God wants couples to get married so he can bless them


Shalom! to all my beloved blog followers. I hope you are blessed with good health, physically and spiritually, and that you have a wonderful week ahead of you. I hope you who haven't made that choice yet, will soon choose to invite Jesus/Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, so he can bless you with his presence and guide you all into his plan. Those of you who have already made that choice, I hope you will keep on growing in faith and prospering spiritually in loving relationship with our Lord. Taking time to read his word and seek his face in prayer. He really loves you all so much. Only Jesus can fill the place in your heart, that cries out for him, no other human can ever do that. Jesus is both human and God, thats why he is called the son of man in the Bible. He had to become a human to be able to die for our sins on the cross. Which he did so we can be in relationship with us. Now and forever.

Today I will write a blog post, that can upset people, but I still felt God wanted me to write about it. And it is about the importance of men and women who are together, to get married. Especially if they want Gods blessing to be in their relationship. Which is the case with I believe most if not all christians/messianic jews. Or it should be, why wouldnt anybody want God to bless their relationship? Yet still, couples, including christian couples in far to many situations in our world, choose to live with boyfriends and girlfriends, having sex out of wedlock, like the ones who don't have a faith in Jesus as their Lord. I know, I have several of them in my family. And they are in my prayers on a daily basis. I am not writing this to hurt anybody, and what God said in his word, he didnt say so he could hurt you either. He wants us to be married, so he can protect us and bless us.  I think this message is mostly towards christian couples who don't walk in obedience to God's word in this matter, even thought God of course want all couples to get married, he can only bless them who have alloved him to be their Lord, so he is invited in their lives as Lord and Savior. Salvation is together with everything else Jesus can provide, only to them who accept him as Savior and Lord. 

I have heard several resons to why people have chosen to not get married, sometimes it is a financial situation, sometimes you are not sure you are togehter with the right person, sometimes the couple come from divorced and broken homes and choose to wait so they can be sure their children wont go throught the same situation that caused them pain. And I do believe in a loving caring God who can help couples, to get rid of whatever reasons they have not to get married. I am speaking about straight couples here, I have already written in my previous blog, that God never intended people to  get married with the same gender, and its against Gods will. You can check it out if you want.

But the fact is, and still remains, that to have sex out of wedlock, is to choose a life outside Gods will since it is a sin. And it is a sin he has several times pointed out in his word, as just that, a sin. And it needs to get repented off. For our sake too, not just because he wants his bride on earth to be pure, which also is true. When you have sex out of wedlock, God can't protect you from the spiritual world of unclean spirits it opens the door to. Yes for non believers spiritual world might sound strange, but other christians should understand what I mean. Satan exists, Jesus exists, fallen angels exists and evil spirits exists. Evil spirits obey Satan, good angels follow Jesus. That is what I believe as a born again christian. A life outside Gods will can never be totally under his protection. And because he wants to protect us, he also wants us to get married. Marriage is the deepest form of respect between a man and a woman, a wonderful choice, a deep act of love, that God wants most of people on earth to enjoy.

And when you have children out of wedlock( my father happened to be one, his parents married first when my grandmother found ot she was pregnant) the children will most certainly have the same unclean spirits with them, making it harder for them to stay clean and abstain from sex out of wedlock as adults. Which is why it is important to pray for such children, and let other christians pray for them, in situations when conception already has happened. In Jesus name. So he can break the connection to the spirit of fornication. By his power, using his children as vessels.

Because of my grandparents and other ancestors fell to that kind of sin, (and what I know never got prayed for and delivered, since many old time christians believe as soon as you become christian all evil spirits leave, which is a naive way of thinking. They dont leave unless they are driven out. Period). 

Partly because of their sin, I have been having struggles with unclean thoughts since my youth. I have never fallen, but I have been strongly tempted. And when i went to church to get prayed for, pastors and prophets have seen unclean spirits in me they have prayed against and driven out in Jesus name.  I say partly because in my youth I have looked at movies and read magazines with unclean stories, which could have opened some more doors to them. But I am sure to 100% that my ancestors sins have affected me in that point. 

Either way, I know people can love eachother a lot, despite not being married, and God knows that too. And I am not writing this to hurt anybody. But the fact is still a fact, and it is a life in sin, a life in sin is outside Gods will. Because he loves us so much. And wonderful beautiful children precious in Gods eyes, can be made even out of wedlock. Equally precious and important than other people. Only in most cases, under the influence of fornication spirit. That can cause them problems staying sexually clean, unless it is driven out in Jesus name. God can give all people who have read this the clarity of which of the children are under its influence. Just turn to him! turn to Jesus!

I have learned a lot from Derek Princes teachings, that are also biblical. You can check this out if you want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBBh5URaAP4

I will also share quotes from the Bible.  That adresses this matter. You may call me judgemental, you may call me extremist, you may call me whatever you want, but this is what is written in the Bible, and I am a christian. It is my job to share the truth, even when its stings. Jesus did it before me.

Hebrews 13:4: Marriage should be honoured by all, and the marriage bed kept pure,for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.

1th Corinthians 6:18-20: Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin that a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.  Or do you not know your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you where bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

1th Thessalonians 4:3: For it is the will of God, your sanctification : that you abstain from sexual immorality.

Remember that Jesus loves you and wants what is the best for you. 
I wish you all a blessed week and a blessed life, in the grace and love of Jesus/Yeshua.

/ Tanja


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