Nation is rising against nation- The birthpains have started




Shalom! to all of my beloved blog followers. I hope your week has been blessed with happy memories, and that you will have a blessed weekend. You are precious in the eyes of the Lord, which is why I hope you will let him become ( or stay if you are born again christian/messianic jew) as your Lord and savior, this weekend and all the other days, until you leave this world and enter in to eternity with him. He has a special plan for all of you, and that is why God the father sent his son Yeshua/Jesus to die for your and the rest of humanitys sins on the cross, so we could be cleansed by his precious blood that works as soap, that cleanses our hearts from the filth of our sins so together with God we will forever be with eachother. Only when Yeshua really is your Lord and savior, you can enter his special plan for your life, he is the one who sent you to the earth in the first place, so whatever you do, do not neglect the only salvation there is, in the name of Yeshua/Jesus. Just turn to him! trust him! you wont regret it. 

There will be more and more people and situations that the dark side will use to draw you away from Yeshua/Jesus, so its important that we christians/messianic jews also take time seeking Gods face on a daily basis, in prayer and bible studies. And in heart to heart discussions, he wants to talk to you and guide you to his will. If six days out of seven you act like you are a non christian, then I am afraid you are on the wrong path. Yeshua wants you to surrender totally to his will! and not just be a Sunday God, 2 hours every week you sing he is all you want then nothing changes afterwards, that is  not what he wants. So don't neglect taking care of your relationship with him, or you might get lost in the end when more and more false prophets will arise to deceive.

Tonight I felt God tell me to write about the fullfillment of his words, about nations risings against nations, and them being part of the "birthpains" as he calls it. That means a process that has started and will keep getting worse and worse, christians will face more and more persecutions and it will cost more and more to be a christian/messianic jew, and Israel will face persecutions too because Satan hates Israel and don't want Israel to wellcome Yeshua back to earth, therefore he will do everything he can to hurt Israel as much as possible and make sure as many jews as possible are killed, but he can never kill entire jewish population, because Adonai is not going to allow it, Israel will wellcome Yeshua back and Yeshua will cone back, just as it is written in the Bible. And in the middle of the darkness, his light, the light of God will be stronger, and souls will be saved, and together with our Lord we who are chosen, will have many good memories filled by his spirit, being happy when people get saved and we lead them to Yeshua/Jesus. The road will be narrow and stony, but it will lead us to a eternal joy with Yeshua/Jesus.

In the Bible, this is what Jesus said, would be the signs that his return was going to get closer.  After he said that the Temple was going to be destroyed( which happened later on, just like he prophecied, as a judgement that God let happen because Yeshua was rejected as the Messiah, despite the fact that he was and always will be the only true Messiah. ) Anyway after he told about the destruction of the temple that was about to come, his disciplies asked what would be the signs of his second coming. 

Matthew 24:3-8:
While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciplies came to Him privately. Tell us, they said, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?  Jesus answered: "See to it that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, claiming, I am the Christ, and will deceive many. You will hear of wars and rumors of wars , but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come.
Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginnings of the birthpains.

So here Jesus/Yeshua both warned us about false Messiahs that will claim to be him, here is a few examples of that has started in our times.

And he told us about wars, rumours of wars, and what I can clearly see is happening now, also nations rising against nations.

You might wonder, what I mean with nations against nations.. and the answer is, part of that prophecy, is seen when people of different racial backgrounds turn to fight eachother.

In USA  for example, there are divisions between african americans and white americans, and racism exists in both people groups. There are forces out there, who want to keep the hatred and hostility burning between different groups. And turn us against eachother. We must never forget, that we are all created to the image of God, and all people are equally worth in the eyes of God. You and I are precious to Jesus, no matter who we are and how we look like, and he wants us to be united in his love and grace. And forgive eachother! 

Now that I have said that, I cannot change what has already happened, and the fact that some people will not listen. Jesus said this would happen, and it has happened. And it will keep on happening.

It has been a fact in Israel, Palestinians against Israelis for years. Because of Hamas and other terror groups who have not wanted peace with the jews and rule Gaza. 

Here in Sweden and other european countries, there are conflicts between muslims and non muslims. And its a fact in other countries too where people with different religious backgrounds/nationalities happens to be in the same country.

In Africa, there are conflicts both between christians and muslims plus occult practicing witch doctors, also between black people and white people.  There are also conflicts between India and Pakistan. 

As you can see, the birthpains have started, famines like Covid is also spreading, and false teachers rising. Some deny the existence of hell, some deny the existence of sin, some don't even want crosses on the churches because of fear of offending muslims. Some want to mix christianity with Islam calling it Chrislam( google it, its real)

Now it is up to each and one of us, which side we will choose, will we choose Jesus/Yeshua or the devil. Choose to walk in light or the darkness. Truth or lie. Faith or fear. You cannot mix them.

Jesus/Yeshua is the only way, truth and the life. And he is coming back! I hope you will be wellcoming him back when he returns, with me and other saints who have already joined him before his return. What you will do, is what determs your eternity. He is either your Lord or judge. Its up to you! Thats all for tonight, Take care and God bless/ Tanja


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