too and the tongues spread loose and I got asked why do your father spend time with drug addicts?. Perhaps it was because their parents gossiped, and the kids just copied their behavior, I am not sure.

And it really made my life hell to that point, I almost killed myself before high school at age 16. If Jesus hadnt answered my prayer and sent me a vision with an angel showing me my future son, I would not be here today. I asked him if I ever would have something to live for, for example future children, show me. And then I saw this vision directly sent by him. Yes I know I am old, 3 years from 40 and still not married, but God will keep his promises, and I will share about it to all of you later on. Or testify.

I am not perfect, when people have upset me, I too have shared my troubles with my family members and friends. I made my share of mistakes with that, and sometimes I still talk before I think, and few seconds later I am like woops what did I say? humans do mistakes, and sins can be forgiven.

But it is not and will not ever be something I choose to do, with ill intentions, like gossipers and talebearers do. If I was to gossip about person 1 to person 2 and 3 and 4 etc, my intentions would be to make them look bad and make sure all people know how horrible the person nr 1 was. 

In non christian circles, they might warn others about christians/prolifers/ Trump voters. Among christian circles, they mught warn others about the "extreme" christians. Sometimes even making up stories to make the target look crazy or weird and meant to be avoided, because being associated with the target would mean social suicide.

I am not sure how many people talk about me these days, if its negative or positive. If any people at all. But since I am publicly prolife, belong to a church full with life and holy spirit not afraid to share the gospel, I only suppose my "extremist faith" is something people might have opinions about. But in the end I leave the hearing and the judgement to God. He will hold all people accountable, even me, for what we have done and said about ourselves and others during our earthly lives. The questions about me that some people have asked me or my family members, reveal a little about what they might have talked about with others.  But if that is the case, God will take care of it. I am busy serving God during the time.

Absolutely anything different about you, might be used as reason for you to be a gossip target. And it seems like nobody is completely immune. They say in Sweden that we should like different people( gilla olika)  but its only words, in practice its not true. You do need to have the right opinions, say the right things, have the right faith ( not to extreme) and be friends with right people. At least in Sweden. 

But either way, gossiping and talebearing, is a sin, that needs to be repented off. 

I have heard of people getting sick in cancer, and when asked God what is the reason after praying and fasting God has revealed there was someone who talked bad stuff about the sick one, and that caused the sickness. And the gossiper needed to be confronted and told to stop, before healing occured. So watch yourself!  watch your tongue! when you gossip, and speak bad stuff about others it might cause a curse upon them. Tongue can be used to bless or curse. God wants us to use it to bless.

Not just cancer, it might make the gossip target depressed, suicidal or tormented in other ways. So please take heed to this warning, if you sense in your conscience that you are a gossiper or talebearer.  You can, like me be forgiven in Jesus name when turning to him, when you fall, but it should never  be a lifestyle. If you want to see a change in someones life, please pray in Jesus name for that person.

I will end with Bible quotes about this matter.

Proverbs 21 :23:  Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.

James 4:11: Do not speak evil against one another, brothers.  The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law.  But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.

Ephesians 4: 31: Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you , along with all malice.

Matthew 12:36-37: I tell you, on the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.

Thats all for tonight, I wish you a blessed night, spring and year, in the grace of Yeshua.

Blessings/ Tanja


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