We are heading towards the mark of the beast




Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are fine and healthy, physically and spiritually, this day and hour, the last months of the winter before the spring arrives with sunshine and yellow flowers allover the meadows. I look forward to this spring and summer, it has been so rainy and cold winter.

I hope all of you who have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua in your heart as Lord and savior, will do that soon. He is the only hope we have, the only way to salvation. Without him, you can never come in to the unique plan he has for your life, the reason you where sent here to earth. And your heart will always long for his presence, and he longs to move in to your heart to save you and start forming you to the person you would have been without the sinful nature in you, the process will be finished in heaven, here on earth we will keep on falling, but he can do so much more inside you and through you to reach othes than you can imagine. You and I, the enire humanity, where created in his image, to be in a relationship with him. So go to him! you who haven't already. 

You who are christian/messianic jews, I hope you take time seeking our Lords face now more than ever. We are getting closer and closer to the rapture, and his return which will occure some years after it.

That means the dark forces are making alliances too, and the devil is forming troops so they can deceive as many as possible away from the right path, that means Yeshua/Jesus and his will.

Today I felt God wanted me to write about the mark of the beast, and since I sensed in my spirit, there is a connection between the mark of the beast and the covid 19 vaccine program, I will write about what I think and have experienced spiritually about it.

If you ask me, if I think the covid 19 vaccine is the mark of the beast? my clear answer is, NO! it isnt.

My own born again christian mother has taken it, and I never felt that her eternal soul was in danger which clearly would have been the case, if it was. Plus, the vaccine will not be used as ways to buy and sell, which is clear in the bible, the book of revelations,  that the mark of the beast will be. Similar to the chip we already have in our credit cards, but much smaller I believe.

 But like in many books you read, there usually is a prologue before the actual event, the actual show/story, I believe the covid 19 vaccine is the prologue before what is to come. What is to come, is what we can read in the book of revelation, and that is the mark of the beast. The chip that will be launched as a "nature friendly" way to buy and sell, to be taken to your hand or your forehead. 

We are now at the prologue of the book, the antichrist and his kingdom, will come later on, how much later on, only time will tell. But I am 100% sure that the rapture will not come and take christians home before the antichrist. Jesus has said in his word that only the ones who are willing to take up the cross and follow him, are worthy of his kingdom, and we will be hated by all( meaning the ones who renounce him and refuse to say yes to him) for his names sake. He never said some will be persecuted and some will live somewhat calm lives with no persecution and voilá there comes the rapture, snatching us out from trials of fire written in the bible. The trials of fire neither he or his apostles or many many others, ever escaped that we have read about in the new testament. And christians in china, Iran, Somalia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey , Nigeria, Armenia etc certainly are not escaping at our time here and now. Let us remember them in our prayers!

I don't believe people who take the vaccine towards covid 19 will go to hell, but I know if the same people later on will take the mark of the beast, together with the others who refuse to listen to the warnings of Jesus servants and children and his spirit, then they will. And I can bet by all the socks in my wardrobe, that the pressure to take the mark of the beast, will be equally big if not bigger than the pressure people already face, when wanting to say no to covid 19 vaccine!

Why I even see and choose to write about the connection between the covid 19 vaccine and mark of the beast, is because I can see the tensions the issue rises, and some similiarites between the two. And the regulations that seem to wait the ones who refuse to take the vaccine. The debate is often hostile, and people overall seem to have decided to take either 100% stand against the vaccine, or 100% for it. The ones for it, have been hostile and even furious to the ones who dont want to take it. 

One connection, is the hostility to the ones who say no to the vaccine. They are often guilt tripped or/ and called crazy conspiracy theory anti vaxxer nutcases. 

In the Bible, the antichrist will persecute the ones who don't take his mark. They will be hunted down, put in prison and killed. Now people at workplaces are pressured, they might not be alloved to keep their job if they refuse the vaccine. There have arrived travel restrictions, countries are starting to open up to certain "vaccine passes" that allow people to travel only if they have taken the vaccine.

Some might not even be allowed to work. Even if they are healthy. One of my friends, has felt the pressure at his work. Like me, he already had covid 19 and therefore is immune, but still many of his coworkers try to push him to take the vaccine and think he is crazy for not taking it.

Instead of only checking if the travelers have covid 19, by taking quick tests, like I believe would be a better idea to keep on doing, they actually are starting to demand vaccine passes. 


I am not sure actually whats in that vaccine, but since I felt God warn me to take it willingly, I will choose to trust him and say no, as long as I have the freedom to say no and decide what happens to my body, that I will do.  I do believe the elite and politicians that are under the elite, do have an agenda with the situation we are in. Its not just to protect people and stop the spread, nor to make sure the covid 19 is forever gotten rid off.

There is something else in there, I can sense it. Afterall, some people have gotten very ill when taken it, and some even have died. And even if it was only two of 2000 who dies or gets ill, where their lives of no value? did they not take the vaccine so they could keep on living a few years more? all lives matter. All people are created in the image of God.  That was someones friend, mother, grandmother, sister or brother. Should people be testing rabbits to that vaccine when nobody knows who will get ill or die next? if not the first week, month or year, later on? we simply don't know enough about the long term side effects.

I am not against all vaccines overall, and I don't mind airports and train stations have people in there to check if you have the covid 19 or not, go ahead! you can take my blood and see that I have immunity against it! But I dont want the society to limit the freedoms of people who dont trust the vaccine.

There is actually a chance it will spread even IF you take the vaccine. Because it has started to mutate. You can trust only the blood of Jesus protection, these days. 


Anyway, when the mark of the beast comes, it also will be launched as something good.

If millions of people already are trusting their authorities, and be willing to take a vaccine that has been made in haste, and are ready to be hostile and angry against all who think differently, how will it be when the mark of the beast comes?

This is what is written about the mark of the beast in the Bible:


Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns of a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whos fatal wound had been healed.  And it performed great signs,even causing the fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people.

Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived the inhabitants of the earth.

It ordered them to set up an image in honour of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.( could be a tv show, that is seen throught the computer and cellphone screen, they didn't exist when the apostle John lived so he called it a image that could speak)

The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image, to be killed.

It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor,free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the  name of the beast or the numner of his name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man. 666.

If people already are divided in groups, because of the decisions of world leaders and travel agencies, the non vaccinated and the vaccinated. And the one group is favored above the other, and the vaccine pass is required if you want to leave your country, then how will it not be when the mark of the beast comes? It will never be called in the public as "mark of the beast" but it will be called as a new currency. People who won't take it, will be called wicked and nuts for opposing new technology that makes sure you wont be able to get robbed or catch diseases through physical currencies. Less phsyical contact between humans, and more high tech. That is a trend I have already been seing arrive. Just scan your hand or head,  like they do in train stations scanning tickets.

I had a prophetic dream about it some years ago, there where "mark scanning guards" in the subways and outside grocery stores, who checked if you had the mark before you could enter.

There already is hostility towards people who are christian and conservative, and pro life, especially if they are not trusting the covid 19 vaccibe, I am one of them. And I have been called names you don't even want to hear. Just be prepared it will get worse and the only hope of making it, is Jesus.

Yes it might look like a perfect solution to covid 19 pandemic to make sure all get vaccinated, and people might even think there is no connection between the covid 19 vaccine, and what is to come in the end of days and antichrist. But I can clearly see some similarites. If not that many yet, I can still see they are there.

But there is atleast some big differences about these two situations. The vaccine wont make you loose your soul forever, but the mark of the beast will. The mark of the beast, you can say no to, but you might not keep your earthly life if you do so in the end, and you won't be able to buy and sell, but if you trust Jesus he can help you to get food anyway through his grace and supernatural powers.

You can say no to the mark of the beast, but I don't trust for 100% that you can say no to the covid 19 vaccine. If there is some darkness behind it, which I sense there is, then it will be forced on you either you like it or not, the vaccine. The mark of the beast you can say no to and nobody can violently and physically force it upon you. Force in ways of mass pressuring and manipulating, but not physically. If you will be as a christian, physically forced to take the vaccine then trust the protection of the blood of Jesus, he can see who you are and when you are given a chance to choose and when not. He can and will protect people willing to trust in him, he has said that to me personally. Don't panic!

And the mark of the beast will be connected to a world leader/politician with his coworker and the new world order. The vaccine doesn't seem to be yet anyway, but it looks like it is some sort of a control system. The ones who take the vaccine, will be registered in a register, as vaccinated. The ones who don't most certainly will be registered as anti vaxxers.  Yeps, more we against them games. 

That is all for me tonight, take care & God bless. I wish you all the best. / Tanja


  1. Yes I agree with what you write, the vaccines are not THE Mark of the beast, but a taste, or a test run if you will call it so.

    All that is divided now will be separated even more later on. Also you can feel the antichrist spirit in people who hate "antivaxxers" that hate aint natural.

    God bless and keep them blogposts coming! Blessings for all the readers aswell in Jesus name I pray for your protection and strenght.


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