To choose the narrow gate will be tough, but your reward is eternal





                                                BUT IT WILL BE WORTH IT!                                                                  

Shalom! to all of you, my precious blog followers. I hope you are doing allright, and are healthy at this time and age. Remember to eat enough Vitamin D, C and Zink, and to be physically active on a daily basis. That helps! it has helped my blood pressure to drop from dangerously high to almost normal low.

But what is important, even more important than anything else, that is to choose to follow Jesus/Yeshua and accept him in your hearts as Lord and Savior, so he can bring you to his special plan for your life. You are all unique, and precious in his eyes and only if you choose him as your Lord and Savior, and choose to walk with him to his will with your life, in a personal loving relationship seeking his face daily, in obedience, can you spend eternity with him and no longer do you have to fear death. 

He does not except perfection, we all fall from time to time, if not on a daily basis, but his blood can cover all sins and help you free from all bondages, if you trust him, and put your life in his hands. I have done it, and despite the persecutions I have faced, I don't regret it. I have personally tasted what Jesus/Yeshua meant when he said that the narrow gate is hard to walk through.

 I have met death threats, been called names and mocked in social media from complete strangers, and even had conflicts with family members and friends, some of them have lead to me being forced to end friendships with people. But God will take care of the judgement, and it is my job to forgive them, pray for them and leave the judgement to God, and he will take care of it. But Jesus/Yeshua has walked with me and given me many good memories, saying loving thinks and encouraging me and reminding me about my eternity, and even corrected me where I have fallen not always easy to hear at first, but he is always right. It is an act of love also. He has sent beautiful hearted caring loving brethren( both women and men) in faith to my life, and together we have prayed for eachother and gone through sad things together. By the grace and love of Yeshua. I think I will call Jesus by his hebrew name from now on. I only had them together so Messianic jews would feel included and the gentile brothers and sisters would understand who I mean.

So, tonight I felt God tell me to write about the narrow gate. I choose to trust it is because someone who will read my blog post, will need to see it. Well God bless you whoever you are. 

Yeshua has said in his word. In Matthew 7:13: Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.

Yeshua also said in Matthew 5:10-12: Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,for theirs is the Kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds  of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for great is you reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who where before you..

With those two chapters, Yeshua has been making it clear, that it will not be always simple to follow him. Already now there are christians who are being killed everyday, in countries where they face persecution. In countries like Somalia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Irak, Iran and even China, it is dangerous to call yourself christian. In muslim countries, converting from Islam to christianity means a death sentence, it is labeled as the worst kind of treason any human can be a part of.

And here in the "secular world" like we like to call it, some christians have lost their jobs because they had crosses around their necks.

And churches in France, have been set to fire.

And of course, I have also heard about the persecutions christians have faced, when not wanting to marry gay couples or bake cakes to their weddings.

And those of us who don't trust the government and choose to take the vaccine against covid 19, have also been facing hostility from the ones with opposite opinion. Especially as christians. We have been called right wing extremists, nutcases , conspiracy theory spreaders, antivaxxers etc. Some even have publicly shared that they wished the vaccine to become mandatory for all humans and forced on peoples bodies no matter they want it or not. That sounds like China and North Corea to me. Even Yeshua would never intrude on our free will therefore I will never support any politician, king or queen who wants to take our rights away even for "the greater good" as they call it. 

And knowing that the birthpains have started( the time has started to move faster to the return of Yeshua) I think it is important, that we who have chosen Yeshua as our Lord and Savior, will be prepared to face even more persecutions, because the devil will do anything he can to lure you away from Yeshua and his will for your life.

Make no mistake, there is a war going on, between God( Yeshua) and Satan for the souls of man. And it is important to keep an eternal perspective of the situations we will face.

You might think, that because you live in a small town in USA, or somewhere in Europe where people can still practice their faith, regardless of which one they follow, you will never face any bigger persecution for your christian faith. Or even being convinced that the rapture will save us from antichrist and all hard persecutions. But I am afraid that is being naive. Jesus has said we will be hated for his names sake. He made no exclusions. He didnt say: only christans in China will face it, and christians in Pakistan, Sudan or North Corea. He spoke about all of us.

Therefore it is important that we seek the face of Yeshua on a daily basis, and read his word! so we will not be led astray.

If you think its hard to be an antivaxxer when many around you are for covid 19 vaccine, then try to imagine the pressure the future will hold when the real mark of the beast comes. Don't you think there will be celebrities taking the chip and saying what a wonderful solution it is even for the nature to just have a microchip under your skin and use it to buy and sell? even false christian leaders will do it, the false prophets. Which Yeshua has warned us against too.In Matthew 7:15 for example.

Antichrist will not be called Lucifer when he is voted for to rule as President or something similar, that would blow his cover. He will be acting like a man of peace. But be a foe. You can also choose to read The Book of Revelation if you want. There you can see the beginning and the end of the show of the last days.

I also want to encourage you, who will accept Yeshua in your hearts as Lord and Savior, in the future, or already have done it, like I have. Remember that what matters the most, and should matter the most, is what Yeshua thinks. If you really love him that means and are not just playing church.

Don't let the opinions of persecuters to make you afraid to say you are a christian, or to stand up for what is right. Yeshua will be smiling when he sees you to take his word seriously and follow it no matter what. Look at his smile! even if many hate you. You can't choose the simple way at the same time as you choose Yeshua, I have already shared his word as you can see. But you will not be taking the journey alone, he is always with you.

We should always remember what Yeshua said in Matthew 16:26:

What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?

If you choose the broad way, the easy way, you might become a big and rich celebrity here on earth, owning amazing big pools and houses and everything money can buy, people might cheer when they see you and ask for your autograph, you might even get political positions that make others envy you. And people will call you a friend of peace, nothing like the crazy christian fanatics who just try to brainwash you and make you feel guilty with don't take the chip signs... yikes you don't want to be put to prison or be prosecuted like them do you?

Yes, you might have the merriest life on earth, even when the new world order comes, with antichrist and the mark of the beast, if you choose to be a good citizen and take the mark/chip.

But when your life ends, your soul is lost. And you will never taste water again. You will be in the lake of fire with no exit sign.

I am not saying you can't combine christian faith with prosperity, wealthy and happy christians exists too( just like poor and happy do) and God has blessed them in different ways and its okay. But you can't have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom of God. 

Sooner or later each and one of us will be facing a situation, where the word of God( his will) not match with what the government with officials want with the rest of non christian world, and you must choose who is your Lord. Yeshua or this world with devil as lord?

I already have chosen my Lord, his name is Yeshua and he is the only way truth and life. What will your choice be? its up to you. 

Take care & God bless/ Tanja


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