Jesus is the only way, truth and the life, stay away from spiritual adultery!



Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are in good health, this day and hour. And that you will be having a blessed weekend, peaceful and happy.

If you have not yet received Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, I hope and urge you to do that soon. No matter what happens in your life, it will never be what God planned it to be, unless you let him join it as Lord and Savior. Jesus is the only way, the truth and the life, without him our souls are lost.

The ones who like me, already have Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts, I hope you will keep on growing in faith, and that this blog post will somehow help you stay on the right path. There will be false prophets, teachers, even preachers and pastors, who are themselves led astray and therefore cant be trusted. They might favor the will of the people before the will of God, and therefore live, act and teach that joining this world is the best we can do. That it is the only way "people might not think about us" as "extremists". Newsflash, if you really surrender to the will of Jesus/Yeshua, you will face persecution!. And that leads you closer to God and fellow believers, who also have gone through what you have. If you are afraid of being called an extremist now, how can you make it to the end? You closer we get to the return of Jesus/Yeshua, you more the truth will sting in the eyes of the ones who neglect him, when believing Jesus/Yeshua is the only way, truth and the life and ANYTHING biblical in its original form will be seen as "extreme". Thats where we are heading.  But if you turn to Jesus/Yeshua and let him use you the way he has planned to do, you will be given all strenght you need to stay strong, healing, supernatural love, wisdom and have your spiritual gifts activated so you can serve others, pray for them and fill heaven with more people, by God's grace, guidance and in his timing. 

And there will be false prophets, spiritual leaders, and pastors in different churches, who will applaude for the mix of religions. Saying poppycrock lies like " all ways lead to heaven"Jesus leads to heaven, but so does Muhammed and Buddha. And who don't see any spiritual danger in mixing of faiths.

That is what God has told me to write about today. The danger of spiritual adultery. I asked what he wanted me to write about, and that I heard.

Spiritual adultery, is when you choose someone else or something else than Jesus to fill a void that is only meant for him to fill. It also means you add other religious faiths or other spiritual channels to your life, as an addition to Jesus. Like playing with Yoga , which origin is from Hinduism. Or go to a fortune teller, read tarot cards, play with ouija board, or visit Buddhist temples or Mosques, and New Age related happenings. 

Jesus never has nor will he ever will accept other God's beside him. The moment you choose to go to another God, perhaps for supernatural wisdom or wealth, and ask Buddhist monks or Hindu leaders to bless you for example, or let a Imam put his hand on you and pray for you, you are playing with the fire and spiritually you are practicing adultery. And that keeps the door open to evil spirits to come to your life to bring you emotional distress, unhappiness, depression, fear and poverty. And they in front of God have legal ground to do so, because you have turn to someone else but Jesus and given them the open doors. They can even cause a curse on you! and you all suddenly might go through accidents, misscariages or other bad stuff simply because you opened the doors to the evil world. Most of us do that not knowing that is what we do. But now I have warned you. You can be delivered from all bondages, and be forgiven for all sins before it, but you need to get on your knees and apologize to Jesus first.  Here is good teachings about blessings and curses, by Derek Prince, the pastor who's teachings really taught me a lot as young christian:

I was once what we can call "young and stupid" and played with Astrology, watched occult Horror movies and listened to death related music etc and they where open doors to spirits of death, fear and suicide. I was drawn to it because I was depressed as young. But Jesus came in to my life, and has through his grace, his gifts and powerfully anointed children he has sent in my path, brought me closer and closer to full freedom from them.

I know now, that Jesus wants to be our everything, only he deserves to be put first in our lives. And it griefs him, when people who are called by his name, play with other religions, so they can "fit in" a modern world.

The truth is, you can never "fit in" in Gods kingdom and the world at the same time. Sooner or later you will choose one over the other, because they are eachothers opposites. 

The biblical term of the world, often means the part of the world who rejects Jesus and his grace. The world in biblical terms, often means the place where Satan and his evil spirits rule. And they will always oppose Jesus. And do anything they can to make you stay away from Jesus, until its too late for you to repent. They will use fear, prejudice, other people, everything. And pride!! 

But real peace, in your heart, you can only find in Jesus and being loyal to him.

Because when you become a christian/messianic jew, you enter in to a covenant. Sort of like in a marriage, you marry one man. If you as married went to bed with other men/women of course your spouse would be upset, since you made a promise to him or her! the same way, when you choose Jesus as your Lord, and Savior, you make a promise to stick to him, you enter in to a covenant. And he wants you to take it seriously!

There are christians out there, who struggle with mental problems and other problems, simply because they have opened the doors to that kind of spiritual world. They need to turn back to Jesus, ask him to forgive them, renounce the adultery or other sin they have practiced, in Jesus name, and get rid of everything connected to it. Throw all yoga mats, yoga books, cd;s, all occult vampire and Harry Potter Books, everything from the dark world. And stop all involvement in it. To be free and stay free. I also reckomed to ask other awake christians togther to pray with them, for their deliverance, so all of the spirits will be driven out. You also need to stop worshipping or praying to the mother of Jesus, like many catholics seem to be doing. She is a human being, and has never wanted to be worshipped.  And worshipping or sending prayers to angels, saints etc. Jesus only should be prayed for. Nobody else. That is what Jesus wants. He never agreed to the papacy! no mortal human being can ever replace him. Jorge( the popes real name) is not more holy than other humans, and is in need of Jesus grace as much as the rest of us. 

I will end with some Bible quotes.

John 14:6:  Jesus answered: "I am the way, the truth and the life". Noone come to the father except trough me".

2th Peter 2:1-3: But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring destructive heresies, even denying the Master that bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of truth will be blasphemed. And in their greed they will exploit you with false words. Ther condemnation from long ago i not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.

Exodus 20:1-26: And God spoke all these words, saying:  I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other God's before me.  You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

In the new covenant time, after Jesus came to the picture, he is the one who can bring us out of the slavery of the sin, because he carried all of our sins on the cross so we could be forgiven for our sins and be united back to relationship with God our creator. He is God the son. God reveals him in three ways you see, through the father, throught the son and through the holy spirit. All ready to live in your heart, and guide you to their united will, all you have to do is to accept Jesus! And what hes done for you on the cross. Then your sins will be wiped away.

Thats all for tonight, take care & God bless/ Tanja


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